Sunday, January 24, 2016


Sharing some thoughts from my heart sweet friends,
Recently I have been going through a lot of pain due to sciatica. I also have witnessed loved ones and friends, go through illness with so much courage. 
Pain or illness of any kind seems to me as gifts benevolently bestowed by life for our transformation.
Each person has to go through pain or sickness alone, there is no one who can share it for them.
When we respect our bodies and trust life we choose to be with the pain and listen to our body's wisdom.
Going through pain we are alone, no person to listen to our woes, no medications or chemicals to dull the pain. The wisdom of our body shows us the ways to get out of the pain by healing every aspect of our selves - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
We sit still we choose to listen, by and by the false personality is uprooted and the real personality emerges. The real personality is full of integrity, and truth and it is powerful to heal any kind of pain.
The pain and dis-ease of the body come to take away the false personality of position, prestige, power, education, nationality, race, social class, gender, language, religion etc. this creates a lot of fear, we are literally stripped bare. Fear is necessary and it is inevitable, but it is wise to go through the fear. Going through fear we become fearless.
If the fear makes us cry, let us allow ourselves to cry, if the fear makes us shiver and shake then let us allow ourselves to shiver and shake.
Everything that comes will have to pass away, so this too shall pass. But let us choose to be present with the fear, for it brings grand transformation.
It is like the transformation of the greedy, leaf consuming, fat, juicy, caterpillar who accepts to sit still to transform into a cocoon. A simple shell wherein it dissolves completely into liquid, it becomes nothing. But soon by and by a time comes when it emerges into a most beautiful creature, the butterfly, who can fly high with beautiful wings, and just stay alive drinking the morning dew and nectar from the flowers.
Let us choose courage, let us choose trust, let us choose to go through our fear and come our fearless.
Premlatha Rajkumar

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