Saturday, June 25, 2016


I have been receiving the same questions from a few dear friends recently. And so I would like to share some thoughts, trusting that these thought would help us to see the bigger picture.
QUESTION: Why is my relationship with my spouse/family/relative/neighbors/friends/coworkers/strangers so difficult and painful? Why is my life situation extremely challenging?
Thank you for sharing your heart with me dear one. Now come with me, hold my hand, let us go and explore the deeper meaning of the human experience. First and foremost understand that you are not your body, not your mind, but you are a divine traveler beyond time and space. And in these amazing travels you decided to stop for a fraction of a second in eternity on this beautiful blue Planet called earth where wisdom can be gathered through the physical experience. So as a beautiful soul you asked to be here at this time in a physical body.
Now let me explain to you about the soul realm. In the soul realm it is the realm of the absolute, but on the earth it is the realm of the relative. So the soul knows everything, but it has no experience. For example, the soul knows what pain is but it has no experience of pain. Experience happens only in the physical, so the soul decides to enter into the physical to experience and gather wisdom through the many experiences of something called, 'pain'.
So before entering into the physical experience the soul needs to forget itself completely, so that the earth experience becomes like a test, something unknown. So the soul asks other souls to come and play this game of the physical with it. So many of its soul mates sign up for the game, some of them accept to be born as the parents, some as the inlaws, some as the friends, neighbors, strangers whom we meet, etc. As a soul we ask each one of them to play their part for us to get the experience completely so that we may grow and evolve and gather wisdom. The hardest role is the role of the villain, it is a tough role.  Our soul does not grow when everything is smooth and easy, it grows only during challenging times. I know this because I have completely experienced this all my life for these 50 long years 
The people around us are playing their part exceptionally well. It is now our turn to activate the talents inside us. We have the capacity to love the unlovable and forgive the unforgivable and move on in our journey. The challenges around us have the capacity to trigger the talents hidden deep within us.
Remember that life is very kind, every moment life comes to your door bearing innumerable gifts, if you fail to see it then you live in sadness. There is only this moment, the past whatever was the past, whatever happened in the past is now dead and gone, now that is pure grace. If at all there is a past, it is only in the mind story. Today, this now moment is a new moment, you have been given a chance to renew yourself and discover your talents every new moment.
Create yourself anew every moment, be kind to yourself first, (kindness is never allowing or encouraging painful thoughts in your mind, kindness is never allowing violent thoughts in your mind) The mind may continue to talk stories about the past and the sadness and sorrow etc, it loves all blame games.
If you take time and courage to watch the blame games, see your finger pointing at someone, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you. You are the most important person here, you are the author of your story, make your story beautiful, be the warrior of love and kindness in your story.
Do not run with your mind, see this moment as a grand beautiful now moment given as a beautiful gift for you. Use this moment to bring joy to yourself first. Stop believing the past, the more you think and encourage stories of the past in your mind you are giving life to that which is dead.
Take time to meditate/give a few moments of silence as a gift for yourself everyday. Go sit yourself as a tiny being in the center of your head (pineal gland) google images of the pineal gland and know where it is located in your head. The pineal is the place of your power. Just take your favorite chair, go sit there in the pineal as a tiny being and watch this world through the windows of your eyes. The more you do this everyday, the more you erase the past, you are in the state of non-judgment and you will have clarity of mind to live from your wisdom.
You have this capacity within you, you can do it, give this gift to yourself. No one can do this for you , this is in your power and only you can do it my dear. Choose well. Blessings!
Premlatha Rajkumar

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