Thursday, August 31, 2017


After the hurricane 'Harvey' that created so much damage in our Southern part of Texas, I am thrilled to hear the many many stories of miraculous protection and provision. Every one of these people who remained unaffected even in the severity of the zone they lived were people who had simple trust beyond mind stories.
As soon as the news about the storm was heard, I was totally not even thinking about the storm, because deep within there was the feeling that all will be well. The apartment office was insisting upon making arrangements in the home like storing water, getting the things from the patio out of the way of the storm, etc. I made those arrangements but still there was no anxiety, just a simple trust within. The storm raged for two days, the water and electricity was there, every single one of the stray cats around the apartment are alive and well, every single tree is standing tall , even the birds nests are there on the trees! Simple trust is a grand superpower!
As soon as there is a news about a calamity, the work of the mind is to scare us and continue to create enormous mind stories of danger and disaster. It makes you believe the worst about everything. But if you can move beyond the mind stories and just simply trust, then you have anchored the greatest superpower in the world!
Trust is a personal transformation, it cannot be explained, neither taught, it is an assertive choice made by the individual, a choice to risk the comfort of belief systems of the many. It is a lonely journey that has no map, no destination. It is a powerful choice of dropping all mind stories and just trusting the guidance of the heart. Just noticing even the smallest indications of peace, acknowledging the gifts and appreciating. And finally in knowingness seeing that which one knew all along.
Let us anchor the superpower of trust and let life flow with freedom.
May humanity awaken to its Divinity!
May this Planet be blessed!
Premlatha Rajkumar
©PRajkumar 2017

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