Tuesday, November 3, 2015



Have you ever noticed your mind, it always tries to ask the question "what is wrong, what is wrong with this person, what is wrong with this situation, what is wrong, what is wrong? " An obsession with wrongness. And then it gets preoccupied with this wrongness and makes it bigger and bigger till it scares itself.

The mind's duty is to protect the body, so it takes its work seriously :-) But of course we are not this mind, neither are we this body or this personality. We are the witness of this mind, body, and personality.

We have the power to move beyond the mind and its stories and chose to ask and see, "What is the gift, what is the gift from this person in my life, what is the gift from this situation, what is the gift that life has brought to my door today, what is the gift? " The willingness to see the gift, creates magic and brings the realization that life is truly miraculous, that it is one grand journey of gathering wisdom, of awakening to the beauty within us and in all creation!

Choosing to move beyond the mind is the ultimate purpose and success of this lifetime in this human body.

Premlatha Rajkumar

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