Monday, July 12, 2010


Ho’oponopono is a process of only looking at myself and working on the garbage (memories) in me (my subconscious mind), because once I get myself in rhythm with The Divinity, everybody else gets into rhythm too; But if I am out of rhythm, so too will be everybody else.

Dr Hew Len points out that the mind is only moved by 2 laws: Memory / Inspiration:

When I say to The Divinity in me: “I Love You; I am sorry; Please forgive me for whatever is going on in me that I perceive this in a certain way; Thank You.”, Divinity knows what the garbage (memories) are, but it is not something that I know.

I know that my intellect has no idea of what is going on, because out of 15 million bits of information available, my conscious mind is only aware of 14/15 of them. (“Can you imagine all the other date I am running with?”)

Dr Hew Len says that nothing can happen to us unless it is already in our data bank (subconscious mind), because that is the Law of Cause and Effect.

So I look within myself, and ask The Divinity to erase the causes in me (whatever these memories are) what would cause me to see the world in a way that The Divinity didn’t create it.

I know that Divinity created the world perfect.:

I say to The Divinity in me: “I Love You; I am sorry; Please forgive me for whatever is going on in me that I am experiencing this; Thank You.”

Q: What gets erased by The Divinity so that my problems stop?
A: I have no idea: - That’s The Divinity’s job, not mine! – I am not doing The Divinity’s job.

Divinity erases; I am just saying: “I Love You; I am sorry; Please forgive me for whatever is going on in me that I perceive this in a certain way; Thank You.”

By saying to that which is in me “I Love You”, I am allowing The Divinity to transmute the errors (memories) in me.

Source: Zero Limits – By Dr Vitale and Dr Hew Len; News for the Soul Internet Radio.

This is the link to the first video of a series of 9 videos of Dr.Hew Len on Youtube.

The Divinity is releasing and erasing the memories in me that cause me to perceive things to be a certain way.

I only work on the garbage (memories) in me that causes me to experience things in a certain way.

Divinity created everybody perfect, what is not perfect is the garbage (memories) in us.

When I say to The Divinity: “I Love You; I am sorry; Please forgive me for whatever garbage there is in me, that is causing me to experience rudeness; Thank You.”, The Divinity is then willing to reach down into my subconscious mind, and erase those memories, bringing me back to The Zero State.

The Universe was created out of the void, so when my mind goes back to Zero, I am free.

Out of this Zero State, Divinity then sends inspiration, so that I know what to do.

I am not here to save anybody; I am just here to clean my own stuff (memories).

Source: Zero Limits – By Dr Vitale and Dr Hew Len; News for the Soul Internet Radio.

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