Friday, May 31, 2013



Our Inner being/the mystical power within/ the Divine Presence/the Creator energy is the wisdom of the Universe, it is the internal source of supply and it can solve all problems.  It can completely transform our life spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, and financially, placing us on the path to freedom, peace, and joy.  This mystical power within is our birthright, it is a gift given to everyone by birth.  Through the ages many from all walks of life, who connected with this inner power found their true place in life, released their hidden talents, were inspired into new thoughts and ideas that healed and balanced every part of their life and helped themselves to live more abundant lives.
Recognizing and acknowledging the Creator within as the true source and allowing this peaceful, harmonious and joyous Creator energy to flow through us manifests harmony, health, peace, infinite riches and abundance in our lives.
The road-blocks that stop this energy from flowing into our lives are self-condemnation, remorse, judgments about oneself or others, judgments about situations or even about God, resentment or any form of negative thinking. These roadblocks trap and stop the flow of Divine Energy within us and thus all sorts of problems get created.  The energy does not expand until it is released.  If one is attached and mesmerized by the mind and its stories one becomes blind to these road blocks and the mind stories continue to create more roadblocks.
It is important to be very alert and notice our inner mind chatter.  Our inner mind chatter is powerful enough to bind us to it with our emotions if we are not alert.  When emotions play with mind chatter the Divine Presence is forgotten and everything that we do not want in life gets created in our reality.
Thoughts, feelings, and emotions are powerful ways of connecting with our Divine Presence. To remove negative mind chatter one can practice affirmations/prayers morning and evening with complete emotion and feeling every word as truth. This is one of the many affirmations I like to do to remove negative thoughts:

I forgive myself for harboring any negative thoughts about
myself or anybody else. I radiate love and goodwill to all people and all beings everywhere. I choose to live in the love and light of my Divine Presence."
 This affirmation makes us a clear and open channel for the Divine Presence to flow through us.

 “I claim that God’s, light, peace, harmony, truth, beauty, abundance, love, freedom, and security flow through me freely and joyously, and I know that I am now being prospered and blessed beyond my fondest dreams.”
Repeat this prayer aloud or silently throughout the day many times with feeling. As you diligently do this prayer with feeling many times during the day and night, this prayer will be engraved in your heart and all negative thoughts and emotions will be erased and replaced with peace, harmony, joy and this will help the Creative energies to flow within and through you into your reality and you will experience infinite riches of the Divine in all phases of your life.

The art of sowing and reaping is universal; sowing good seeds in the soil of our consciousness will bring forth abundance of good fruit in our reality.  Practicing the art of sowing and reaping one has to first give before getting anything.  In giving we cannot give the Creator anything physical because everything exists through Creators essence and energy.  The most important gift we can give the Creator is to recognize the Creator within as the true source, and give our complete attention, loyalty and trust to the Creator, by choosing to let go all our fears, worries, concepts, ideas, and judgments about ourselves, our situation, about people, or about the Planet. This is the good seed that we can sow in the soil of our consciousness.  Once the seed is sown wonders happen, the Divine energy, which is the power and supply of life, freely flows into your life.  This Creator energy is the true source out of which this Planet and everything on it is constantly created from the beginning of time till now.  Once we have aligned our thoughts with this Creator energy within in full trust and devotion, we have opened the door to an instant and everlasting supply of joy, peace, freedom, and infinite riches.
Let us choose to sow good seeds in the soil of our consciousness.
Premlatha Rajkumar
Copyright © 2013 Premlatha Rajkumar

Wednesday, May 29, 2013



All of existence is made from the material of consciousness-source-God. There is no separation, everything is equal, and everything in existence is made of the same material. Our relationship to things of existence depends on our growth in consciousness. 

Time and money are also the grand creations of consciousness. But separating time and money as power and attaching to it is the story of the mind. Believing our mind stories, we attach ourselves to our physical world intensely. We have hypnotized ourselves into believing that being busy all of the time is purposeful and noble. The busier we are, the more important we feel about ourselves. The material world is only one part of our reality, but we have started to define others and ourselves by what we produce. We stress ourselves out with achievements, deadlines, and productions. In a world of overwork, our hearts harden, and illness and pain become our companions.

We are multidimensional beings who also live in the invisible and spiritual dimensions. Just by watching our thoughts, we know that there is a being who watches the thoughts. Just by watching the body perform its actions, we know that there is a being who works the body. Our dreamtime feels so real that it makes us wonder if we were in another place at another time. If we travel to space in a rocket we come to know that the sun never sets nor does it rise, and we also understand that the directions of north, south, east, or west is just a concept in a map. We are much more than who we think we are, and existence is much grander.

Every religion talks about a day of rest, a day to make sacred; a Sunday for Christians, a Saturday for Jews, and a Friday for Muslims and Hindus. Living in our minds, we believe that it is one day of the week where we do things other than our regular work. Reserving a sacred day is a practice to move into state of rest, renewal, and conscious connection to the Divine. It is a spiritual practice to realign with our birthright to inner peace. When we take time to anchor our Spiritual Energy, it balances our life. We become our wholesome selves, and we come into our power.

Consciously choosing to organize our time to connect with our Divine Presence is a wise way to relate to our time and money. Our sacred connection can be a moment, a day, a week, or a month. It can be taking in a deep conscious breath anytime during the day, it may be meditation, it may be connecting with nature, sitting in stillness, or even a mental act of counting our blessings.

At the deepest level we are pure consciousness beyond form and content. We are made of unconditional love. The moment we connect and align with our Divine Presence, it embraces everything within and around us. Mysteriously, our body feels embraced, healed, and comforted by this love, and every situation dealing with time, money, or relationships on the outside is also set right. This is our wholesome power as every creation happens from here and abundance in life flows from here.

Choosing to live in joy and gratitude, taking time to laugh more, to play more, and to choose to celebrate every aspect of life, is a successful way to relate to time and to manifest abundance in life.

~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


In India, people spoke a lot about karma. Karma refers to one’s actions or deeds that trigger an entire cycle of cause and effect. It was said that karma was the reason that we are bound to the earth and that we take many life times to balance and get out of the cycle of cause and effect. It would more accurate to say that when we re-align with our Divine Presence we clear our karma.

The deeper truth is that We are the Creators of Karma through our severe judgments and condemning. For example, let us see the situation of a mother who gives her child up for adoption because she is unable to care for the baby. If she blesses the child to be well, and she is content with her decision and happy about what she did, then she has not created any karma. In contrast, if this mother is feeling guilty about her decision, and she is sorry for her child and feels a lifetime of remorse about giving her child up, then she has bound herself with "karma" to be balanced with another lifetime for her and the child.

Knowingly or unknowingly, we bind ourselves with so many harsh judgments and condemnations. This human tendency of constant judgment is the one that imprisons us to every kind of discord. If we point a finger at someone, immediately, three fingers of our own hand points back to us. Reality constantly reminds us to analyze our fear thoughts and center ourselves in peace. If we do not condemn, there will be no need to forgive.

Karma is not a Universal Law. We choose to believe in it, and we have made it a belief system to build the game of Duality. By judging and condemning, we choose to punish and suffer. It takes awareness and immense trust in the Divine to accept life situations; to see the gift that every situation brings. We volunteered to be here in this body – in this lifetime now. We are not wounded, and we are not learning lessons or undergoing punishments; we are actually EVOLVING – evolving into our grander selves.
We are in total freedom. For through our challenges, we are exploring different levels of consciousness. Our challenges force us to question our mind and make us focus on the physical and the Spiritual. We are here to gather knowledge – to resolve our experiences by knowing ourselves at a much more conscious level. When we choose to be kind and non-judgmental in dealing with every aspect of life, we create freedom, harmony, and peace within; all of which powerfully reflect on the outside.

The mind loves to play the game of duality by telling stories. Stories about people, places, and situations – never-ending stories. It must be noted that the stories are all about judgments and condemnation; therefore, creating a world of suffering.

Thoughts argue with reality thus creating war within oneself. When we start loving what is in front of us – our reality – the war is over. It is always stressful and difficult to compete with and compare our situations, or to belittle our actions by contemplating what we should or should not have done.

The mind brings in a lot of story-thoughts. The thoughts come and they go like the clouds on a clear sky. We are the sky on which the thought clouds pass. Yes, they pass away all of the time; however, it is always our choice to attach or not attach our emotions to them. It is always our choice to live in true freedom – the freedom to know that we are the sky that allows yet never needs to be involved. Freedom is giving the gift of KINDNESS to oneself; it means never allowing fear, anger, or sadness to cloud your life. It means to live life with total acceptance, flexibility, and without resistance. There is no success to be achieved, and there is no failure either; for whatever we are doing at this moment with total love and acceptance is Success.

~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


KEY ~ Be the witness, do not attach to your mind stories

Most of us are in a deep sleep of unconsciously attaching ourselves to our thoughts, binding ourselves tighter to the thoughts with our emotions.  We identify ourselves as our thoughts and we suffer.  Thoughts happen in the mind, the mind is a data center of all past experiences and happenings and their interpretation through the data collected. The mind knows only the past and it likes to travel into the fantasies of the future.  The past and the future exist only in the mind.  The mind constantly thinks itself into a world of time, a world of past, future, ideas, concepts, opinions, dreams and fantasies.  When one is in deep sleep, one gets lost in this created world of time which is an illusion. True freedom is waking up from this world of time/ this world of human thinking/ this dis-ease of humanity.

Identification with the mind and its constant repetitive stories disconnects us from the truth of life at this moment.  Due to this disconnection even the present moment is seen through the eyes of the past stories, the past is projected on to the present and re-experienced again and again, which is also known as 'karma' in the East. Projecting the past on to the now moment distorts the gift of the present moment and life seen through this distortion is extremely painful.  The mind stories separate us from the world around us and from the truth of who we are. There is no ease with any situation, with any person or even with oneself.  Being aware of the mind stories, being a witness to our thoughts and noticing them is understanding the truth of who we 'are not'.  Allowing the thoughts to pass by and understanding ourselves as the being beyond all thoughts and concepts and knowing the truth of who we 'are not', helps us to be aware of who we 'are'.

It is wise to wake up to the truth of the Present Moment from this created dis-ease of the mind stories. Every human is gifted with the capacity to wake up and live consciously every moment. Being consciously present to the now moment is the powerful key to get out of the dis-ease of the mind. We are the immortal Spirit, the eternal Soul, the essence of the Divine in perfect expression in physicality, that existed before knowledge, before the creation of this physical world.  If we get disturbed by thoughts about created situations and physical things, we limit ourselves and we lose our freedom to be in joy and peace.  When we understand and know that we are not our thoughts then it becomes the greatest key to know and be the truth of who we are.

Who we are is the part of the Creator that is all abundance and fullness of life.  Getting out of the way of thoughts and allowing them to pass, being a witness of life, and acknowledging the good that is already in our life is the way to be in joy, peace, and freedom.

Since the Universe works on the principle of "reap what you sow", it is wise to understand that whatever we are seeking is already in us. Whatever we think we are not receiving form the world around us, we go ahead and give the world that which we are seeking, so that whatever we are seeking will be given back to us in plenty. Hence if we are seeking love, friendship, understanding or kindness from others, it is wise to give away these things from ourselves to others so that the Universe knows that you understand that you are the source of all abundance and will fill you with the wellspring of abundance that you seek.
Let us choose to be the conscious creators of abundance for ourselves and our Planet!
~Premlatha Rajkumar


Friday, May 17, 2013



Soul/ atma/consciousness is who we are, we are an eternal spark of the Creator, one that is never born and one that never dies.  We are travelers through space and time, and for this moment in time we reside in these human bodies and experience the world through these bodies. But we are not these bodies, these bodies are our vehicles, like the cars we drive, they are of different colors and shapes.  If we get hypnotized by this world of colors and forms we limit ourselves and we lose the meaning of who we are.  That which resides in every form whether it be a tree, a rock, a cloud, or man is consciousness, consciousness is what contains all forms within itself.  When we attach to form we limit ourselves but when we go beyond form to realize the formless, the consciousness that creates and contains all things we realize ourselves as infinite beings of unlimited expansion. When we live aligned with consciousness we live in the Present moment, the now moment where we realize our Buddha-Self/ our Christ- Self/ our Krishna-Self/ our Higher Self, all creation and transformation takes place in this Present Moment, the moment of power and grace.

I am reminded of Eckhart Tolle's definition of the word Buddha in his book "A New Earth". In Eckhart Tolle's words, " Some years ago when visiting China, I came upon a stupa on a mountaintop near Guilin. It had writing embossed in gold on it, and I asked my Chinese host what it meant. "It means 'Buddha,' " he said. "Why are there two characters rather than one?"  I asked.  "One," he explained means 'man'.  The other means 'no'.  And the two together means 'Buddha.'"  I stood there in awe.  The Character for Buddha already contained the whole teaching of the Buddha, and for those who have eyes to see, the secret of life. Here are the two dimensions that make up reality, thingness and no-thingness,  form and the denial of form, which is the recognition that form is not who you are.

One of my teachers taught me this beautiful mantra for the aligning with the soul. I love this mantra and I repeat it many times during the day and feel refreshing, rejuvenating energy fill my being.  I wish to share it at this time with you my friends.  It is :
"I am soul
I am the light divine
I am love
I am will
I am perfect design"

Atma Namaste to you my dear soul friends! _/\_

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


At one time, I became so attached to my mind and its fear stories that I could literally feel fear as a heavy physical thing from my throat to my belly controlling my every action. I continued to pray for help every night before going to sleep. I had a strange dream where I was a body without the head, and I was walking down the street. I saw my body without the head yet I was not in any pain, and I heard a voice telling me again and again to put on the head. I did not understand the dream at that time. The same dream came to me again the next day. I woke up and without opening my eyes, I prayed for the meaning.
“Put on the head of God,” was the answer that came.
The realization was that I was living in so much fear because I was seeing the world through my mind. My soul was asking me to get out of my mind and its fear stories. My soul was asking me to look at the world through the eyes of the Creator – the Creator whose infinite love and wisdom has created nothing other than excellence and eternal goodness around me.
I understood that I was loved so greatly that I was given complete dignity and freewill to create the world around me through my point of view. The vibration of life around me aligned itself to my state of consciousness. This I realized, was the grandest gift that helped me to know myself. It helped me to seek for answers and greater solutions, and it helped me to expand my consciousness as an eternal being of immense potentials.
This experience taught me to rejoice every time my mind showed me something dark, heavy, or fearful, and I knew that it would motivate me to search for greater solutions. I believe that this is true for every human being. As long as I believed the negative concepts about a person or situation from my mind, such as my neighbor should not be so loud, or my child should obey me, or she should not be so unkind, or the weather should not be so hot or cold, I would make it true for me. I would then project it on to the world around me and continue to create it. The Universe around me is so benevolent that it constantly seeks to prove me right.
This powerful realization made me to choose what I want to believe about myself or anyone else. As a healer, I realized that I could only help others when I am able to align myself with the eyes of Gratitude. My thirst to help others was wonderful but I also realized that unless I learn to look at life from the place of gratitude and align myself with my joy, I would not be able to help myself or anyone else.
If in my consciousness I am holding on to the concepts of suffering, then I have no light to shine for others. If I continue to help people from this consciousness, I will be only giving my attention to their pain. Therefore, my mind would get busy focusing on their anguish and amplifying it.
You cannot be fully present for people if you are focusing on their pain. Anyone in pain needs to hold the hand of a person who is emotionally strong, happy, and capable to see the best in them and in that situation. Not someone who is projecting the pain thus becoming completely helpless themselves.

~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


According to the Vedas the Prime Creator is called "Sada Shiva" - here Sada means ever and Shiva means joy, thus the Vedas say that the Creator is "Ever Joy" and that we emanated from this Creator, so we are made with joy, and made of joy. Our true nature is Joy, things on the outside cannot bring us joy or happiness, they may bring momentary pleasure, but not happiness or joy. When we choose to live from the place of happiness for no other outer reasons but that our being is a part of the Creator, then happy things get attracted into our space. Things on the outside cannot bring happiness, but when we choose to live from the place of being in joy and happiness, we attract joyful things towards us. And many may ask how can I live in joy when all around me there is discord, the simple answer to this question is to choose gratitude, count your blessings, give thanks, may giving thanks be the only prayer, then joy flows automatically.
~Premlatha Rajkumar

Monday, May 6, 2013



Quantum physics states that this is a participatory universe. The abundant creative energies of the Universe respond to our expectations, and they are connected to human consciousness through intention. Every thought and feeling radiates from us in the form of energy fields that pour out into the universe and affect other energy fields around us. Our attention is awareness; it is energy through which we communicate with life. We have the freedom to choose to place our attention anywhere we like. The benevolent universal energies respond to our attention and co-create with us. This is why whatever we focus on magnifies.

Due to the fall of consciousness, many are unconscious of being unconscious. The few who came into this knowledge took advantage of the fallen human situation to gain power and control over the many as they learned to direct the attention of the masses on images of trauma, despair and destruction. The repeated focus of attention on words, pictures, and descriptions generate tremendous energy and thought forms from the masses that continue to create hopelessness and powerlessness on life situations.

Thoughts and feelings are very real and they have form. Our imaginations are powerful tools to create what we want in life.

All of the events of our life and of the planet are not random, meaningless acts. They are our unconscious creation due to lack of awareness. We are made up of both the physical and the non-physical material of the Universe, and according to the law of, “as above so below; as below so above,” the universal energies support us in the creation of the collective ideals. The collective imaginations and agreements of all participants in the physical are supported in the non-physical and an energy structure is created according to the beliefs of the collective.

Being born into a collective consciousness on the planet is a powerful venture; it is a gift. Every individual affects the collective by their thoughts and feelings created by what they choose to believe at any given moment. Choosing to wake up and be in the place of awareness, in the present moment, is our gift to life.

This is the time of the birthing of a new humanity. A humanity that walks the planet in complete awareness. The cosmic intelligence of the Universe is constantly inviting us to wake up, to be aware and alert, and to consciously co-create with the goodness of the Universal energies NOW.

The innumerable crop circles, the meteor showers, solar flares, eclipses, and pole shifts are urging us to wake up to the truth of our connection to the Universe, and to be awakened to our power as beings of peace and compassionate generosity.

Our bodies are intelligent tools that have been given to us to wake up to our power. Noticing our breath, connecting to our heartbeat, and viewing our world from the center of our head, are powerful ways to stay in awareness. Practicing pranic breathing connects us to the wisdom of our heart.

Albert Einstein stated that “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” This is very true because we cannot change our reality from the same consciousness that made it. We must wake up and shift our consciousness toward what we want to create through being alert and aware in the present moment.

~Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.