Wednesday, May 22, 2013


In India, people spoke a lot about karma. Karma refers to one’s actions or deeds that trigger an entire cycle of cause and effect. It was said that karma was the reason that we are bound to the earth and that we take many life times to balance and get out of the cycle of cause and effect. It would more accurate to say that when we re-align with our Divine Presence we clear our karma.

The deeper truth is that We are the Creators of Karma through our severe judgments and condemning. For example, let us see the situation of a mother who gives her child up for adoption because she is unable to care for the baby. If she blesses the child to be well, and she is content with her decision and happy about what she did, then she has not created any karma. In contrast, if this mother is feeling guilty about her decision, and she is sorry for her child and feels a lifetime of remorse about giving her child up, then she has bound herself with "karma" to be balanced with another lifetime for her and the child.

Knowingly or unknowingly, we bind ourselves with so many harsh judgments and condemnations. This human tendency of constant judgment is the one that imprisons us to every kind of discord. If we point a finger at someone, immediately, three fingers of our own hand points back to us. Reality constantly reminds us to analyze our fear thoughts and center ourselves in peace. If we do not condemn, there will be no need to forgive.

Karma is not a Universal Law. We choose to believe in it, and we have made it a belief system to build the game of Duality. By judging and condemning, we choose to punish and suffer. It takes awareness and immense trust in the Divine to accept life situations; to see the gift that every situation brings. We volunteered to be here in this body – in this lifetime now. We are not wounded, and we are not learning lessons or undergoing punishments; we are actually EVOLVING – evolving into our grander selves.
We are in total freedom. For through our challenges, we are exploring different levels of consciousness. Our challenges force us to question our mind and make us focus on the physical and the Spiritual. We are here to gather knowledge – to resolve our experiences by knowing ourselves at a much more conscious level. When we choose to be kind and non-judgmental in dealing with every aspect of life, we create freedom, harmony, and peace within; all of which powerfully reflect on the outside.

The mind loves to play the game of duality by telling stories. Stories about people, places, and situations – never-ending stories. It must be noted that the stories are all about judgments and condemnation; therefore, creating a world of suffering.

Thoughts argue with reality thus creating war within oneself. When we start loving what is in front of us – our reality – the war is over. It is always stressful and difficult to compete with and compare our situations, or to belittle our actions by contemplating what we should or should not have done.

The mind brings in a lot of story-thoughts. The thoughts come and they go like the clouds on a clear sky. We are the sky on which the thought clouds pass. Yes, they pass away all of the time; however, it is always our choice to attach or not attach our emotions to them. It is always our choice to live in true freedom – the freedom to know that we are the sky that allows yet never needs to be involved. Freedom is giving the gift of KINDNESS to oneself; it means never allowing fear, anger, or sadness to cloud your life. It means to live life with total acceptance, flexibility, and without resistance. There is no success to be achieved, and there is no failure either; for whatever we are doing at this moment with total love and acceptance is Success.

~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.

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