Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sweet Friends,

May this New Year 2014 bring you and your loved ones many many blessings of good health, peace, prosperity, joy, and laughter!

Loving wishes and blessings for a Very Happy New Year!


Saturday, December 21, 2013



When we were little we all loved to play the game of hide-and-seek, we love to find things, we love to collect pennies from the ground, we love to collect sea shells and the list goes on... Today the Creator invites us to play a game of hide and seek with him/her. The Creator loves it when we find him/her, and we love it because it gets us to the place of excitement and joy when we find the Creator.  When we are in the place of excitement and joy the cells of our body recognize it and they create all the conditions in the body and the surrounding environment to create excitement and joy - the product of which is good health, happy relationships, satisfaction, gratitude, laughter, and abundance of every kind.
The cells in our body are full of wisdom and they can do anything that we ask them to do, but at the same time they are our obedient servants, so if we choose to live in fear and feed our cells the idea of fear they create all the things that would match the fear in our body and around us, and if we choose to feed our cells the idea of joy and happiness then they create all the things that would match the joy in our body and in our surrounding environment.
"Happiness is a decision and not a reaction to an experience", this is a powerful truth that many of us have forgotten.  So how do we create happiness and excitement in our life?  We start by looking at the world through the eyes of a child by playing "hide-and-seek" with the Creator.
As you open your eyes in the morning, you look at your pillow and bed clothes, they gave you so much comfort, wow! be excited about it, love the comfort with gratitude. You look at your loved ones, become excited, wow! someone for me in this planet to interact with.  You look at the sun shining, get excited as if you are seeing it for the first time, get excited, wow! how beautiful!  You look at the trees, wow! so green, so beautiful! And every ' wow' says that you have found the Creator! The Creator is excited too, so he runs and hides inside a child, inside a stranger, inside a boss, inside a janitor, inside a fruit, inside a bowl, inside your clothes, inside your shoes and inside the ground you walk on, and asks you to come find him/her.  Be excited and find the Creator at every opportunity, literally say, 'wow, I found you', this may be a silly game but it is a very profound game that keeps one in the place of joy and excitement.  Life becomes pure joy, and the things in your life cannot resist but arrange themselves to match to the joy you are creating.
So come let us choose to play 'hide and seek' with the Creator my sweet friends.
Premlatha Rajkumar  

Friday, December 20, 2013



True generosity is not only in giving but also in receiving. Our love and graciousness in receive gifts form others is a wonderful way of bringing the giver a powerful soul satisfaction. If there were no one to receive what you give, how will you know what generosity is?
I am reminded of the experience of Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, the internationally famous psychiatrist, author and researcher of near death experiences. She had shared this experience with Dr.Brian Weiss, who mentions it in his book "Messages from the Masters."  Dr. Kubler-Ross's mother was a beautiful, caring person who never accepted anything for herself but would give everything to others. The last four years of her life she suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed, but her mind was intact and alert.  She had to rely on others for most of her basic needs. She died after four years without regaining her physical functioning.
 Dr. Kubler-Ross was very much angry with God that her beautiful, strong, proud, and extremely self-reliant mother should go through this condition.  Despite her anger she began to meditate and in her meditation she asked why her mother had to go through the paralysis. The message came to her as a strong inner voice.  The message said that "the paralysis was a gift to her mother, a gift of grace. Love must be balanced. If nobody were there to receive love, who could get the experience of giving? The voice also said that her mother learned this truth in those four years instead of coming back for one or several lifetimes severely retarded or physically impaired where she would have to accept the love of others. Since she learned this she can now move on."
Life is an opportunity to learn to practice love, giving, forgiving, receiving, understanding, and achieving oneness with each other and with the Divine. It is all about learning, there is no punishment here. Everyone of us are in a spiritual journey of achieving this oneness.  Our soul guides us and chooses particular challenges in our life for us to accelerate our spiritual growth. Hence, this life time is an opportunity for us to learn through the joys and pain of relationships and interactions with each other.
Let us choose to be generous in giving and in receiving gifts, in receiving compliments from our friends and loved ones. Let us go beyond the action of giving and receiving and understand that we are One in Spirit and that what we do for others we do for ourselves.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Saturday, December 7, 2013



People call me with many different names and it is extremely joyous to hear. There are people who call me Poppy, there are some who call me Premlatha, there are some who call me mummy, some who call me as sister, as aunty, as friend, and the list goes on... I am so very grateful for this because if there is no one to call me by a name, or acknowledge my presence, I become meaningless, I become invisible. This lifetime in this beautiful physical body is just a moment in eternity. We are travelers beyond space and time, and in the soul realm we insisted that we get a physical body and come and play this physical game by being the unconditional love and joy that we are.
But as we descended into this physical realm and entered a physical body with a mind we forgot the eternal beingness of our essence. We attached ourselves to the body and mind and began to think that we are this body-mind and started playing this game called "I do not know who I am". This game of the mind is a game of duality, the game of likes and dislikes, of good and bad, and hence by classifying people and situations we created something called 'knowledge', yes knowledge was created only from duality. And knowledge and cleverness are there to help the physical body to survive and experience physicality, but knowledge will not help us to live the "truth" of who we are, only wisdom can, because wisdom is beyond likes or dislikes. Who we are is "unconditional love and unconditional joy", when we say unconditional that means that we are beyond the concept of likes or dislikes, our love and our joy does not depend on the game of duality, because duality is conditional.
So for this lifetime, a small moment in eternity, we decided to come into the physical body to emanate unconditional joy and love from our beautiful presence. If we have forgotten this decision and get attached to the physical body and mind we continue to play the game of duality which limits us from being the truth of who we are.
Involving ourselves seriously in the game of duality has three major disadvantages, we forget to notice the gifts around us, we forget to appreciate, and so we forget to do what we came here to do in this physical body (i.e. be the unconditional love and joy that we are)
Appreciation and gratitude are the two important aspects that anchor well being for the physical body and the Planet. We came into the Planet as anchors of well being and joy by emanating unconditional love and joy in every experience of life. Attaching to the game of duality we forget to appreciate people and things and situations that come into our space, due to duality we judge them as good or bad according to our likes and dislikes. Because of this our unconditional love and joy falls into an attitude of love or joy for a reason or for attachment. Unconscious practicing of love or joy for the sake of reason, extremely limits one to live life fully in this lifetime. When we give the power to love or be in joy for a reason, we cannot experience the fullness of life. The physical experience has to wait for a reason, and by judging things in front of us we forget to see the gift in everything around us and forget to enjoy the moment.
Every moment we forget to be the love that we are, we have lost a moment in eternity, we have lost the opportunity that we asked for, the opportunity to experience unconditional love and joy in the physical. When we judge a human we forget to give them the gifts of understanding, of love and of joy we came to give, hence the moment is lost, when we judge a situation we forget to see the gift in the situation and hence forget to appreciate, and hence the moment to live our truth is lost.
All the mindless playing of the duality games take their toll on the physical body. This body is unconditional love, it is like a little child who looks up to you the master essence, the commander who can guide it to anchor well being. The body listens to all the judgments of the duality game and goes into fear and discord and creates dis-ease within itself, it is simply obeying the master- which is you. The best way to get out of the dis-ease of the body and help it to anchor well being is for us the commander and captain of our body ship to wake up to the truth of who we are and do the reverse technology of dropping focus on fear and judgment and totally focusing on looking at the gift in every situation, living in gratitude and appreciation every moment, and celebrating life.
Celebrating the people, things, and situations around us is the powerful reverse technology for healing every aspect of our life. For, everything around us gives us the meaning of who we are in this space and time, we are absolutely and unconditionally supported and loved by life, when we choose to celebrate life with unconditional love and joy we find the meaning that we are seeking for, our physical body gets the message and flourishes with well being and joy, when the body is in joy all abundance is attracted into our life.
I find that this reverse technology of directing our focus and giving our attention to the gifts of the sacred encounters with every human, plant, animal, nature, and every situation around us, appreciating and living in gratitude, and going an extra mile to joyously celebrate every moment, will surely remove all kinds of dis-eases of body, mind, and soul, and it will attract abundance of every kind in our life, and we will be the anchors of well being for this Planet and hence we would satisfy what we came here to do.
Let us choose to awaken from attaching to this game of duality and anchor well being for ourselves and this Planet by living as the unconditional love and joy that we are.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Friday, December 6, 2013



Our Inner being/the mystical power within/ the Divine Presence/the Creator energy is the wisdom of the Universe, it is the internal source of supply and it can solve all problems. It can completely transform our life spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, and financially, placing us on the path to freedom, peace, and joy. This mystical power within is our birthright, it is a gift given to everyone by birth. Through the ages many from all walks of life, who connected with this inner power found their true place in life, released their hidden talents, were inspired into new thoughts and ideas that healed and balanced every part of their life and helped themselves to live more abundant lives.
Recognizing and acknowledging the Creator within as the true source, and allowing this peaceful, harmonious and joyous Creator energy to flow through us will help to manifest harmony, health, peace, infinite riches and abundance in our lives.
The road-blocks that stop this energy from flowing into our lives are self-condemnation, remorse, and judgments about oneself or others, judgments about situations or even about God, resentment or any form of negative thinking. These roadblocks trap and stop the flow of Divine Energy within us and thus all sorts of problems get created. The energy does not expand until it is released. If one is attached and mesmerized by the mind and its stories one becomes blind to these road blocks and the mind stories continue to create more roadblocks.
It is important to be very alert and notice our inner mind chatter. Our inner mind chatter is powerful enough to bind us to it with our emotions if we are not alert. When emotions play with mind chatter the Divine Presence is forgotten and everything that we do not want in life gets created in our reality.
Thoughts, feelings, and emotions are powerful ways of connecting with our Divine Presence. To remove negative mind chatter one can practice affirmations/prayers morning and evening with complete emotion and feeling every word as truth. This is one of the many affirmations I like to do to remove negative thoughts:

I forgive myself for harboring any negative thoughts about
myself or anybody else. I radiate love and goodwill to all people and all beings everywhere. I choose to live in the love and light of my Divine Presence."
This affirmation makes us a clear and open channel for the Divine Presence to flow through us.

“I claim that God’s, light, peace, harmony, truth, beauty, abundance, love, freedom, and security flow through me freely and joyously, and I know that I am now being prospered and blessed beyond my fondest dreams.”
Repeat this prayer aloud or silently throughout the day many times with feeling. As you diligently do this prayer with feeling many times during the day and night, this prayer will be engraved in your heart and all negative thoughts and emotions will be erased and replaced with peace, harmony, joy and this will help the Creative energies to flow within and through you into your reality and you will experience infinite riches of the Divine in all phases of your life.

The art of sowing and reaping is universal; sowing good seeds in the soil of our consciousness will bring forth abundance of good fruit in our reality. Practicing the art of sowing and reaping one has to first give before getting anything. In giving we cannot give the Creator anything physical because everything exists through Creators essence and energy. The most important gift we can give the Creator is to recognize the Creator within as the true source, and give our complete attention, loyalty and trust to the Creator, by choosing to let go all our fears, worries, concepts, ideas, and judgments about ourselves, our situation, about people, or about the Planet. This is the good seed that we can sow in the soil of our consciousness. Once the seed is sown wonders happen, the Divine energy, which is the power and supply of life, freely flows into your life. This Creator energy is the true source out of which this Planet and everything on it is constantly created from the beginning of time till now. Once we have aligned our thoughts with this Creator energy within in full trust and devotion, we have opened the door to an instant and everlasting supply of joy, peace, freedom, and infinite riches.
Let us choose to sow good seeds in the soil of our consciousness.
Premlatha Rajkumar
Copyright © 2013 Premlatha Rajkumar

Saturday, November 30, 2013



As humans we seek for happiness, and in our seeking we get lost in the games of life. Every situation whether the mind labels it as good or bad brings us the gift of wisdom. We can gather this gift only when we are awake and alert. Due to the busyness of life we forget to be awake. 
At this point in time many are asking for a way out of the trials and challenges that they or their loved ones are facing. From my spiritual journeys these are the two main keys that work amazingly for me.

The first and foremost thing in any situation or trouble involving finance, relationship, health... etc. is to realize that we are not only our physical bodies but also a greater part of us is our consciousness. Whatever we hold in our consciousness, the Universe will match it abundantly. We are the beloved children of the Universe and the Universe understands only the language of the consciousness, not the spoken language. Hence it is very important to notice what we are holding in our consciousness.

Whenever there is a problem we focus more and more on the problem and the mind chatter goes on and on about the problem, we give our life force energy through our attention to the problem, we feed it and make it come alive, and the problem becomes bigger and more bigger, till our entire consciousness is on the problem only. The moment we notice this, it is very important to drop all thoughts about the problem, because these thoughts of thinking again and again about the problem is not going to help us or anyone else. We need to stop talking about it to others and also to ourselves in our mind.

The mind is full of fear so it will bring these story thoughts again and again, I found that at this time the best way to get rid of these thoughts is to take a full deep breath, place your hand on your heart, or recite a small mantra like "Om Shanthi" or "I trust my Higher Self/God" .... these are tools that would help erase these fearful story thoughts.

The next important step is to move out of the box of the story of what happened and imagine/visualize/create in the mind's eye everything that can bring in harmony, balance, and peace. Just imagine in your mind's eye your loved ones or yourself who is going through the challenge... smiling, laughing, being at peace, tell them/yourself in your mind's eye "you can do it", "you are getting better and better".... Be creative use all your imagination and pour your feelings into this picture of peace and harmony as many times during the day as you can.

These are the two most important energy work you can do easily, these are the greatest gifts you can give yourself and your loved ones. For whatever you choose to hold in your consciousness will be manifested big time, you will witness magic and miracles.
Let us choose to be the miracle makers of life!
Premlatha Rajkumar



Sweet Friends,

This exercise is simple but very powerful. Just try it.

Take a walk outside, or open a window where you can see the open sky.
Now close your eyes and think a positive thought for yourself.
Think of the sky as your mirror, your mirror reflects to the world who you are and what you believe about yourself, as well as your ability to receive.
Everytime you think a thought, imagine that the thought is immediately being written in big letters with red ink on this huge mirror, hanging above you for the world to see.
If you think, " Today I create more beauty and joy in my life", then those words will be written on the mirror of the sky in huge red letters. The more times you write it on your mirror, the more your life will reflect it and you will have a life of abundance, because your energy follows your thought and your mirror reflects it multiple times.
Some powerful thoughts to write on the sky, your mirror:
"I am wonderful and I am open to receive all the abundance of existence"
"I create peace and harmony for myself"
"I am safe and centered no matter where I am"
"My life is blessed and I am so grateful"
Just try your own mantras to write on your sky mirror with beautiful, empowering, and positive words like Happy, capable, gracious, kind, blessed, joyous, peaceful, well being etc.
May your moments be filled with joy and wonderment dear ones!

Sunday, November 24, 2013



Have  you ever looked at your hands and appreciated them? I see my hands as being unconditional love, they move and do so much for me, without my hands my experience in this physical planet would be very much limited. My hands do not have any desire of their own but by their unconditional love they are there ready whenever I want them for me or for others!  What an amazing love this is! My hands, feet, and my entire physical body remind me to be unconditional love.
In this physical planet we are the hands, feet, mouth... of God.  That which is God/Creator being, is experiencing itself through us.  This moment in time as a physical being is truly a grand experience!
Extending our hands, feet, and mouth as a blessing for others is a grand experience. We came into this Physical body as unconditional love. Unconditional love is the truth of who we are. Unconditional love is not emotional love focused on someone or something from the mind, it has no likes or dislikes, it is not about extending love to someone in particular, but it is about being love. Being in the place of readily giving kindness, compassion, appreciation, acceptance, and understanding to yourself and everyone around you because you know that you are the well spring of unconditional love. Unconditional love has no need or dependency on anyone or anything, it is powerful, magical and sufficient unto itself, it flows as a beautiful sharing from the heart.  It is the tantra or mystical experience that transforms the whole world into lovers!
Living as unconditional love is a choice that comes from connecting with the inner being and experiencing oneself as the inner being/God within. And experiencing oneself as the inner being can be done only from totally living in the present moment. If the present moment is interrupted by allowing the mind to wander to worlds of the past or the future, we miss the present moment and also the experience of unconditional love.
Let us choose to experience and live our lives as unconditional love every moment!
Premlatha Rajkumar   

Monday, November 18, 2013



Healing begins when we are able to understand that the world around us is created by the thoughts and feelings we choose to agree, encourage, and tie our emotions with. The body and mind respond to the quality of food and the kind of emotions we feed them. It is time we treat our body and mind with responsibility.

 The human body is a magnificent, mysterious being of immense wisdom. Connecting with the body’s wisdom brings greater healing in all levels of consciousness. The body holds the consciousness of all levels – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychic and cosmic.  Unfortunately, many of us think that we are the body and so we never take time to connect with it. We are not this body; this body is like the vehicle or the car that we own, the body is a magnificent tool that helps us to expand our consciousness and have a relationship with this physical world. Hence it is our responsibility to treat our body and mind kindly.

Connecting with the body's intelligence can happen only when there is emotional comfort. Emotional comfort is kindness in the form of thoughts that are happy and joyful, feeding the body thoughts that involve beauty, trust, gratitude and laughter. The emotional comfort helps the body to secrete its chemicals, juices, enzymes and hormones in a balance from its exotic pharmacy. This helps to strengthen the immune system and maintains physical well being.

I have noticed that my body dutifully gives feedback of the effects of my thoughts and emotions.  When I feed my body thoughts of joy and laughter, the body laughs and feels comfortable, but when I feed my body memories of some pain that happened yesterday, a few days ago, 20 years ago, or even 40 years ago, the body cries, becomes anxious and goes into fear; the body does not know that this is only a thought, and it also does not know that this situation is not happening right now, so it reacts by secreting hormones and chemicals to balance the anxiety and worry.  If we are living with the stress of the modern world of proving, pleasing, achieving, striving for more, more, and stressing ourselves with deadlines, we are actually feeding our body and mind more anxious and stressful thoughts everyday, this triggers the body to  secrete excess of hormones and enzymes to balance the anxiety and worry.

Excessive secretion of the anxiety hormones create pain and disease. Pain and disease are messages from the body to slow down, take time to laugh and enjoy every  moment of life. The most wasted of days is the one without joy or laughter.  Laughter and joy from the place of gratitude is one of the greatest prayers, and they are one of the grandest medicines that can heal the body and bring it to the state of youth, vitality, and well being.

The body loves it when we trust its intelligence and consciously connect with it. The body is a beautiful tool. The body is a beautiful programmer, I have noticed that I can program my body to wake me up at a certain time and it would wake me up exactly at that time.  I have also seen that while I cook, I can tell my body to remind me when the cooking is done and do some other work at that time, I do not need any timer, my body will automatically alert me when the cooking or baking is done, I do not need a timer, my body loves it when I consciously connect with it.   The body's intelligence can work with us with any situation that is in front of us, for it is a beautiful tool that needs a wonderful master who can trust it and guide it gracefully.  In this physical world the body IS our grand vehicle. Forgetting the body and trying to multitask our way through life is unkindness to oneself.

We go into dis-ease because we did not learn the art of eating food or the art of feeding the right thoughts to the body.  We eat in front of the TV, we talk or read a book while we eat, we gobble up our food without munching and mixing it with the saliva, we eat while we are not hungry, or we encourage anxious and fearful thoughts in our mind while we eat.  The body responds to our thoughts and emotions and secretes chemicals.  If we think about things other than food the body secretes the wrong kind of chemicals and our food does not get digested properly, our cells are not supplied with enough nutrients they need and they remain hungry and we continue to crave foods and continue to eat unconsciously.

While eating if we encourage all good thoughts about food,  the body will secrete its digestive juices and digest the food and use the food in the most balanced way to bring in good health and well being.  When we choose to consciously connect with the body by bringing our awareness and appreciation we create peace in our body and release it from dis-ease.
I have noticed that when I consciously sit down with my food, working out my gums and teeth with every bite, enjoying the taste, being in the process of mixing the food completely with saliva and following the food mentally all the way to the stomach, I feel extremely satisfied.   I also add a small affirmation "I enjoy every food I eat, I love every cell of my body."  Practicing this everyday has brought grand healing and vitality for my body, I also lost all the extra weight I put on due to mindless eating and stress. Now when people see me they say that I look younger and happier than before.

Patients usually have strong trust in their doctors, there are instances where the doctors sometimes give them a sugar pill (a placebo) and say that it is a powerful medicine to heal their sickness. Miraculous healings happen without any actual medical treatment but just by the trusting thoughts of the patient. The patient’s trust in the power of the medication triggers the body to secrete the right kind of chemicals to heal itself!  The body is an intelligent being and it listens to our thoughts and emotions, it responds to kindness, and when we consciously connect with the body with emotional comfort, our body comes alive with health, youth, and vitality.  

Let us choose to provide our body the kindness of emotional comfort by encouraging thoughts of beauty, joy, gratitude, appreciation, laughter, and well being so that our mind and our body temple will be blessed with health and vitality!
Premlatha Rajkumar
© 2013 P. Rajkumar  

Thursday, November 14, 2013



A sweet friend asked me a question today: Why are some people poor and some people rich?

We are the creators of our reality, absolutely, all of it, 100% of the time. 

Let me tell you about being poor or rich, when someone is poor, all their belief system tells them that they are not worthy and this is how they will live, unless someone wakes them up from their belief system and tell them that they are worthy and can choose to live a wonderful life. If they choose to wake up, they will change their life, they will create it accordingly.

A rich man is rich because he believes that he will always be rich, his thoughts are all about making money. But this does not say that he is living his life in richness. His mind may be on money, he can create a lot of money for himself, but he may not be healthy, he may have lousy relationships, he may have no joy, ...so he is actually living a poor life.

Abundance has nothing to do with wealth or money. Abundance includes good health, good relationship, laughter, joy, wonderment, and every aspect of well being. Every thing in this Planet has been created for you, every person, every situation, every place is there for you to know yourself. There is never any possibility of failure. You can be as creative, good, talented, adventurous as you like and give your energy fully and completely every moment, and come into the realization that what you have is enough and more than enough.

So a person is truly rich if they can choose to live in gratitude and choose to be happy and choose to experience life fully in the moment, whatever the conditions around them may be.

This is living every moment consciously in awareness doing and enjoying whatever you want to do fully and completely, and most importantly being kind and loving towards yourself. Kind and loving means never encouraging unkind thoughts about yourself or others in your mind, choosing to gift yourself with happy thoughts of health, beauty, well being, gratitude, and joy. Then you are the richest person in the Planet you are living in abundance!
Premlatha Rajkumar

Wednesday, November 13, 2013



We are pure souls, we are born into this Planet with all the perfect tools we need to expand our consciousness and live as the pure light that we are. When we enter the Planet in a human body we are immediately bombarded by the mind with thoughts, emotions, and sentiments.  We are fascinated with the body and the mind, and we begin a grand love affair with the body and mind, we perceive ourselves as the body and the mind.  We take pride in all that we have achieved through the body and the mind, and we attach ourselves to all these achievements, our possessions, our work, our education, our knowledge, our physical appearance, our abilities, our relationships, our family history, race, religion, culture, nation and the list goes on and on. If we stop to think about it deeply we realize that all these attachments created by the body and the mind are just a surface garment that we put on to live and communicate on this Planet.

The true being, resides in the heart as the watcher, as the one that makes the body and mind come alive, the one that is a silent witness of all things, the one who resides in the inner sacred space of the heart and sees all things and knows all things, this being is never born and this being can never die.   This being is the cosmic traveler whose journey is beyond time and space.  In order to experience this physical Planet this Grand Being of pure love and light, has allowed a tiny part of itself to descend into a physical body and mind, to watch, observe, gather knowledge of the physical experience, expand and grow and to move on.  This being is full of wisdom, power and greater understanding of all things visible and invisible.

This experience as a human being is just a moment in Cosmic time,.... just a moment!  And it will be wonderful and wise if one chooses to spend this moment in conscious connection with the Divine Presence of the inner being.

Enlightenment is making conscious connection with this inner being and living as compassion,.. as pure love. This compassion and love is neither emotional nor is it focused towards any one person or one thing, it is beyond relationships and is no longer addressed to anyone or anything in particular.  It is an overflowing wellspring that flows in all directions and encompasses the whole Universe. It is in perfect tune with existence itself. When one seeks to live in oneness with the inner being one need not strive to be loving or kind or understanding, for all these virtues are the truth of who we really are.  The physical and mental garment of achievements are just that, they are just garments worn for convenience of the physical experience, but to perceive ourselves as these garments and attach to them creates enormous discord in every aspect of life. It is like seeing the world through cloudy, broken glasses.

Attachment to the achievements of the body and mind and perceiving oneself as the body and mind is a dream.  Enlightenment is the potential within every person to wake up from this dream. We have been given the potential to wake up at any moment.   All methods of meditation, prayer, affirmations, yoga, visualizations etc. are tools that can create a situation that shakes us up and we wake up from this dream.

Enlightenment is not a goal that can be reached, it is a moment to moment process of greater understanding and conscious awareness of living in union with the Sacred Presence of the Inner Being. Enlightenment is a path that only you can create for yourself through your awareness. Meditations, prayers, and other spiritual practices are only pointers, but you are the traveler, there are no ready made paths. You have to travel alone following the light of your inner being.  And this journey is sometimes painful for it involves peeling away of all attachments created through the body and mind, to reveal the inner pure being that is the grander YOU.  Peeling away attachments does not mean separation or cutting off, it truly means experiencing a grander oneness with every person and every thing making the living experience more beautiful and joyous.

By awakening ourselves we awaken others just by our very presence, and the Planet responds with new life to the compassion that flows from our heart.  We are the Bodhisattva, and the vow of the Bodhisattva goes like this " I seek my own enlightenment for the sake of all beings."
Let us choose to wake up to the truth of who we really are!
Premlatha Rajkumar
© 2013 P. Rajkumar

Wednesday, November 6, 2013



True Gratitude cannot be toward anything as gratitude happens for the All. When we live from the place of immense trust and surrender, every single aspect of life becomes sacred, the breath becomes holy, the body becomes holy, the ground we walk on becomes holy, every created being becomes holy, and every encounter with life becomes a sacred encounter.

 Nature and all of creation have been created to serve us, the Creator is serving us in the most wonderful ways, and do we stop to appreciate the Creator? If only we took the time to truly stay and watch and listen, we would be continuously appreciating and thanking the Creator for all of the kind service given to us. I have noticed that appreciation and gratitude are the greatest portals that take us closer to the heart of the Creator.  

At one time during my meditative state I asked the Creator,  
 “How may I serve you more,” and I was stunned and shocked to receive this answer loud and clear:
 “Please allow me to serve you.”  

My heart wept with the understanding of this powerful message. I understood that I had been keeping a distance from the Creator thinking that I was born to serve the Creator and that I was not worthy to come closer to the Creator. After I received the message, I understood that the Creator was waiting to serve me, to please me with all of the most beautiful things around me in my life, and to keep me in love, joy, and excitement. And here I was, more worried about my service to the Divine by diligently praying and meditating, taking life so seriously, and forgetting to laugh or to be in joy. I realized that the greatest gift I can give the Creator is my joy.  The Creator has gifted us this body, mind, the entire planet, and all the beautiful creations on it for us to enjoy and appreciate.

The best gift we can give to the Creator is not any physical thing; it is our Joy.  

As human parents, when we see our children living happy lives, it gives us extreme satisfaction; it is the same with the Creator.
 When we live in gratitude, we see life as endless Joy, and joy is the greatest gift we can give to the Creator.
Premlatha Rajkumar   

Sunday, October 27, 2013


I remember one of my teachers explaining fear to me when I was very young. He told me that once two men from his village were travelling through a deep forest to reach another village.  This forest was feared by people because it had a lot of poisonous snakes.  So these two men were travelling by day time and were planning to reach the other village before night fall.  It so happened that a storm brewed up and it became dark very soon.  Suddenly one of the men cried aloud that a snake has bitten him, he started foaming in the mouth and fell down in agony.  The other man lighted his lantern and tried to see what had happened to his friend.
And to his dismay his friend lost consciousness and died.
With the light of his lantern the man saw that it was not a snake that had bitten his friend.  Mangoes are abundant in India in the summer, and people eat the mangoes and throw away the seed, the seeds get dried up in the sun and the hard seed coat splits open on one side like a mouth.  The man who died had stepped over one of these mouth opened seeds and it had clung to his heel, he thought that a poisonous snake had bitten him and in heightened emotion of fear he gave this message to the cells of his body.  The cells accepted his thought as the truth and they created foaming in the mouth just like it happens in a snake bite and created death of the body.
Fear is the only thing to be feared in life!
The cells of our body are overhearing our thoughts every moment and acting in accordance with it.  Are we aware of the thoughts we are feeding the cells every moment?  Are we creating death through our thoughts before we have lived?
Our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs create our reality absolutely.
We have the power to create beauty and joy in our life by choosing empowering and resourceful thoughts.
As pure souls our decision to come into these physical bodies is our grandest choice,  we signed up for the great things we were going to create in this life time.  Every moment of life is meant to be lived fully, in awareness, gratitude, and understanding. When life is lived fully in the present moment, it becomes richer, eternal, and blissful. Through this choice of living life fully we realize the ultimate value of life.
Premlatha Rajkumar
© 2013 P. Rajkumar

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


A sweet friend asked me this question, and I see that many parents are seeking the same for their children, so I am sharing this with you my dear friends:

Question: How to encourage your child to connect to source energy? Because I really want my children to evolve spiritually and know the reality of God within.

Answer:Keep telling your children that they are Grand Spirits who live in these physical bodies as their home. And tell them that their spirit emanates from the Creator, tell them that they are older than knowledge, and that every thing they need is inside them. So if they are to be who they are, they need to connect with the Source of who they are.

Just like a play, ask your children to sit still for some 5 to 10 minutes everyday and dream about happy things, the more they dream and visualize the more they get connected to Source Energy and come to know the Creator within.
Premlatha Rajkumar


Take time to sit in silence with yourself everyday. 
Travel through your imagination and dream happy dreams for yourself. Keep your dreams alive by affirming that you are worthy to live a wonderful life. 
When doubt or fear arises, take slow deep breaths, and in your minds eye see yourself breathing in the love and light of God which is around and within you.
Be still and know that you are so greatly loved and cherished by God. 
Keep your intention very clear, neither money nor borders can limit you from getting what you want. 
You are the miracle maker of your life, manifest your dreams! 
Premlatha Rajkumar

Thursday, October 10, 2013



We are so fascinated by dramas, we love the theater, the TV serials and all kinds of stage performances.  It is important to notice our fascination with the roles of victims, villains and heroes in these dramas. Unconsciously we identify with these roles and continue to play them in our every day lives.  We create these identities based on mind stories of good and bad. The more unaware we are the more we are trapped in the roles of victim, villain and hero.

The society, the family, and the religion assign these roles for us to play through many many belief systems of fear.  We desperately want to fit into these roles to please and to prove. This traps us indefinitely in the struggles of life that bring pain and bondage. These roles are played within our every relationships whether it be the spouse, parent, children, friends, relatives, strangers, or co-workers.

Shifting into the awareness of this game we find ourselves playing this game by exaggerating, making bigger and giving names through mind stories. Without blame, guilt or lies there would be no roles to play, instead there would only be healthy responsible relationships based on honest communications. The moment we bring conscious awareness into the role playing, there is a shift in consciousness. Awareness is the key.  Transformation begins with awareness.

Belief systems and lying to own self keeps one stuck in these roles. These roles always bring pain, powerlessness, and irresponsibility, they can never make one to stand in truth and freedom.

The moment we choose to play any one of these roles, we will end up playing all the three roles.Victim consciousness is based on the belief that every one in the world is 'out there to get me'.  It is a constant looking out for what is wrong with the world.  There is always a pity party going on that brings mind stories of “ poor me”, “you are bad”, "bad things happen to me."  If you perceive yourself as someone’s rescuer you find yourself as someone’s victim, while at the same time that person will perceive you as the persecutor. We continue to attach to these roles emotionally and judge everything around us.

  The basic and most important truth is that we create our reality, absolutely, there is nothing called a coincidence or an accident. At some level we create it all. We have to remember that this Universe is our mirror, this mirror truly reflects everything we send out. Therefore when we hold on to the idea that we are victims, the Universe thinks that we want to experience being a victim, and so it will bring to us more of what we hold in our consciousness till we wake up and take responsibility for what we are choosing to experience.

The ego loves role play, and if we are asleep we feel stuck in the dramas of the ego. As long as we continue to wage war between opponents, between two sides, or between good and bad we will continue to play these dramas of victim, villains, and heroes.   No matter which part we play in the struggle, we are actually perpetuating the struggle by keeping ourselves stuck in this duality game  As long as we think that we have to eradicate evil, we get trapped  in this mindless game of being victim, villain, or hero.It takes discernment to refuse to play these roles, and discernment comes from living from the heart, connecting to the 'kingdom within'. Any belief comes from the fear in the ego, freedom involves eradication of beliefs.

 There is no God ‘out there’ to serve, the Creator dwells in all beings, in all things seen and unseen.   The true Creator can be found within, thus every master who came to the Planet spoke about connecting to the “Kingdom within”.  Aligning to the kingdom within, reveals the Creator that is in all life.  This understanding will help one to go beyond this game of duality. This understanding will help to let go the desire for justice, revenge, or making up for the wrongs by committing more wrongs. Understanding the Creator within will lead to unconditional love, trust, and surrender which is the grandest devotion to the Divine.

 Instead of fighting, resisting, or feeling victimized when we choose to surrender and trust unconditionally, we go beyond the duality game and life opens innumerable opportunities for us.  By our choice we also inspire others to realize that there is more to life than involving in the duality struggle.

The challenge in this new paradigm is to refuse to play these roles and trust life to open up new and beautiful opportunities. Being in integrity with oneself is the key to get out of this role play and evolve ourselves into a new paradigm of love and truth.  Accepting, approving, and loving the self is the golden key that leads to freedom.

We are the bringers of the New Paradigm, we are the new evolving humanity. The new paradigm has no beliefs only love and truth.

Let us choose to create this new paradigm of love and truth.


Premlatha Rajkumar

© 2013 Premlatha Rajkumar

Tuesday, October 1, 2013



Do you notice repeated occurrences in life, the very situation we try to avoid comes back and visits us again and again ? Even if we try to change our place, our jobs, our relationships, even if we try to hide, the same situation comes back to visit us in another person, or in another form. Sometimes we try to help someone resolve a bad situation, and suddenly we find ourselves in the same situation.

If we contemplate on this deeply, it is clearly revealed that that which we continue to judge and condemn becomes our shadow and stays with us, till we choose to accept the responsibility for creating it and resolve it with forgiveness and understanding.

The world is our mirror, there is no other here, there is only one of us.
The mirror smiles if we smile and it scowls if we scowl at it.
Every situation or person we perceive on the outside is an expression of the consciousness we hold on the inside.
So at this moment if you have someone in front of you who is radiating love and peace, then it is the consciousness that you hold inside which is responsible for it, and in the same way if you are experiencing irritation and discord of what is happening in front of you then it is again because of the consciousness that you are holding on the inside. No person, no situation has the power to make us sad, angry, irritated or peaceful, we are the authors and executors of these things absolutely.

Till we resolve the discordant situation with forgiveness, understanding, and non-judgment, the situation will continue to appear in one form or other in our life.
We have fallen into a deep sleep of unconsciousness and continue to play the blame games of believing that everything on the outside is the reason for all bad situations in life. Waking up to the truth that we are 100% responsible for everything that is happening around us is the most powerful key.

To begin to see the reflection of the physical reality we want, the first step is to see everything on the outside as a reflection on a mirror. when you look at your reflection in the mirror, you know that you are not really inside the mirror. So if you need to change the reflection in the mirror, you do not go to the mirror to change the reflection, you change yourself in order to see a change in the mirror's reflection. Any change in the outer reality must begin from the inner reality, within your consciousness, which is your state of being.

True meditation is taking time to sit with yourself and noticing the thoughts that do not support you, question them, see them from the place of understanding and let them go. We are the masters of our life; the captains of our ship; and we absolutely have the choice to create our world the way we want it to be.
Let us choose to take responsibility for our creations. We are the bringers of wisdom, radiance, and peace for this Planet. Let us choose to play this game of "life" wisely.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Thursday, September 19, 2013



Seek approval from your inner being rather than from other people. Dwelling on others’ opinions about you is a waste of time, and it is not your business in the first place. It is not going to help you in anyway.

People need not be your source of approval. You are the best person who can approve of yourself. Approve of yourself before anyone else can approve of you for the good job you have done, for the love that you are, for your kind heart, for all of the things you do, and for existing on this planet at this time. You are a grand being, and you are a very important part of the planet. By appreciating and approving of yourself, you will no longer seek approval on the outside, and you will not be dependent or addicted to others’ opinions in anyway. You will be your own powerful guiding light.

The problem with depending on other people’s approval, is that you dance to their tunes which are never true for you. You become addicted to the outside report and push yourself into stress. What others think of you is certainly not your business; however, living your life from the place of joy within and awakening yourself into a responsible, capable, loving, harmonious, and happy human is absolutely your business.

Buddha’s Story

Once the Buddha was giving a spiritual discourse and there was an angry man who wanted to take out his anger on Buddha. He got up and started scolding and uttering all sorts of ugly words to the Buddha. The Buddha stood silently, with a smile on his face. After being spent of his anger, the man came up to the Buddha and asked:

"Don't you feel angry, are you not ashamed that I spoke like this to you in front of all these people?"

The Buddha in all his wisdom replied:

"Young man, you have an apple in your hand, and you are offering it to me, but I did not take it, so tell me where is the apple now?"

The man said that the apple is still with him, so the Buddha replied:

"Likewise your words are with you, I did not make them mine."

Reminder: Do not make the opinions of others’ as yours. Allow people to have their opinions, BUT DO NOT MAKE THEM YOURS.

Love, approve, and cherish yourself completely to remove yourself from getting addicted to people’s approval. It is always stressful and difficult to compete with others, compare your situation, or belittle your actions by considering what you should or should not have done. Freedom is giving the gift of KINDNESS to oneself. It means never allowing fear, anger, or sadness to cloud your life. It means to live life with total acceptance, flexibility, and without resistance. There is no success to be achieved, and there is no failure either. For whatever you are doing at any given moment with total love and acceptance, is the Ultimate Success.

This Prayer of Byron Katie is a powerful reminder:

“God spare me from the desire for love, approval, or appreciation.”

~ An Excerpt from my book  "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.

Monday, September 16, 2013



We have the power to create heaven or hell right now, wherever we are.
As Humanity we are all interconnected, we are One Consciousness, and so what we do for others we are actually doing for ourselves.

This is the golden rule and it is found in all the ancient scriptures of our Planet.

"This is the sum of duty; do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you. (The Mahabharata)
Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. (Udana-Varga 5:18)
Surely it is the maxim of loving kindness; do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you. (Analects 15:23)
Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss. (Tai Shang Kan Ying P'ien)
That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself. (Dadistan-I-dinik 94:5)
What is hateful to you do not to your fellowman. That is the entire law, the rest is commentary. (Talmud, Shabbat 31a)
All things whatsoever ye would that man should do to you, do ye even so to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. ( Matthew 7:12)
No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself. ( Sunnah)

The teachings of the Golden rule reminded me of the PARABLE OF THE SPOONS. The Parable goes like this:

A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like. "The Lord led the holy man to two doors.
He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water.
The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful, but because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering. The Lord said, "You have seen Hell."
They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking.
The holy man said, "I don't understand." "It is simple" said the Lord, "it requires but one skill. You see, they have learned to feed each other."

The people who created the place called "heaven" understood the concept of Oneness and learnt to treat others as they would themselves like to be treated.
Let us choose to treat one another with respect and kindness and create 'Heaven on Earth.'
~Premlatha Rajkumar  

Saturday, September 14, 2013



Bringing our Divine Presence consciously into every aspect of life is an act of bringing HEAVEN ON EARTH. We are the Presence – expressing itself as a human being. 

The Presence is the Sacred Observer – the Sacred Witness to every aspect of life. The Presence can be known by being alert, awake, and connected in the Present moment.

We are a timeless, infinite being of immense magnificence and beauty. We love our infinite expansion, we love to go and experience the farthest, and the deepest. In our quest, we chose to enter into this experience called human form, ..space, ..time, and all limitations that are involved with it.

We are the ocean, and sometimes we like to experience ourselves as the wave. The wave rises, but falls back to become the magnificent ocean. Yes, being a human is a dream to experience limitation in order to more deeply and know our magnificence. The mind is the tool that holds us in this dream called human form, ...time, ...space, and we think that we are trapped and that we are hostage. But it is possible to wake up from this dream of humanity.

The powerful truth is that we are the Pure Awareness of the Divine Presence; we do not need to make awareness happen. We walk, we eat, we breathe with the body. Yet when we start listening with alertness to our walk, to our eating, to our breathing, it becomes the meditation that wakes us up from the dream of separation. Awareness makes us realize that the watcher, the infinite, the timeless Presence, is who we are. Let the Presence of the Silent Watcher be in everything we do. Every human is responsible to wake up from this dream. And the awakening can happen only by awareness.

When the mind is full of thoughts about complications and suffering, pull yourself out of it by practicing listening, feeling, and noticing. In silence, see the beauty of nature, feel the breeze touching you, listen to the voice of the birds, and the sounds of children playing. Do not think about it, allow awareness to happen, just be there, and just be aware. And in that moment, walks in the wisdom of the timeless part of YOU. When you get to know the timeless part of you, the experience of the You in time and space flows with ease and grace.

An Excerpt from "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.
Available as Kindle, Audio, Text only, black and white and color versions.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013



As humanity our collective consciousness is soaking in pain, we have so many things that we think is a bother in life, people are unpleasant, the government is rotten, the education system is no good, the weather is horrible, annoyed and offended with everything, it is either too hot, or too cold, too fat or too tall, or allergic to everything out there, or outraged by the actions done by someone, the pain we hold within is constantly trying to find our what is wrong with the world.  And most of the time the mind comes up with the idea of getting rid of whatever is causing the unpleasantness, right from mosquitoes to the government. The mind thinks that once it gets rid of all that it thinks as unpleasant, there will come a happy contented future.  This is the logic of the mind but it does not make any sense because we are born into the planet and we cannot run away from it.  If we choose to work with our mind instead of struggling to change everything on the outside, we are sure to find happiness, peace, and contentment.

If the world seems to be an unpleasant place then we are 100% responsible for it, because this world around us is our hall of mirrors and the consciousness we choose to hold about people and things is what is reflected on the outside. We are responsible for the energy we bring into the Planet through us.  If we choose to feel frustrated, sad, or angry about the situations around us, we take part in aggravating the situation even more. If we choose to believe our mind stories then we continue to see ourselves and others as victims and try to heal the pain by interfering, pitying, and trying to "Save" the world, we continue to scare ourselves with greater mind stories of imperfection and we suffer by losing our joy, and creating that which we do not want again and again. We forget the Creator's eternal goodness, and see the Planet and everything in it as being broken, and take up on us the stress of healing a broken planet by getting into the business of our spouse, our children, our neighbors, strangers and the world at large. Things in the world cannot frighten us, only we have the power to terrorize ourselves with our mind stories. We do not know the bigger picture, we can only see what is in front of us, we do not even know if being alive or being dead is good for us at this moment, we have an extremely limited perception.

 If we choose to rise about our mind stories then it is very important to be in the Present Moment with full awareness.  The way to get out of our pain is to practice awareness and be in conscious connection with the Divine Presence within. This brings us to the place of non-judgment. I am reminded of Ho'oponopono, the Shamanic practice of forgiveness, native to Hawaii.  It explicitly encourages verbally forgiving ones own inner thoughts and mind stories.  This amazing technique is portrayed in Dr.Hew Len's work, as a therapist he cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients without seeing any of them.  He took each of the patient's charts and looked within himself to see how he created that person's illness.  As he continued to work on himself, his patients got healed.  The work he did was to say these words again and again to his Higher Self/God within,  "I am sorry"  for harboring such kind of data in the mind stories, and "I love you" for forgiving and erasing these data from my mind.

Hence we are completely responsible for the energy we hold within, and bring into this Planet.  We are 100% responsible for everything we see, hear, touch, just because it is in our life, everything on the outside is a projection from our inside world.  If there is a problem on the outside it is imperative that we fix it by working on the concepts and beliefs we hold on the inside.

We each and everyone of us are a powerful gift to this Planet, we influence the situations in the world around us by what we choose to believe at any given moment. Choosing to be in the Present Moment in awareness is our grand gift for this Planet.

Responsibility is the ability to respond from the heart and not from the mind stories.  The heart is where we connect with our Divine Presence within.
 Let us choose our own enlightenment for the sake of all beings.
~Premlatha Rajkumar     

Monday, September 9, 2013



All is energy/consciousness, every man, animal, tree, cloud, air, water, etc, is a home for consciousness to reside in. There is only consciousness every where. Separation is an illusion, a game that we chose to play at this time. Realizing the unlimited beauty of our beings is the goal of the game. To play this game in a better way it is important to realize that this world truly is our hall of mirrors. Hence, there is no other here. There is no one out there to please or to prove. Every thing around us is our own reflection. All limitations are self-imposed, there is absolutely no one to rescue, nothing to achieve, nowhere to be. All learning is truly only a remembering, we are unlimited beings with our awakening in our own hands.
Being/consciousness is more powerful than doing. We can fight for peace and justice as much as we want but if we do not hold peace and non-judgment in our consciousness, all our efforts will not be of use to anyone. The world does not begin from outside us, the world begins from within us. There is no built-in meaning here, the meaning for everything is the meaning we give it. We are the master of our creations, it is in our power to see things the way we want them to be. Nothing outside has the power to hurt, damage, or destroy us in anyway. If we perceive something as not good, then we go inside and create it better by choosing to hold peace and non-judgment in our consciousness. In order to change the picture outside, we go within and change our perception on the inside.
The world outside is truly our own reflection, in reality we are standing in front of another version of ourselves. So, in healing ourselves, we are actually healing others. Fear is an illusion, and fear happens when we take this game of separation seriously, fear plagues us, it becomes a common sickness in the human collective, we fear failure, we fear success, we fear speaking our truth, we fear to commit, we fear to trust, we fear controversy, and we fear to love. Noticing our reactions to life situations consciously is a way of identifying our fear. The next step is to question our fear if it is truly ours or are we projecting someone else's fear. Just noticing and being with the fear helps us to process the fear, we can also go another step ahead by choosing to see the turnarounds for the fears . When we question our fear and process it without judgment, we are open to our truth and healing happens. We gather wisdom through every experience in this body, we expand our consciousness, and we continuously recreate ourselves.
This game of separation is only a brief moment in time, we are never born and we never die. Aligning with the Presence of our unlimited being is the key to awakening from this sleep of separation. Awakening from this sleep we come to realize that our true purpose is to celebrate life, to bring love, joy, laughter, peace within so that we can reflect it without.
Let us choose to play this game called, "life on Planet Earth" with conscious connection to our Divine Presence. Let us play well together!
Premlatha Rajkumar

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Zen Story


Tanzan and Ekido were once travelling together down a muddy road. A heavy rain was still falling.

Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unable to cross the intersection.

"Come on, girl," said Tanzan at once. Lifting her in his arms, he carried her over the mud.

Ekido did not speak again until that night when they reached a lodging temple. Then he no longer could restrain himself. "We monks don't go near females," he told Tanzan, "especially not young and lovely ones. It is dangerous. Why did you do that?"

"I left the girl there," said Tanzan. "Are you still carrying her?"

Let us contemplate on this: "The longer you hold on to mental chatter the farther away you are from inner peace.
~Premlatha Rajkumar

Friday, September 6, 2013



Are we willing to go beyond the ego and its blame games and accept and allow the process of life to flow through us? 

The following is an interesting Zen story about the Zen Master Hakuin. Imagine how you would react if this was your story.

The Zen master Hakuin was praised by his neighbors as one living a pure life.

A beautiful Japanese girl whose parents owned a food store lived near him. Suddenly, without any warning, her parents discovered she was with child.

This made her parents very angry. She would not confess who the man was, but after much harassment at last named Hakuin.

In great anger the parents went to the master. "Is that so?" was all he would say.

After the child was born it was brought to Hakuin. By this time he had lost his reputation, which did not trouble him, but he took very good care of the child. He obtained milk from his neighbors and everything else the little one needed.

A year later the girl-mother could stand it no longer. She told her parents the truth - that the real father of the child was a young man who worked in the fishmarket.

The mother and father of the girl at once went to Hakuin to ask his forgiveness, to apologize at length, and to get the child back again.

Hakuin was willing. In yielding the child, all he said was: "Is that so?"

This beautiful story brings the grand reminder that when we align with our Divine Presence within, we get out of the need to prove or please others. Our actions are empowered with the wisdom of life, life flows through us freely and creates grand transformations to the world around us effortlessly.

Premlatha Rajkumar

Friday, August 30, 2013



Sweet friends,
I am sharing this conversation here because many are asking the same question at this moment.

Q: Do the feelings also keep changing with time, is it okay to drift apart from people who give you pain?

A: Yes, absolutely. You are Pure Soul, an eternal spark of the Creator. You are a traveler beyond time and space and you have allowed a very tiny part of you to drift into this physical body vehicle to experience this earth life for a short while.
You are not obligated to anyone and neither is anyone obligated to you. You are being renewed everyday. You are not your past experiences or actions. Who you are in this moment is the only Truth. And in this moment you are a magnificent being of immense love and light and you are a free spirit, you are not in bondage to anything or anyone.
Realize that your first duty is to your Higher Self/your God within, for whose mission you are here on this Planet. And in this mission the most important aspect is integrity towards the Self.
Feelings are your internal Divine Guidance System that come from the heart. Emotions come as a result of holding on to thoughts in the mind, but feeling is that inner voice that reminds you that you are love and that respecting the Self is the place where you need to be.
Every pain, challenge, and dysfunction arises for us to make peace with it, once we make peace we move ahead in our soul journey, but if we are judging the outside situation and not willing to make peace the lesson continues till we learn peace and freedom.
Just let go and forgive these people who give you pain, it is not the people, understand that it is a consciousness that is revealing itself at this time to get healed. No one can make you suffer unless you choose to. Pain is an experience, but only when we give the meaning to the pain as suffering from our mind it becomes a suffering, the mind knows only what it knows. To come into your freedom, be willing to change your perception, choose to see the gift in every situation and move on.
It is wise to connect with your Higher Self and follow the guidance of your heart dear one.
Every time there is discomfort within, place your hand on your heart,(for the heart is the sacred sanctuary, the connection to your Higher Self) and say this mantra, " I trust you my Higher Self" as many times as you can with feeling.
You will notice grand changes happening around and within you.
Thank you for asking, that is a great question.
Premlatha Rajkumar