Saturday, June 29, 2013



My Sweet Friends,
Yesterday I shared a note on 'Trusting your feelings' . Some of you  have asked me to explain the emotions of anger, sadness, anxiety, and frustration and how can that be related to trusting ones feelings. This is the answer for this question.
 Feelings and emotions are two different things, Emotions are reactionary they are born out of the mind story of judgments, Feelings are never reactionary and they are born in response to the situation around us, they are the gentle nudges that we often ignore. We are so habituated and attached to social consciousness and mind stories that we have never learnt to trust in ourselves. When we start to love ourselves completely we would be kind to ourselves, we would stop terrorizing ourselves by reacting to every story thought of the mind, then we would become the patient observers of life and then we would be more aware of the feelings that arise from within. Feelings are always from the heart, feelings are your truth, when you are married to your truth, when you do exactly what your heart tells you, then your relationship with yourself is so great that everything around you falls into place automatically, you need not do anything about it. But since humanity has habituated itself to unconsciously react to judgmental thoughts of the mind, we lost our integrity to be true to ourselves. Our feelings would say one thing but because of social consciousness or the mind story we choose to do the opposite, and this breaks our relationship with ourselves, we become miserable on the inside and we project it on to every relationship on the outside.
 Anger, sadness, anxiety, and frustration are emotions and they are outcomes of this sadness on the inside, the sadness of not listening to the gentle voice inside and treating oneself unkindly by attaching to social consciousness and judgments. Being consciously awake is a journey and when one is angry or frustrated at anytime, one needs to stop, get to a place where one is alone, start noticing the breath and start noticing the anger thoughts that pass through the mind continue to be the witness of the breath and notice... just be in that space, and there will be a transformation.
Namaste my dear Friends!
Premlatha Rajkumar  

Friday, June 28, 2013

Top 5 Foods That Damage Your Digestion / All Body Ecology Articles

Top 5 Foods That Damage Your Digestion / All Body Ecology Articles


Trust is not about God or faith. Trust is complete surrender to life from the place of greater Understanding. The greater understanding comes from the heart and never from the mind. The mind is not built for trust or love. The mind is a storehouse of knowledge and experiences; hence, the mind is a grand holding place for beliefs. Emotions arise because of judgment of beliefs as being good or bad. Trust has nothing to do with emotions. Trust is a state of being. It is a feeling of the heart; it is not an emotion. It is referred to as the “gut feeling”. The gut feeling is the truth that you are born with; it is your Divine Guidance. When the gut feeling is pleasant, you are on the right path. In contrast, if your gut feeling is not comfortable, the path you have chosen is not for you.

~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"

Tuesday, June 25, 2013



Every person outside you is a video album in your mind, your parents, friends, siblings, neighbors, strangers,.... every one. The mind stores the data which is the product of all the electrical frequencies emitted from matter, collected by the physical senses and sent to the brain.  This data is only from matter and not from emotions, thoughts, feelings, or experiences of the other person, this is actually an insufficient data, hence it creates an inner world of fear and anxiety.  So each time we get angry with someone, our anger is directed to the video album about the person in our mind and not the totality of the person. Hence, it is all a mind story, it is not the entire truth.  Our struggle, our anger, our happiness, our sadness are all with a specific video album with insufficient data. Most of us choose to live in this  false world created by us with the insufficient data from our senses. If this is so then every thing we know about the other person is what we project from this insufficient data. We attack people from this projection of the mind and then we feel guilty, because it is not human nature to be nasty. When you judge someone we not only go into stress but we also tend to treat that person bad.
Hence to change the world outside, to live from the place of truth, the simple key is to wake up from the movie of the mind and change our perception, change the way we look at things.  Understand that we do not know the whole truth and that it is not the person, but the belief about the person within our false world which is actually hurting us. The key to this challenge is to move beyond the story of right or wrong, and choose to become the watcher without a mind story.  Understanding that we do not know the bigger picture and in this understanding choosing to completely trust life, and give the mind peace with itself will bring harmony and peace for body, mind, and spirit.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Monday, June 24, 2013



The world outside is your mirror. It reflects that which you hold in your consciousness. You can focus on your being, hold in consciousness that which you would like to see reflected, BE that and reflect.
Thoughts are the language of the brain, feelings are the language of the body. When the body is fed with thoughts of fear, anxiety, and stress, the body becomes dense and goes into a very low vibration creating dis-ease. It is not possible for the light of the inner being to shine.  Moving away from thoughts of the past and the future and choosing to trust in the unseen creates grand alignment in thoughts and feelings, this helps us to stop being reactionary. The body releases all negative toxins of emotional ups and downs and comes into freedom.
Choosing to live in gratitude, with complete trust, and anchoring elevated emotions of kindness towards self and others changes the body, opens the heart, even changes the genes, and helps us to live wonderful harmonious lives.
We are the creators of our reality in this earth plane, we are not punished for our attitudes but actually we are punished by our attitudes. The loving intelligence of the Universe honors our freewill, it does not judge us in anyway, it gives to us more of what we hold in our consciousness.  Let us choose wisely, let us choose to hold more of the elevated emotions of gratitude and trust.
Premlatha Rajkumar  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Quantum K free healing tool

The QuantumK healing tool is powerful in healing oneself by removing all past emotional experiences held within the consciousness that do not support our life at this time. This video is a free gift for everyone. Enjoy the Quantum K experience by giving yourself the gift of 30 minutes of your time in front of your computer.

Monday, June 17, 2013


“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” ~Eckhart Tolle
A Gratitude journal is the first tool to bring abundance into your reality. Every progress in your life depends on Practicing Gratitude. Journaling all of the things that you are thankful for in your life is a great key for transformation.
Select a special notebook for yourself and write on the front page MY GRATITUDE JOURNAL. Keep it in a place where you can see it often – perhaps near your bed. You can cover the notebook with pretty paper, paste beautiful pictures on it, or anything that you would like your notebook to have. Remember, this is a powerful tool to transform your life. Take the notebook each night before going to bed, and write down three things that you were grateful for that day. As you continue to do this sincerely every day, you will notice that some days your list goes beyond three things. You will fill the journal with all of your blessings, and you will find that you will not be the same person again. A grand inner shift in your reality will have occurred. You will start focusing more and more on the abundance in your life, and you shall come to notice life as contentment and joy.
By holding the consciousness of joy, you will be creating a grand new future and fulfilling all of your dreams. You will be a grand witness to all of the magic and miracles in your life.

~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"

Saturday, June 15, 2013


My Sweet Friends,
Since many have been asking  questions about creating wealth and financial abundance , I am sharing these thoughts with you......


Through all my journeys I have found that financial peace and healing happens when I work on myself. For I truly believe that when I clear my path and allow my inner being to flow through, my inner being creates for me what I need in this lifetime.
But the most important work I need to do is to work with my mind.
It begins with trust, and when I choose to trust my inner being/the God/Goddess within, I choose not to encourage or bind my emotions with thoughts that do not support me in anyway. All thoughts of worry, anxiety, comparison, competition, jealousy, and fear are very big road blocks that hinder the flow of creativity and manifestation from my inner being.
On the other hand encouraging thoughts and actions of gratitude, generosity, non-judgment and blessing oneself, humanity and the planet are great supporters of manifesting miracles in your life.
Diligently taking time to follow certain powerful practices like affirmations and meditations everyday also help you and support you in your creation.
Let me share some powerful affirmations and meditations with you.
Affirmations are just words but they receive their magic from your feelings, hence feel the words as truth for you when you recite or write the affirmations slowly and clearly morning and night and whenever you get time during the day. Also do the affirmation when the inner mental speech pulls you down with fear. Choose to make your inner mental chatter to agree with what you want for yourself.


"Riches are flowing to me freely and joyously"

"I have a wonderful income. I am wealthy, happy, and free"

Every time you recite this give thanks to the infinite presence within you for bringing true riches into your life.

Also share generously your love, your time, your smile, your forgiveness, your understanding, and your money if possible with people around you. Bring your Focus more on gratitude and generosity.
The more you do this the more you will be blessed. The infinite intelligence within you will see your enthusiasm and readiness to live a wonderful life and it will bless you abundantly to have it.

Astrologically the Planet Jupiter is the Guardian and keeper of wealth and riches, sharing this link to a video where the sounds of the Planet Jupiter has been captured, you can listen to it as a meditation everyday.
The link:  

Thursday, June 13, 2013


An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"

The mirror is a most powerful medium that helps us to face our darkness within. It helps to see both the dark and the light sides that we are born with. It helps us to get acquainted with our multidimensional selves. The practice of looking at oneself through the mirror is a profound part of growth towards self-realization.
The fairy tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has in it a magic mirror – a reflective object that can answer any question. Truly, the mirror does answer all of our questions. It is good to look at oneself in the mirror when one is angry, when one is sad or distressed, and when one is happy. Take time to look at yourself in the mirror, and get to know and acknowledge every part and embrace all of the self with love and joy. Gazing at the mirror is a meditation in itself. It is considered to be a most profound psychic tool and has been used as such since ancient times. It brings enlightenment and spiritual awareness.

It takes courage to face the mirror and see all of ourselves as we truly are. When we come into the knowing of our Self, we can rejoice and celebrate the experience for it makes us stronger and wiser.

Knowing our strengths and our weakness and accepting is true power. When we do not choose to know ourselves, we live in fear. We give away our power to people on the outside to tell us their version of who we are, and we live our lives according to the whims and fancies of others. This creates confusion and crisis in life.

This world is our mirror and there is no one out there; no one to please, and no one to prove to. Everything around us is a reflection of our image and even the one we consider our enemy, is actually our own reflection.  Fairy tales are grand explanations of this. They show how the beast can be conquered by love, and they show the conquered beast to be one’s own self. Everything we do is an act of self-definition. Our thoughts, emotions, and words carry the energy of creation. Each moment of life is sacred and new. It carries amazing potentials and we are born to life every moment.

The illusions of the mirror (the world outside) are our tools, and they were meant to help us evolve into our grander selves. The ultimate truth is that there is no separation; there is only Unity and Oneness with all things and with the Creator.

The following meditations help one to realize the All is One.

1. Practice gazing at yourself in the mirror. Gaze at yourself in the mirror and imagine yourself to become the person in the mirror. Perceive yourself in the mirror looking at the real you outside the mirror. Shift your attention back into your body. Do this as many times as you can. This meditation helps us with our ability to connect with the watcher within.

2. Every night before going to sleep, close your eyes and look at your day backwards like a tape rewinding. When you come upon a difficult situation with someone, stand in that person’s place. Look at yourself from that person’s vantage point. You can now see yourself clearly as the person sees you. The person is your mirror.
~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace
(Now available as audio book also - read by me and my co-author Sheryl Lynn Christian )
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

An excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"


The last frontier of humanity is not the evolution of technology, but it is the evolution into Higher Consciousness. The projected world outside is the mirror image of the world inside. Every relationship becomes a tool for the evolvement of Higher Consciousness.

To become fully conscious of the true self, we need to understand that every single human being that comes into our space is a true reflection of us. If the person shows beauty, grace and wisdom, they are truly reflecting us, if they show greed, selfishness, or cruelty; they are also truly reflecting us. We live our lives denying our dark side. One of the most important spiritual practices is to acknowledge our dark side and understand that a person with dark qualities comes into our lives in order for us to bring this quality into the light. The moment we acknowledge and forgive the dark side in us, and willingly embrace both the light and dark sides of ourselves, we come to a better understanding of the Universal consciousness, and we begin to heal ourselves and our relationships.

Healing ourselves can happen only by aligning ourselves with our Divine Presence. The more we align ourselves, the more we will love and be in joy with ourselves. We will start enjoying our own company because our life will no longer be mind-ridden as it will be from the place of devotion to the Divine. Life becomes an overflowing joy for no reason, joy becomes our true nature, and we do not need to depend on anyone to bring us joy or comfort. We become a well spring of joy, and our joy is so infectious that it embraces all life in unconditional love.

Aligning with Divinity every day helps us to be aware of the mind stories and to drop them. Letting go the mind stories and letting go of searching for reasons, we come into our freedom from suffering. Duality of the world is not the suffering, but the mind stories about the duality is the cause of suffering.

Every human relationship is also a creation from our consciousness. As souls we choose our parents and families to be born into and as we start growing up, our consciousness chooses to bring people into our lives for us to relate, interact and grow with. When we are living from the mind story, we start judging, comparing, competing, blaming, and finally suffering with our relationships.

According to the words of Rumi:

“The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not
knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along.”

People do not come into our lives by chance or by accident. From our deep consciousness we create them in our life. We call unto their souls to come and play with us. When we are in alignment with our Divine Presence, we relate to people with gratitude and respect. Our joy and unconditional love overflows and helps our partners and us to grow in wisdom and to expand in consciousness.

Every human is unique. Every person lives in his or her own mind created world, and every person has his or her own ideas, thoughts, and concepts. Every human relationship is sacred because every relationship triggers a conflict with the mind stories. You are not even aware of your mind stories until someone comes along to challenge them. If you are living attached to your mind stories, much conflict and confusion will be created.  But when you choose to align with your Divine Presence, you will be lead to drop your mind stories through the light of understanding. You will then be your own savior and you will not hold people responsible for your happiness. You will be aware that the sacredness of every human relationship is to help you to grow in wisdom and understanding.

~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace
(Now available as audio book also - read by me and my co-author Sheryl Lynn Christian)
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 6, 2013



Everything in this Universe is created for you, you are a beloved child of the Universe. The Universe conspires with you to fulfill all your wants and decisions. So are we ready to take responsibility for the things we decide to hold in our consciousness? For truly the Universe will help you to achieve it.

I am reminded of a story by Osho:
A man was sitting at the gate of a town, an old man. A rider stopped, a horse rider and asked him, “What are the people of this town like?”

The old man asked, “Why do you ask this?”

The rider said, “The people of the town I have come from are very indecent. I was upset and disturbed by them. I had to leave that town. Now I want to become a resident of some new town. So I am asking you how the people of this town are.”

The old man said, “Brother, you had better move on. The people of this town are even more vile, more wicked, more indecent. Here you will get into trouble, go look somewhere else.”

The rider moved on. Just behind him a bullock cart came to a halt and a man looked around and said, “Grandfather, how are the people of this village? I am searching for a new residence.”

The old man asked again, “How were the people of the village you have left?”

Tears came to the eyes of that man. He said, “I didn’t want to leave, helplessly I had to leave. The people of that village were very loving. Now wherever I live the memory of those people will torment me. I was helpless, I was in economic difficulty. I had to leave it so that I can earn something, I need to try my luck somewhere else. But I have just one ambition that whenever my luck improves, I will return there. I will reside in that village, in the end I want to die in that village. If I cannot live there then at least I want to die there.”

That old man said, “You are welcome. You will find the people of this village even more loving than the people of that village.”

A man was sitting there listening to all this. First he heard what the horse rider said and the old man’s answer. Then he heard what this man on the bullock cart said and the old man’s answer. The man said, “You have really surprised me. You said to one man that this village is very vile and wicked, just move on. And to the other you said this village has very loving people, you have no need to go further, you are welcome! The old man explained, “People are just the way you are. Everywhere men are the same. The real thing is your question.”

So what is it that you choose to believe about yourself and this world today my friend?
Choose wisely for the Universe is every ready to help you achieve it.
~Premlatha Rajkumar

Tuesday, June 4, 2013



Buddha was staying in Vaishali, where Amrapali lived. Amrapali was a prostitute. In Buddha’s time, in this country, it was a convention that the most beautiful woman of any city will not be allowed to get married to any one person, because that will create unnecessary jealousy, conflict, fighting. So the most beautiful woman had to become nagarvadhu – the wife of the whole town.

It was not disrespectable at all; on the contrary, just as in the contemporary world we declare beautiful women as “the woman of the year”, they were very much respected. They were not ordinary prostitutes. Their function was that of a prostitute, but they were only visited by the very rich, or the kings, or the princes, generals — the highest strata of society.

Amrapali was very beautiful. One day she was standing on her terrace and she saw a young Buddhist monk. She had never fallen in love with anybody, although every day she had to pretend to be a great lover to this king, to that king, to this rich man, to that general. But she fell suddenly in love with the man, a Buddhist monk who had nothing, just a begging bowl —a young man, but of a tremendous presence, awareness, grace. The way he was walking …She rushed down, she asked the monk, “Please — today accept my food.”
Other monks were also coming behind him, because whenever Buddha was moving anywhere, ten thousand monks were always moving with him. The other monks could not believe this. They were jealous and angry and feeling all human qualities and frailties as they saw the young man enter the palace of Amrapali.

Amrapali told him, “After three days the rainy season is going to start …” Buddhist monks don’t move for four months when it is the rainy season. Those are the four months they stay in one place; for eight months they continuously move, they can’t stay more than three days in one place.

It is a strange psychology, if you have watched yourself … You can watch it: to be attached to some place it takes you at least four days. For example, for the first day in a new house you may not be able to sleep, the second day it will be little easier, the third day it will be even easier, and the fourth day you will be able to sleep perfectly at home. So before that, if you are a Buddhist monk, you have to leave.

Amrapali said, “After just three days the rainy season is to begin, and I invite you to stay in my house for the four months”. The young monk said, “I will ask my master. If he allows me, I will come.” As he went out there was a crowd of monks standing, asking him what had happened. He said, “I have taken my meal, and the woman has asked me to stay the four months of the rainy season in her palace. I told her that I will ask my master.”

People were really angry — one day was already too much; but four months continuously …! They rushed towards Gautam Buddha. Before the young man could reach the assembly, there were hundreds standing up and telling Gautam Buddha, “This man has to be stopped. That woman is a prostitute, and a monk staying four months in a prostitute’s house …”

Buddha said, “You keep quiet! Let him come. He has not agreed to stay; he has agreed only if I allow him. Let him come.” The young monk came, touched the feet of Buddha and told the whole story, “The woman is a prostitute, a famous prostitute, Amrapali. She has asked me to stay for four months in her house. Every monk will be staying somewhere, in somebody’s house, for the four months. I have told her that I will ask my master, so I am here … whatever you say.”

Buddha looked into his eyes and said, “You can stay.” It was a shock. Ten thousand monks … There was great silence, but great anger, great jealousy. They could not believe that Buddha has allowed a monk to stay in a prostitute’s house. After three days the young man left to stay with Amrapali, and the monks every day started bringing gossips, “The whole city is agog. There is only one talk — that a Buddhist monk is staying with Amrapali for four months continuously.”

Buddha said, “You should keep silent. Four months will pass and I trust my monk. I have looked into his eyes — there was no desire. If I had said no, he would not have felt anything. I said yes … he simply went. And I trust in my monk, in his awareness, in his meditation. “Why are you getting so agitated and worried? If my monk’s meditation is deep then he will change Amrapali, and if his meditation is not deep then Amrapali may change him. It is now a question between meditation and a biological attraction. Just wait for four months. I trust my young man. He has been doing perfectly well and I have every certainty he will come out of this fire test absolutely victorious.”

Nobody believed Gautam Buddha. His own disciples thought, “He is trusting too much. The man is too young; he is too fresh and Amrapali is much too beautiful. He is taking an unnecessary risk.” But there was nothing else to do.

After four months the young man came, touched Buddha’s feet — and following him was Amrapali, dressed as a Buddhist nun. She touched Buddha’s feet and she said, “I tried my best to seduce your monk, but he seduced me. He convinced me by his presence and awareness that the real life is at your feet. I want to give all my possessions to the commune of your monks.”

She had a very beautiful garden and a beautiful palace. She said, “You can make it a place where ten thousand monks can stay in any rainy season.” And Buddha said to the assembly, “Now, are you satisfied or not?”

If meditation is deep, if awareness is clear, nothing can disturb it. Then everything is ephemeral. Amrapali became one of the enlightened women among Buddha’s disciples.

“If meditation is deep, if awareness is clear, nothing can disturb it. Then everything is ephemeral.”