Friday, August 24, 2018


For Children 
I dream of a Planet where children are respected, appreciated and loved;
Where there is compassion for every child in every adult's heart;
Where every child is fed well and clothed appropriately;
Where 'education' caters to the needs of each child specifically;
Where adults realize that play is not just a relief but it is actually a serious learning for the child;
Where children are able to have more time to play or sit silently with their thoughts;
Where adults become models and not critics;
Where children are loved and cherished as a divine gift with innumerable possibilities;
Where their caretakers give them beautiful moments of wisdom so that children carry these memories into the future to create grandness;
Where they are loved not as possessions but loved unselfishly;
Where they are taught and given responsibility with freedom so that they become self confident adults;
Where the adults around them decide to be really responsible, process their thoughts, and provide the children an environment free from violence and fear;
In this safe Planet may our children prosper!
I dream, I pray, and I speak words of blessings for our children!
May they be blessed abundantly!
Premlatha Rajkumar
© P Rajkumar 2018

Friday, August 17, 2018


Judgment and blame games are easy addictions. 
Every time a bad situation happens, we search for reasons outside instead of looking within for solutions and improvement. 
As a society we are never taught responsibility. Since society revolves around reward and punishments, growing up as children we were scared of punishments & greedy for rewards. We felt good to put the blame on someone or something to protect ourselves and free ourselves from taking responsibility.
It is easy to blame someone else even though we know we are at fault. Blame not only hurts the person we blame but it also hurts us, it hurts our very inner being.
We constantly give reasons to determine that we are a victim, we never learn to grow up and we stop taking responsibility. This leads to discord in all areas of life, at the job, at relationships, managing finances, managing our surroundings, life in general becomes one sad story after another.
Judging on how awful everyone else is, we like playing victims. We stop believing in our possibilities and don't take responsibility for ourselves.
Judging and marking people as culprits we continue to disrespect people , we speak and act in a disrespectful manner. This world is not a courtroom and you are not the judge, people are not idiots or thugs just because they do dumb things.
We are grand beings living in these human bodies. We eagerly came into these physical bodies to be the love that we are. Anything we do against this becomes stress. Today the entire world is affected by the sickness of stress because we forgot to be the love that we are. We continue our addictions with judgments and blame games.
It is time to put an end to these childish vices. It is time to look within for answers and solutions. It is time to live with courage and responsibility. For truly this is who we are, everything away from courage or responsibility is an illusion!
Let us choose to live as the grand beings that we are!
Premlatha Rajkumar
© PRajkumar, 2018

Thursday, August 9, 2018


A sacred term in Sanskrit, "Tat Tvam Asi" means, "I am that"
Humans who find their way inside their inner being, find out who they are, and each time they discovered the truth that, 'I am only that.'
We do not possess consciousness, but we are the outcome of consciousness. Everything is the play of consciousness.
This thought changes everything.
Individual ideas of right or wrong only makes us to suffer, we become powerless.
The Tao Te Ching says, "Step back from your own mind and thus understand all things."
Human ego is arrogant and selfish, but human Spirit which is One with the cosmos is timeless, it is great and powerful.
When a human can go within and discover, "I am that itself," they are capable of bringing in the light of understanding not only to themselves but to everyone around them.
They stop seeing things as right or wrong, they expect nothing in return. Their actions do not come from behavior, practice, or ideologies, their actions are from the heart, from their inner being.
All great masters and teachers understood this truth, they did not judge, they did not take sides.
Only those who take the choice to travel inward are capable of bringing light into the world. They are the wise ones who choose to bring conscious awareness into every aspect of life and acknowledge the silent support that is given by everything around them. The light of understanding is so powerful that even if one human wakes up, thousands of humans around them will be touched.
Realizing the Source of all things, realizing the truth of who you are, 'Tat Tvam Asi', that you are That, you can get out of confusion and sorrow.
When we learn about the light and see it in everything, the meaning of everything changes. We invest a lot of energy unwisely on judgments, let us choose to invest our energy on what is true. When we find the truth of who we are , our vision will become clear.
Premlatha Rajkumar

©PRajkumar 2018