Monday, July 29, 2013


Today's contemplation:

Accepting, allowing,.... two powerful attitudes that life taught me. Every time a situation arises the mind is ready to take sides ... good/bad, ugly/beautiful, positive/negative. The vision of the mind is very much limited, sometimes it cannot see anything beyond the nose. It is wise to just witness the mind and its fear and do not get involved in it. It is wise to be in the place of accepting and allowing every situation that arises as something lovingly created for us by the Divine. If we hang on to the mind and its stories we experience fear, stress, and hopelessness. Hanging on to the mind stories hides the bigger picture. We do not know why certain things happen, but when we remain in the place of complete trust in the Divine and rest in the place of accepting and allowing, things will organize themselves and the greater beautiful picture will be revealed.
It is time we took responsibility for what we believe.
Allowing and accepting the moment, even if it is pain is "Heaven", but to be in pain and believe that there should be no pain, then that is "Hell".
Our lives are being thrown into chaos and suffering as we continue to argue with the situations in front of us by believing our thoughts.
When we stop opposing and arguing with reality we go with the flow, the mind is clear, and life becomes fearless. We realize that life has always been benevolent, whatever life brings is good. When we realize this we understand that what we have at the moment is exactly what we want at that moment, nothing more and nothing less, we couldn't have asked for anything better.
Every aspect of life is a Divine orchestration, when we accept the dark, we witness the birth of the light. Accepting, allowing, and loving every moment of living is kindness to oneself and True Devotion to the Divine.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Tuesday, July 23, 2013



LAUGHTER is a powerful tool. It has been given as a gift only to humans. No one has heard plants or animals laugh at any time. When we laugh we come back to our true self. Laughter is infectious and when someone sees you laugh they are also motivated to laugh, and when they laugh their stress level is reduced, and you have given them a gift of well-being in their life.

Laughter provides great physical and emotional release. Laughter is a higher state of consciousness and when one is able to hold that state of consciousness, the person becomes lighter, and can vibrate in a place of absolute well being.

The mind stories disappear when there is laughter. Life becomes magical and full of fun when we choose to hold the vibration of laughter. Laughter takes us to a state of egoless innocence and to a non-judgmental attitude. When we laugh, we become like little children as suddenly the mind disappears. In reality, laughter brings solutions to all kinds of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems.

Medical research has revealed that laughter reduces the level of stress hormones and increases the level of health enhancing hormones like endorphins and neurotransmitters. Laughter also increases the number of antibody producing cells which promotes a strong immune system thereby bringing amazing healing and well-being in the physical body.

A good belly laugh works our abs, shoulders, and makes our muscles more relaxed. It is a good work out for the heart muscles also.

Many people try to do meditation and have failed because it sounds to be very serious, but when laughter is tried as a meditation, there will be complete benefit for body, mind and soul.

Practicing laughter for no reason is a powerful meditation. Great teachers like the Zen Master Hotei, who is called as the Laughing Buddha, taught the simple technique of enlightenment through laughter.

According to Hotei, “laughter is our birthright” and no matter what happens in our life, we must come back to laughter. In many Zen monasteries the monks begin their day with laughter and end their day with laughter.

By choosing laughter, we bring Heaven into our lives and into this Planet.

Laughing at somebody is not good, laughing for a reason is intellectual and from the mind, but laughing without a reason is spiritual.

The Indian mystic Bagwan Shree Rajneesh also called as OSHO, devised a meditation out of laughter. It is very easy and delightful to do. It is a very powerful meditation!


Laugh for no reason at all. Go in and find your own laughter inside. Allow the laughter to bubble up from the inside. Create a giggle in the very guts of your being, as if your whole body is giggling, laughing. Start swaying with that laughter; let it spread from the belly to the whole of your body. Go crazily into it. For thirty minutes do the laughing. If it comes uproariously, loudly, allow it. If it comes silently, then sometimes silently, simply laugh for thirty minutes every day. See your life transform into joy and excitement.

~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"



“1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. 

2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

3. Don't Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.”
― Miguel Ruiz

Monday, July 22, 2013

OUR POWER LIES IN OUR AGREEMENTS - An excerpt from my book......


As a species we are a powerful group of entities. We are born with Divinity so powerful that we co-create the Planet with the Creator. Our power lies in our agreements. The world and the situations in the world exist because of our agreements. Our agreements can either be conscious or unconscious. Most of the time, our agreements are unconscious. We lost the art of living consciously due to programmed learning from the time we were born. Whether it was our parents, teachers, or religious leaders, the society around us drummed two things into us all of the time. These two things were that we are not good enough and that we do not deserve. This kind of programming has been going on for eons resulting in the chaos and confusion that we have created as a collective on this Planet. We were programmed to deny our joy and our divine nature. By denying our joy, we created situations that separated us from our Divinity.

Our sacred birthright is Inner Peace. In the words of the Mahatma Gandhi:

“An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind!”

For hundreds of years, mankind has been playing this game of an eye for an eye, and has lost its power of sight. When we truly see our creation right now, it is mostly war, chaos, and confusion between individuals, families, clans, and nations. The only thing that can change the world on the outside is to change it on the inside of each one of us. It is a total transformation of consciousness for a new humanity working from the place of Inner Peace to create “Heaven on Earth”.

Yes, we are absolutely the builders of “Heaven” on this Planet. Until we realize this, we will continue to be the losers. Life is not made on the platform of competition or comparison. If we continue to play the games of competition, comparison, scarcity, and war, then we all are going to be the losers.

When many of us choose to anchor peace in our inner being, we will create a more blissful existence.

~An Excerpt from "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


(A Powerful reminder for today)

In "The Work", Byron Katie explains about the 3 kinds of businesses. Much of our stress is living out of our own business. Every time we are hurt we are surely out of our business.

If we're not sure, Katie asks us to stop and ask, "Mentally, whose business am I in?"

There are only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours, and God's.

Whose business is it if an earthquake happens? God's business. When I am worried about earthquakes, floods, war, or death,.... then I am in God's business.

Whose business is it if your neighbor down the street has an ugly lawn? Your neighbor's business. When I think "you need to get a job, I want you to be happy, I want your place to be clean etc..... then I am in my neighbor's business.

If I think mentally that "my mother should understand me" then I am in my mother's business.

When I am mentally in your business or God's business the effect is separation. Immediately a feeling of loneliness arises. Every time we feel hurt or lonely we have definitely been in someone else's business.
Life is simple—it is internal.

Katie asks us to count, in five minute intervals, how many times we are in someone else's business mentally. Notice when we give uninvited advice or offer our opinion about something (aloud or silently).

It is good to ask ourselves: "Am I in their business? Did they ask me for my advice?" And more importantly, "Can I take the advice I am offering and apply it to my life?"

Being in other's business and living other's lives, there is no one here living our life for us, and then we start wondering why life doesn't work!

To think that we know what is best for anyone else is to be out of our business. Even in the name of love, it is pure arrogance, and the result is tension, anxiety, and fear.

Do I know what's right for me? That is my only business. Let me work with that before I try to solve your problems for you.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Powerful reminder!

If you are afraid of yourself, only then are you afraid of other people. If you love yourself, you love others. If you hate yourself, you hate others. In relationship with others, it is only you -- mirrored. The other is nothing but a mirror. So whatsoever happens in relationship, always know that it must have happened before, within you -- because the relationship can only magnify what is already within you. It cannot create; it can only show and manifest what is already there.

If you love yourself, you love others. If you are afraid of yourself, you are afraid of others. In coming in contact with others you will start manifesting your being.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013



As humans we seek for happiness, and in our seeking we get lost in the games of life. Every situation whether the mind labels it as good or bad brings us the gift of wisdom. We can gather this gift only when we are awake and alert. Due to the busyness of life we forget to be awake. 
At this point in time many are asking for a way out of the trials and challenges that they or their loved ones are facing. From my spiritual journeys these are the two main keys that work amazingly for me.

The first and foremost thing in any situation or trouble involving finance, relationship, health... etc. is to realize that we are not only our physical bodies but also a greater part of us is our consciousness. Whatever we hold in our consciousness, the Universe will match it abundantly. We are the beloved children of the Universe and the Universe understands only the language of the consciousness, not the spoken language. Hence it is very important to notice what we are holding in our consciousness.

Whenever there is a problem we focus more and more on the problem and the mind chatter goes on and on about the problem, we give our life force energy through our attention to the problem, we feed it and make it come alive, and the problem becomes bigger and more bigger, till our entire consciousness is on the problem only. The moment we notice this, it is very important to drop all thoughts about the problem, because these thoughts of thinking again and again about the problem is not going to help us or anyone else. We need to stop talking about it to others and also to ourselves in our mind.

The mind is full of fear so it will bring these story thoughts again and again, I found that at this time the best way to get rid of these thoughts is to take a full deep breath, place your hand on your heart, or recite a small mantra like "Om Shanthi" or "I trust my Higher Self/God" .... these are tools that would help erase these fearful story thoughts.

The next important step is to move out of the box of the story of what happened and imagine/visualize/create in the mind's eye everything that can bring in harmony, balance, and peace. Just imagine in your mind's eye your loved ones or yourself who is going through the challenge... smiling, laughing, being at peace, tell them/yourself in your mind's eye "you can do it", "you are getting better and better".... Be creative use all your imagination and pour your feelings into this picture of peace and harmony as many times during the day as you can.

These are the two most important energy work you can do easily, these are the greatest gifts you can give yourself and your loved ones. For whatever you choose to hold in your consciousness will be manifested big time, you will witness magic and miracles.
Let us choose to be the miracle makers of life!
Premlatha Rajkumar

Monday, July 8, 2013

I AM.......

    The mind is like a child, its understanding is so limited. It constantly lives in fear and it feels secure by possessing, by labeling, by creating boxes for everything. It is always analysing the past or the future.
Bringing the understanding that we are not the mind but can always watch the activities of the mind, brings us to the greater understanding of the Present moment.
I have noticed that being in the Present moment brings the experience of being the witness of life, being in oneness with life, being in the place of immense trust in existence that the need to possess or judge does not arise.
~Premlatha Rajkumar~

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Dear Friends,
If you are interested in understanding and knowing your wholesome self, finding answers about the Soul and the Spirit or seeking to find Inner Peace, then please read "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace". 
My co-author Sheryl Lynn Christian and I, we published this book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace" on the 12.12.12 . This is a self help book, its message is about aligning with our Divine Presence, to awaken to the truth of who we are, to know about our Celestial Soul and Spirit, and to connect with our wholesome selves so that we can know Inner Peace and live from the place of Ease and Grace.
This book was a grand journey of personal empowerment for us, and from our experience with our spiritual journey, we understood that these twelve steps are wholesome and essential to wake up to our magnificence and empower ourselves as beautiful beings of love, joy, peace, and harmony. And it is our grandest intention that we share our experience with our beloved human family at this time.
~Premlatha Rajkumar
The book is available on as e-book, paper back, and audible.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Connecting with Our Divinity in Physicality

The Planet is awakening into its Grand light of Oneness, and you as a Divine being was sent here to the Planet at the right time. 
Working our Divinity in physicality is what we came here to do. 
Forgetting our Divinity, is the greatest illusion on this Planet.
In the eyes of God, everyone is pure, holy, blameless, and childlike. 
Remember now that each of us are pure and holy.
We help others to remember their Divinity only by seeing them with the eyes of God.
May humanity remember, let humanity awaken to its Divinity!
NAMASTE ~ The Divinity in me salutes the Divinity in you my sweet friends! 

~Premlatha Rajkumar


 True generosity is not only in giving but also in receiving. Our love and graciousness in receive gifts form others is a wonderful way of bringing the giver a powerful soul satisfaction. If there were no one to receive what you give, how will you know what generosity is? 
Let us choose to be generous in receiving gifts, in receiving compliments from our friends and loved ones. Let us go beyond the action of giving and receiving and understand that we are One Spirit and what we do for others we do for ourselves.
~Premlatha Rajkumar~