Tuesday, September 29, 2015



The greatest dis-ease gripping humanity is the "fear about tomorrow"; every one is tormented by the mind's fear questions, will I have enough money, will my spouse continue to be with me, will I be taken care of in my old age, will I get healed, will I succeed.... and so on ... When we begin to see clearly without the fear stories of the mind we realize that there is actually no tomorrow, there is only this moment, the tomorrow also becomes another moment in the present.

"Fear about tomorrow" plagues our mind is such a way that we fail to see the gifts in front of us, we fail to appreciate life, we fail to live in the now moment which is our only place of power; we fail to do the good we came to do, and we shorten our lifespan with stress.

Almost all dis-eases of the human body and mind are stress-related, stress caused because of worry, anxiety and fear about yesterday's happenings which are dead and gone and mind created imagined worry about tomorrow. This worry and fear takes up our entire day and we have not lived even a single moment in the present today. We are constantly travelling either to the past or to the future.

Fear is totally the opposite of love, fear is what makes people to become angry, cruel, greedy, selfish and wicked, fear is the dis-ease of the mind and the body. Choosing to live in the present moment we move beyond fear, we stop comparing and competing, we stop all kinds of judgment, we anchor wisdom, and we create grandness. Yes, every human being is given the ability to create grandness, with whatever situation they are placed in! But it takes one to choose to move into the place of power, into the present moment.

Since the past and the future are imagined dramas of the mind, we cannot find God/the Divine in these places. When we cannot find God /the Divine we live in fear. This is because we are grand creator beings and we are a part of the Divine, we cannot be apart from the Divine or from each other, this it absolute truth! When we live in the fear stories of our mind, travelling to the past or the future, we have fallen asleep, and we forget the truth of who we are.
When we acknowledge the present moment, we find the present moment is full of gifts, flowing to us effortlessly in abundance, and we also find that we have been given the talents to use our gifts in excellence to live a life of wonderment and blessing to ourselves and this Planet.
Whenever fear attacks the mind, I chose to tell myself, 'What if this is the only day/the only moment I have been given to be on this Planet? If this is so how would I relate to the gift of these 24 hours given to me?"
Instantly this questioning makes me come into the present moment and I choose to be my most beautiful self, my most happy self, my most loving self towards all beings. I become my most creative self to find solutions, and create wonderment with the situations present at the moment.

Just choosing to be in this moment and doing the things of this moment with our complete presence whole-heartedly we anchor joy and wisdom becomes our way of life. 
Let us choose to live in joy and bring the gifts of our wisdom to bless ourselves and this beautiful Planet!

Premlatha Rajkumar

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Soul Wisdom

Sweet Friends,
I wish to introduce to you a wonderful healer and teacher, Carol Hathor . It was divine grace and favor that we found her. Her website iswww.SoulWisdom.net
Her healing work is awesome! Please check out her website and read the testimonials.
Carol Hathor is a Distance Healer, so anyone can have a session with her no matter where they live. She works with our subconscious (our healer) and brings back knowledge of past life experiences that are having a negative impact in our present lives now. I admire her wisdom, and the way she explains healing experience is logical and mind-blowing at the same time!
She has been working with my husband and I for the past one month, her beautiful work has provided a great support and healing for body, mind, and soul. It is great wonderment and joy to experience her healing work!
Truly she is a grand blessing to our Planet at this time!
May her work be blessed and may many many souls attain peace through her sincere work!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015




Nikola Tesla, the progenitor of radiant energy research, sought to tap into the rarefied pulse of a primal energy existing everywhere in the universe. Although Tesla’s intention was to make free energy available to mankind.
After 25 years of research, scientist, Tom Paladino appears to have effectively harnessed radiant energy – also known as prana, qi, zero point energy, orgone, or scalar energy – for the remote healing of pathogenic disease. Please watch his video and also check out his websitehttps://www.selfhealgo.com/
Tom Paladino, is the pioneer of the pathogenic cleanse, a technique that causes bacteria, pathogens, and viruses to disassemble or fall apart.
Even diseases previously thought incurable, such as herpes, Lyme disease, and HIV/AIDS have diminished or disappeared altogether under scalar wave light treatment.
Scalar energy has useful applications in nutrient therapy as well, able to assemble vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fatty acids inside the cells.
Additionally, it can be used to balance and harmonize the chakras (endocrine system).
In the shadow of looming disease epidemics, both congenital and communicable, scalar wave light treatment stands to revolutionize the way medicine is practiced today.
Please try scalar energy healing free for 15 days, this opportunity is offered through OmTimes Media -http://scalarenergyhealing.com/2omt/

Friday, September 18, 2015



Tantric Buddhism explains the attainment of wisdom as a form of meditation on the five Dhyani Buddhas. The five Dhyani Buddhas are the five aspects of wisdom, they are the all-encompassing wisdom, mirror-like wisdom, wisdom of equality, discriminating wisdom and all-accomplishing wisdom.

The path to spiritual salvation is not envisioned as some lofty abstract journey, rather it an attainment of enlightenment that involves a profound transformation in our innermost being.

The transformation lies within the very inherent negative traits which keep us spiritually imprisoned and unfulfilled. It is said that the same negative emotions that feeds the poisonous delusions, when worked upon consciously, empowers and enlightens the mind.

The negative delusions plaguing the human mind are of five categories: they are ignorance, anger, pride, attachment, and jealousy. These emotions are said to keep us away from enlightenment. But there is this belief that the human mind holds within itself the potential to transform these negative traits into positive attributes. These transformed emotions are visualized as five different, beautiful Buddhas. They are considered to be the victory over our unenlightened minds.

Each of these buddhas are depicted with a different hand mudra, with a particular direction, riding a different animal and have a different color on their body. Each of the five buddhas identify a specific negative attribute of the mind and help to transform it into its positive attribute, bringing about the spiritual evolvement required for enlightenment.

Making the five Dhyani Buddhas conscious within us helps us to achieve transformation into higher consciousness.
These are the five Dhyani Buddhas and their corresponding directions, colors, animal and mantras.

1. The first Buddha is - Vairochana - the mantra is "OM" - this Buddha represents the color "white" and the direction "center", representing the "space" element, this Buddha's vehicle is the dragon. Meditating / repeating the mantra "Om Vairochana Om" brings illumination to ignorance, dispels ignorance and anchors all-encompassing wisdom.

2. The Second Buddha is - Akshobhya - the mantra is "HUM" - this Buddha represents the color "blue" and the direction "east", representing the "water" element, this Buddha's vehicle is the elephant. Meditating / repeating the mantra "Om Akshobhya Hum" transforms anger into clear mirror-like wisdom. With this wisdom, we see things just as they are, impartially and unaffectedly. No reflection in a mirror sticks to it, and none repels it. The mirror always stands imperturbable and immutable, just as we should, whether the circumstances be favorable or unfavorable to us.

3. The Third Buddha is - Ratnasambhava - the mantra is "TRAM" - this Buddha represents the color "yellow" and the direction "South" representing the "earth" element, this Buddha's vehicle is the horse or lion. Meditation / repeating the mantra " Om Ratnasambhava Tram" transforms pride into the wisdom of equality. It makes us see the oneness of all created beings.

4. The Fourth Buddha is - Amitabha - the mantra is "HRIH" - this Buddha represents the color "red" and the direction "West" representing the "fire" element, this Buddha's vehicle is the peacock. Meditation/ repeating the mantra "Om Amitabha Hrih" transforms the negative emotion of lust to compassion uniting us with the Universal Consciousness.

5. The Fifth Buddha is - Amogasiddhi - the mantra is "AH" - this Buddha represents the color "green" and the direction "North" representing the "air" element, this Buddha's vehicle is Garuda (half man, half eagle). Meditating / repeating the mantra "Om Amogasiddhi Ah" brings the transformation of negative emotion of jealousy into the positive wisdom of accomplishment.

The five Dhyani Buddhas represent the perfected form of base human emotions of ignorance, anger, pride, attachment, and jealousy. I like the way that each one of these Buddhas represent the negative qualities not as weaknesses to be denied or suppressed but to be recognized and worked upon, consciously choosing to transform them into their glorious wisdom. Meditating on the Dhyani Buddhas help us to understand the illusory nature of the negative emotions and that they are pointers for one to seek wisdom and attain enlightenment.

Let us choose to seek our own enlightenment for the sake of all beings.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Ancient Vedic scriptures say that our Universe is composed of five elements, earth, water, fire, air, and ether . Similarly our body is also a union of five elements and these are also represented by our five fingers. Mudras are hand postures that make these five elements conscious in our body. Making the five elements conscious is a grand practice of bring balance and healing to our body system.
The fingers and the corresponding elements they hold -
The Thumb holds the fire element,
The index finger holds the air element,
The middle finger holds the space element,
The ring finger holds the earth element,
and the little finger holds the water element.
Mudras are actions performed by hands through finger positions. Mudras can be performed at any time in any way, like sitting, standing, walking or travelling. So there's no need to devote a special time to perform a mudra, but the maximum benefit is by doing it in sitting posture. If you have constraints of time you can even perform mudras in installments of time.
Mudras should be performed for at least 10 minutes and then can be extended to 30 minutes to 1 hour. They can be done at any time, any place, and in any posture, and can also be practiced in 2-3 installments.
Mudras bring amazing health benefits, they are very powerful.
My favorite mudra is the Prana mudra or the mudra of life "Prana" means life force energy. Prana Mudra is done by bending the ring finger and the little finger to touch the tip of the thumb and keeping the remaining two fingers stretched.
Prana mudra creates balance for body, mind, and soul, it brings vitality and energy to the body, it fills the body with life force energy, it brings greater inner stability and clarity of the mind.
Taking time to do Prana mudra every day by sitting quietly and being conscious of the breath, brings conscious connection to our inner being, there is an instant effect of rejuvenation and joy.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Childhood is a time of simple trust in existence, playfulness, and belief that the entire world around you is alive and can communicate with you. I remember my childhood where laughing, running, screaming, hugging, clapping hands, and playing were my very life breath.
I loved to talk to the trees, the animals, the rocks, the wind, and had a lively conversation with the plants, the worms, the bugs, the sand, because for me they were also the people who live in my world.
As I grew up I understood that the world around me did not share this view point, there was more concern for survival, for money, no one smiled or laughed aloud with joy or even played. The moment I entered school parents and teachers just had one sentence for me "concentrate on your studies" and I was duly punished many times when my concentration was not on my studies. This is the case for most of us as we grew up.
Some of us never even had a childhood, I see children today in this technology world, they are so into cell phones, computers, videos, they have not time to run, jump, laugh, climb trees or hug their buddies.
We forgot being a child, we forgot our joy and our trust in existence, instead we joined the "busy modern world" and its survival mentality that said that this world is not a safe place and that in order to survive you need more, you need to be bigger, stronger, richer, more educated, more, more... of every materialistic thing. We grow up as adult "survivors", we hide our heart, we go into stress and we keep searching for something that is lost from us.
Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is powerful, the child cannot see the sun in the sky, the sun radiates from her heart, the child talks to the birds and the bees for she knows their language, she plays with the wind for the wind is like a brother who loves to hug and play hide and seek, the trees have a special language as they play with the breeze.
A child has complete connection with both the inner and outer worlds, a child lives in the place of "oneness" with all existence. So there is so much joy and understanding within that the child can laugh and play and live life with effortless ease.
Forgetting this truth of who we are and forgetting to connect with our inner being has created so much stress in our lives, we have lost connection with nature, with each other and with the Universe. We struggle and we suffer, instead of allowing life to live us we try to live life and we develop a lack of trust in existence.
Life is kind, we are beloved children of the Universe, the Universe takes care of our needs right from the time we were in our mother's womb till we leave our physicality behind.
The best people who can teach us to be a child again are babies, children, nature and animals. Playing with them takes us away from our ego. Ego is constantly searching for power, control, money, and prestige, which creates enormous stress. The moment laughter, song, dance and play comes in the ego is lost.
If every one of us took courage to become little children, our hearts will open and we will evolve as grand beings of great power, understanding, trust and joy. We will understand that the nature of the Universe is to nurture us, and that everything works for us for our joy.
Playfulness is a great spiritual quality, it is complete trust in existence. It is a greater understanding and trust that all our needs and more will be supplied abundantly. This attitude is so powerful that living life becomes a magical and miraculous event.
I understand that evolving is to become children again. Let us choose to become playful, joyous, and trusting life like little children - this is the truth of who we are.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


This morning the water sprinklers were spraying water to the lawn and plants outside our home. It was wonderful to watch and more wonderful to feel the energy of the water mist around. The water mist environment is a special negative-ion-rich environment, which is the same found near the waterfalls, oceans and in wet rain forests. A negative-ion environment brings the feeling of upliftment and joy. It cleanses all dense stagnant negative energy from the atmosphere. The fastest way to cleanse any space, a room or a home is to use a spray bottle with spring water or tap water, you can say a prayer for purification of your home or space and lightly spray or mist the room sending light puffs of moisture into the air. My plants love it, I mist them every day along with every room in my home.
Water is a sacred being, water has been created to rejuvenate our bodies, our minds, our soul and our spirit.Those who have visited places like the water falls, rivers, pools, lakes, the ocean, would know the feeling that water brings to the spirit. We feel so much rejuvenated just being near the water, feeling the moist droplets that touch us from the water falls uplifts our spirit, the feeling is so wonderful when we walk through the land after a rainfall or even the feel of raindrops on our body is exciting.
Water is powerful to cleanse any space. Every ancient tradition has water ceremonies as a way of purification and birth of life. Some ancient cultures have considered the sound of running water, the sound of the rain fall, the thunderstorm as great tools to rejuvenate the mind and spirit.
Dr. Masaru Emoto's research has proven that water is alive and we can communicate with water through our thoughts and prayers and the water spirit listens to our every thought. If our bodies are mostly water then we must really choose to keep our thoughts in the place of peace and harmony if we need peace and harmony for our body, mind, and soul.
Healing sessions become more powerful when the patient is given to drink water that has been prayed over with all good intentions, for the great water spirit listens to the thoughts and prayers and works to support in every way.
The water of our entire planet is one great spirit, every morning when I wake up I place my hand on the water pipe and I pray to the great water spirit to cleanse, heal and rejuvenate, this planet, humanity, my home and every cell of my body. Our heart connects us to the universal spirit of water, our loving thoughts can reach every human being, plant, animal, bodies of water on the planet like rivers, lakes, oceans, the waters we use for drinking, and even the waters in the aquifers.
May the great water spirit touch, heal and rejuvenate our bodies and our home, this beautiful Planet Earth!

Friday, September 4, 2015


The meeting place of divinity and humanity is the birth of higher consciousness.
Lord Krishna's birthday is celebrated today in countries like India, Singapore, Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia - Bali islands, etc.
Krishna was said to be a divine incarnation in a human form.
Through out eons of time there have been many Divine incarnations in human form born all over the planet, recorded in all ancient texts, with different names and forms. These incarnations of higher beings are benevolence to help mankind realize the divinity within themselves.
An Incarnation is the descent of higher consciousness for the ascent of man. Ascension of consciousness is necessary to keep up the harmony of the universe. The work done by the Divine Incarnations and their teachings influence human beings in remembering their divinity and help them in their Self-realization.
The Incarnation comes to reveal the divine nature of man and makes him rise above the petty materialistic life of passion and egoism.
Lord Krishna's birthday is celebrated as a remembrance to connect with the divinity within. Human heart is the birthplace of Krishna. The ancient vedic scriptures say that only when the heart becomes cool, pure and peaceful like the Himachala (the Himalayan mountains), the true birth of Krishna can take place. Krishna is a consciousness, a higher consciousness of compassion and unconditional love.
Happy Krishna Janmashtami!
May humanity awaken to its Divinity!
May this Planet be blessed!
Premlatha Rajkumar