Thursday, September 17, 2015


Ancient Vedic scriptures say that our Universe is composed of five elements, earth, water, fire, air, and ether . Similarly our body is also a union of five elements and these are also represented by our five fingers. Mudras are hand postures that make these five elements conscious in our body. Making the five elements conscious is a grand practice of bring balance and healing to our body system.
The fingers and the corresponding elements they hold -
The Thumb holds the fire element,
The index finger holds the air element,
The middle finger holds the space element,
The ring finger holds the earth element,
and the little finger holds the water element.
Mudras are actions performed by hands through finger positions. Mudras can be performed at any time in any way, like sitting, standing, walking or travelling. So there's no need to devote a special time to perform a mudra, but the maximum benefit is by doing it in sitting posture. If you have constraints of time you can even perform mudras in installments of time.
Mudras should be performed for at least 10 minutes and then can be extended to 30 minutes to 1 hour. They can be done at any time, any place, and in any posture, and can also be practiced in 2-3 installments.
Mudras bring amazing health benefits, they are very powerful.
My favorite mudra is the Prana mudra or the mudra of life "Prana" means life force energy. Prana Mudra is done by bending the ring finger and the little finger to touch the tip of the thumb and keeping the remaining two fingers stretched.
Prana mudra creates balance for body, mind, and soul, it brings vitality and energy to the body, it fills the body with life force energy, it brings greater inner stability and clarity of the mind.
Taking time to do Prana mudra every day by sitting quietly and being conscious of the breath, brings conscious connection to our inner being, there is an instant effect of rejuvenation and joy.

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