Saturday, September 12, 2015


Childhood is a time of simple trust in existence, playfulness, and belief that the entire world around you is alive and can communicate with you. I remember my childhood where laughing, running, screaming, hugging, clapping hands, and playing were my very life breath.
I loved to talk to the trees, the animals, the rocks, the wind, and had a lively conversation with the plants, the worms, the bugs, the sand, because for me they were also the people who live in my world.
As I grew up I understood that the world around me did not share this view point, there was more concern for survival, for money, no one smiled or laughed aloud with joy or even played. The moment I entered school parents and teachers just had one sentence for me "concentrate on your studies" and I was duly punished many times when my concentration was not on my studies. This is the case for most of us as we grew up.
Some of us never even had a childhood, I see children today in this technology world, they are so into cell phones, computers, videos, they have not time to run, jump, laugh, climb trees or hug their buddies.
We forgot being a child, we forgot our joy and our trust in existence, instead we joined the "busy modern world" and its survival mentality that said that this world is not a safe place and that in order to survive you need more, you need to be bigger, stronger, richer, more educated, more, more... of every materialistic thing. We grow up as adult "survivors", we hide our heart, we go into stress and we keep searching for something that is lost from us.
Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is powerful, the child cannot see the sun in the sky, the sun radiates from her heart, the child talks to the birds and the bees for she knows their language, she plays with the wind for the wind is like a brother who loves to hug and play hide and seek, the trees have a special language as they play with the breeze.
A child has complete connection with both the inner and outer worlds, a child lives in the place of "oneness" with all existence. So there is so much joy and understanding within that the child can laugh and play and live life with effortless ease.
Forgetting this truth of who we are and forgetting to connect with our inner being has created so much stress in our lives, we have lost connection with nature, with each other and with the Universe. We struggle and we suffer, instead of allowing life to live us we try to live life and we develop a lack of trust in existence.
Life is kind, we are beloved children of the Universe, the Universe takes care of our needs right from the time we were in our mother's womb till we leave our physicality behind.
The best people who can teach us to be a child again are babies, children, nature and animals. Playing with them takes us away from our ego. Ego is constantly searching for power, control, money, and prestige, which creates enormous stress. The moment laughter, song, dance and play comes in the ego is lost.
If every one of us took courage to become little children, our hearts will open and we will evolve as grand beings of great power, understanding, trust and joy. We will understand that the nature of the Universe is to nurture us, and that everything works for us for our joy.
Playfulness is a great spiritual quality, it is complete trust in existence. It is a greater understanding and trust that all our needs and more will be supplied abundantly. This attitude is so powerful that living life becomes a magical and miraculous event.
I understand that evolving is to become children again. Let us choose to become playful, joyous, and trusting life like little children - this is the truth of who we are.
Premlatha Rajkumar

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