Friday, September 26, 2014



“I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong.”
― John Lennon

Please do not take sides in religion, religion is man made.  The moment we take sides we lose our divinity, we forget to be the love and compassion that we were born to be.  We forget our human brotherhood, and we get blinded by prejudiced teachings against groups of people just because they have a religious label (as Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc.)  To live on this Planet as our Divine self and live as the love that we are we drop all labels and live in oneness remembering the most important teaching of all religions " Treat others as you would have them treat you"
 This golden rule can be found in all ancient scriptures of our Planet:

This is the sum of duty; do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you. (The Mahabharata)
Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. (Udana-Varga 5:18)
Surely it is the maxim of loving kindness; do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you. (Analects 15:23)
Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss. (Tai Shang Kan Ying P'ien)
That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself. (Dadistan-I-dinik 94:5)
What is hateful to you do not to your fellowman. That is the entire law, the rest is commentary. (Talmud, Shabbat 31a)
All things whatsoever ye would that man should do to you, do ye even so to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. ( Matthew 7:12)
No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself. ( Sunnah)

All teachers of all religions were representatives of the grander human consciousness.  They do not ask us to worship them, they ask us to listen to the teachings from the silence of our heart space and remember and re-member with our Divine Selves.
There is no one religion, no one way to the Divine.  All day to day actions done with the depth of the sincerity and goodness of the heart is a way to re-membering with our Divinity. Forgetting our divinity is the greatest illusion on this Planet.

May we choose to drop all labels of religions, countries, and traditions, may we choose to live from our heart space of love and kindness!  May humanity awaken to its divinity!  May human brother hood and love prevail!

Blessings be to this beautiful Planet!
~ Premlatha Rajkumar

Wednesday, September 24, 2014



For thousands of years people lived largely in harmony with the rhythms of nature to ensure their survival. Keeping pace with the course of the moon, they were able to predict the forces that exerted influence on all life forms contributing to the success or failure of everything from planting, harvest, storage, hunting, to healing the body ailments.
Ancient knowledge says that the moon is the controller of the water, and circulating through the universe it sustains all living creatures.
Our human bodies consist of about seventy percent liquid. It is accepted by physicians that our bodily fluids flow more freely at the time of full moon. People suffering from asthma, bronchitis and even certain skin diseases, find their ailments aggravated under the influence of the moon. It has also been observed that people suffering from mental ailments invariably have their passions and emotional feelings affected during full moon and new moon days.
Thousands of years ago, the ancient people had recognized the influence of the moon on cultivation. Farmers were very particular about the effect of the moon on their crops. They knew that certain grains would be affected if blooming took place during a full moon period. Medical science had also ascertained the different reactions of certain medicines under different facets of the moon, because of the influence of the moon on human beings.
Many calendars of the ancient people of every continent are based on the course of the moon as the forces indicated by the position of the moon in the zodiac have far greater importance in our daily lives than those indicated by the position of the sun.
By the end of the nineteenth century the knowledge of working with the rhythms of nature was no longer in use because of the advance in technology. For when we have a telephone we no longer need to improve our telepathic skills, when there is a clock there is no longer any need to observe the sun, modern technology and medicines have promised faster solutions for all problems of daily life.
Forgetting the knowledge to live in oneness with nature, and living a fast paced unconscious life has become a very high price to pay. The quality of health, food, the value and respect for life, relationships with oneself, with the human family, animals and nature have considerably become degraded. The value of creating patience and willingness to anchor deeper wisdom from within has been totally forgotten, and we rush from past to future in such a way that the Present Moment, which is the only point where life truly occurs, gets completely lost.
The success of any intention depends not only on the availability of the necessary skills and resources, but also on the timing of the action.

(Books for reference " Moon Time" and "The Art of Timing" by Paungger & Poppe)

A short information on the moon cycles within a month and the things they enhance in our everyday life if we choose to work with them:

New Moon brings -
New beginnings, fresh starts, optimism, hope and faith,

Waxing Moon brings -
Building, accomplishments, creativity, strength, growth and learning, positive transformation

Full Moon brings -
Abundance, harvest, wish-fulfillment, manifesting desires, sexuality, achieving all dreams, protection

Waning Moon brings -
Letting go, clearing away, cleansing, releasing, shedding old patterns, undoing bindings, opening up problem-knots, making space

Dark Moon brings -
Rest, Peace, deep wisdom, divination, contacting the guru within, letting things die away completely

From the information above it is clear that measures taken to remove things - like clean the house, or detoxify the body or go in for a surgery will be more effective when the moon is waning. The waxing moon on the other hand enhances growth of everything about life, so whatever we choose to grow can be done effectively during this time.

This blog is written in order to bring back to memory the ancient wisdom of living in oneness with nature for those who would like to slow down and take time to anchor wisdom from within.

Premlatha Rajkumar

Monday, September 22, 2014



A dear friend who was troubled by all the recent violent happenings around and asked this question.

If soul writes its Journey before birth then why some people are violent /criminals , why does the soul write to rape/murder others ?

In this physical planet we chose to work only with our minds and we chose not to give room for the soul or its messages. So in order to understand anything related to the soul we need to move from the dimension of duality (good/bad, ugly/beautiful) and be in the place of non-judgment.
To be in the place of non-judgment one has to REALLY DO the spiritual work of practicing silence, slowing down to notice the breath, taking time to connect with nature... for these are the grand teachers who will help one to shift to the place of non-judgment and compassion.
Doing the spiritual work takes practice, practice, and more sincere practice. This is because for many many years mankind has fallen into the trap of mind stories. The mind is the one respected, adored, and valued till now. Hence if one needs to understand the soul one needs to get out of this zone of the mind.
So if you are willing to come with me into this realm of the absolute/non-judgment, I can show you the answer.
If possible at this time please take a deep breath, notice your breath as it moves within and around you without you taking any effort, place your hand on your heart and notice your heart beating and doing its work without any effort from you. You are being breathed and lived without any effort on your part.
Now let us analyse the answer to this powerful question. Please know and understand that this Planet is a place of co-creation, and great beings from the realm of the absolute decide to come into a human body and choose to play the game called "I do not know who I am" , " I do not know who God is". In order to play this game there needs to be the theme of duality (which is everything to do with good vs bad, right vs wrong, ugly vs beautiful). This game of duality is a great co-creation, for here the good needs the bad to survive, and the bad needs the good to survive and so on and so forth.
The players are willing volunteers in this game and they know deep within that there is never any damage or destruction done to them, all the so called damage or destruction is the illusion of this game of duality. The game was created for experiencing the opposites and gathering wisdom from each experience.
Hence the victims and villains are voluntary co-creators who agree to play the game from the soul level. When we are in the place of the mind and its judgment we can never understand the game, our mind knows only what it knows, it cannot understand the absolute. The mind judges and reacts to all the situations with intense fear, for the mind is born only when the body is born and the mind has to die with the body when the body dies. The mind was created to protect and help the body survive, so the mind takes its job seriously and lives in extreme fear of death. It cannot accept any harm done to the body.
Every game of duality is a catalyst for the players and everyone touched by the game of the players to turn within and seek solutions beyond the mind and body. Hence we find many turning towards spirituality to find answers. Sincerely practicing and working to open ones heart and live form the heart space rather than from the mind will help one to move beyond the games of the mind and understand the truth of existence.
The 7 GREAT TRUTHS here are that
1. there are no victims and no villains,
2. every game of duality is played only by agreements, some souls agree to play the game of the victim and some agree to play the game of the villains in the physical, this is a teaching learning process which can be understood only by the wisdom of the heart and never by the knowledge of the mind.
3. Nothing that happens in the physical is accidental, there are no accidents, even if an ant has to bite you, it will not bite unless you give it the permission from the deeper place within, the mind is totally unconscious of this.
4. There are no meanings for anything in this physical dimension, the meaning for everything is the meaning the mind chooses to give.
5. Choosing to live from the place of awareness, becoming the watcher or the non-judgmental witness helps one to understand the meaning of existence.
6. Since every being is emanates from the Creator, every being is endowed with the natural aspects of the Creator. The Creator can never be harmed or damaged, and this is true for every being existing on the Planet. There is no harm or destruction, there is only wisdom gained through the experience of the physical illusion.
7. Ultimately the purpose of this game of duality is the evolution of the soul into greater wisdom and compassion, and to live on this planet as our Divine Selves.

These truths are sharings from my heart connection with my soul, they need not be your truths . But, I would suggest that you practice connecting with your heart in every way possible through meditations, silence, connecting with nature, connecting with your sacred breath, anything that can help to connect you with your heart space and you will definitely get the answers/truths for all your questions from your inner being.

Premlatha Rajkumar

Tuesday, September 16, 2014



Love is the ALL, love is all there is. Everything in the Universe brings love to our space in many many ways. If we choose to see them, then we are immensely blessed. Love comes in the form of people, in the form of a loved one, in the form of strangers, friends, neighbors, or a cashier in the store. Love comes in the form of beautiful displays of colors and clouds in the evening sky, love comes in the form of a beautiful blooming jasmine plant, love comes in the form of a bird that chooses to sit on your window sill to sing its choicest songs, love comes in the form of a big butterfly that chooses to land on your shoulder, love comes in the form of a huge tree that speaks to you as the breeze passes through its branches, love comes in the form of the walls and furniture of a silent home that give their silent loving support at times of loneliness, love comes in the form of technology and its connection with people far and wide.

The forms of love are innumerable, the body is the form of love, our hands that help to feed us, comb our hair, wash our face and help us do everything for the body and also show love to our fellow beings is a grand form of love, the earth mother who holds us and supports our every need is a grand form of love, the sun that warms our body and brings light and joy to our existence is a grand form of love, the moon and the stars that embrace us in their mysterious arms are a grand form of love.

Love also takes the form of the so called dark/negative situations that helps us seek for the light and tap into our potential to create grander visions and greater solutions. We are never alone, we are the beloved children of the Universe and love sustains us every moment. Love is the All.

Sharing some pictures of the huge, fragrant jasmines in my garden today, one of the many beautiful gifts of love.

Saturday, September 13, 2014



Will there be justice for wrong doings?
If the Law of Karma is created only by the belief in guilt, then will those who do not feel guilt escape punishment in the next birth?

The beautiful being called human is basically unconditional love and compassion.  The human soul is full of love and light and it can never be harmed or damaged in anyway.  This game called "life on Planet Earth" is a game of duality in order to evolve, exercise and experience all the concepts of duality and from these experiences gather wisdom for grander evolvement. The human body and soul accepted to experience and play this game of duality together.
So in order to know itself the soul has to play the game of "I do not know who I am".  By being who you are not, you come to understand who you are.  It is as simple as experiencing cold in order to know what heat is.
Since the basic quality of the human spirit is unconditional love, whatever game of duality is played on Earth, the human spirit tries to balance the game every time there is an unbalance.  There is no judgment here, there is just moving forward to set things right along the journey of life.  The mind is linear and is not able to process the absolute concepts, it can only understand from the place of the relative, and hence to help the mind to understand from an individual point of view the concept of Karma was introduced.
The concept of right or wrong is different for different individual according to their  understanding and evolvement through lifetimes.  So that which is right for me may be wrong for you.  Every one does not process the same information in the same way.
Hence if we try to understand people from our point of view we will always judge them.  But if we get out of the place of judgment then we will be able to deal every situation from the place of peace.
According to the Divine every individual is forever innocent, because the Divine sees every individual from their point of view and is able to understand and know that whatever the person had done at any given point, is the best that he/she has done considering their life experiences, their wisdom gathered from different life times, the many situations that they had to deal with, the many books they read, and so on and so forth.
Hence the Divine can never judge or punish anyone.
So if we need to really understand this game of duality we need to move beyond the mind stories of right and wrong and understand that we as humanity are ONE Consciousness, there is no "other/them" here, there is only a "me" and the "other me".
When we choose to hold the consciousness of peace and understanding we create a space of compassion for the All.
By this we enlighten ourselves and hence become the gift for the All.
Trust that I have answered your question.
Premlatha Rajkumar

I AM LOVE ( One of the many beautiful poems by Hafiz)

I Have Learned
So much from God
That I can no longer
A Christian, a Hindu, Muslim,
a Buddhist, a Jew.

The Truth has shared so much of Itself
With me
That I can no longer call myself
A man, a woman, an angel,
Or even a pure

Love has
Befriended Hafiz so completely
It has turned to ash
And freed
Of every concept and image
my mind has ever known.


Thursday, September 11, 2014



A Sweet friend recently asked me:
If God is unconditional love and he takes care of everything then why there is suffering in the world. How can I contribute towards the happiness of others? If i strive for higher awareness, will it contribute towards the happiness of others?

This is a great question my friend. 
This was a question that I asked myself about some 30 years ago. So let me share some of the observations and conclusions from my contemplation about this.

In the beginning due to religious instructions and the influence of society, I thought that I was a servant to God and I always serve to his wishes, the more I served the more heartache was there. Since my thoughts were on service to the Divine and I considered myself as a servant I was often in situations that needed greater service and these situations triggered my emotions of pity, sadness, judgment and anger towards God.

In order to get out of my sadness I began considering the thought that God is my Parent, from the place of believing God to be my parent I started begging and pleading to heal the suffering of my fellow beings and myself many times, I found that I lost my happiness and lived in greater fear and dependence on the being that I called as God.

As I continued this belief in my mind, at one point this annoyed me greatly as I witness life taking its toll on everything I held dear. I disowned the belief in the entity that I called as God and went into deep contemplation. I came to the conclusion that life goes on creating its ups and downs whether I accept it or not. Hence, I decided to accept life as it is, which I thought is the best possible way to keep my thoughts from wanting things to be different than what life brings my way, keeping myself away from arguing with life brought me the gift of peace. As I became more cautious to keep myself away from confusion and sadness from my judgments about life, I slowed down my pace of doing things and I started becoming a witness of life.

Witnessing life in all its colors amazed me immensely. As I took time to become a grand witness I saw myself blending with life and I became ONE with everything, every situation, every person! I could feel and know many things even before I witnessed them. From this place I understood and admired the Creator of All That IS, I felt myself One with the Creator, one in partnership with the Creator, I felt myself as a Co-Creator with the Creator of All That IS.

I was awed by creation, I understood that when I choose to hold the consciousness of peace within me, the situations around me blended in with peace. I understood that when I choose to be in the place of non-judgment by being the witness of life and holding the consciousness of peace within, living life in the physical seems to be effortless. Hence I understood that consciousness is the one that is responsible for any kind of creation. This is the deeper mystery, deeper truth that I experienced in this journey of life.

At present I am going through a very tough situation but I consciously choose to accept what IS, and hold peace within. This has helped me bring in grander solutions for the problems at hand which I could never have done if I was judging the situation. Also I am able to see wonderful gifts even in this tough situation, and this makes me hold the consciousness of appreciation, this makes me live in peace and happiness beyond my wildest dreams.

Living in oneness with life and choosing appreciation and gratitude has brought so much joy to my heart, this joy gives me freedom to hold grander visions , release from the creations of the past and create grander worlds for myself and this Planet, and the more I hold these visions the more they manifest effortlessly.

And answering your last question, YES, if you choose to live from the place of awareness, which is mindfulness with non-judgment, you will definitely move towards understanding the mystery of life, you will live as a peace keeper, and when you are in this place your consciousness will touch every person in your space and bring them peace and ease.

So the greatest gift we can give ourselves and this Planet is our self-realization to live as our divine selves on this Planet.

Trust that I have answered your question.
Premlatha Rajkumar