Thursday, August 23, 2012



This world is a 'Hall of mirrors' that reflects your consciousness truly and perfectly.  To make the mirrors to reflect  beauty, joy, harmony, and peace, you need to hold the consciousness of beauty, joy, harmony, and peace within.
To hold the consciousness of beauty, joy, harmony, and peace within, you must be willing to take the journey to quieten the mind.
From the time the mind was born with the body, the mind took its job of safeguarding the body very seriously.  Hence, it became a collector of every data from the outside, constantly alert; constantly pessimistic. Its job is to scare you so that you do not go beyond its boundary.  The mind knows only what it knows, it does not know anything beyond the data it collects.
Meditating and connecting with the Self is the simplest most profound tool that brings the awareness that you are not your mind, it differentiates you the watcher from your mind.  You realize that you are much more than your mind, you are the magnificent miracle of life.
Just for fun while watching a movie or television, just witness yourself watching, and notice the difference.  The moment you witness yourself, you will not be involved in the drama happening in the television or the movie.  You will SEE the drama only and be amused, you will never get involved in it.
This is the way with meditation, it is the art of being a witness of the world around you every moment.  You are a witness, you see everything, but you do not identify yourself with anything that goes around.
This is the most powerful place to be, for from this place you can see the beauty of creation, and the drama chosen by each and every soul around you without judgement. This is the most powerful place where you can choose to hold the consciousness of
beauty, joy, harmony, and peace within.
 When you start allowing the world to do its business its way,  and carry on with your business of holding beauty, joy, and peace within surprisingly you come to notice that the world around you magically changes to beauty, joy, peace, and harmony.  This is very, very true!
We are the world, everything we see around us is our creation.  In order to change the nature of the creation on the outside, the only way is to go within and change the nature of the truth on the inside.  For this world is a 'Hall of Mirrors' that perfectly reflects the consciousness you hold on the inside.
Every responsible human with a noble heart will take the journey of connecting with their inner SELF.
Let us choose to bring 'Heaven on Earth', let us choose to hold beauty, joy, peace, and harmony on the inside.
~Premlatha Rajkumar~

Tuesday, August 14, 2012



Most of us are unconsciously addicted to neediness.  This unconsciousness makes us constantly need others' love, approval, and attention.  In order to get this we go out of our way to do all that which is not true for us.
 We forget how to be ourselves. In our neediness, we strive to do the things that the other person likes; we forget what we like.
We put up with things that our body and mind does not approve of, just to satisfy the need of getting the attention of the other person.  We easily accept any kind of abuse or humiliation just because of our neediness of the other person's love, or approval.
This unconscious behavior makes every human relationship painful.  Then worry, doubt, stress, and anxiety becomes the norm of everyday life.
We come into this world alone, and we go back alone.  We are Divine beings, and our Divinity within is abundant enough to satisfy all our needs.  The problem began when we lost focus on our Divinity within, and started focusing on the outside for our needs.  Attachment to something outside the self is an illusion.  Even if people love each other very much, and tend to cling to each other while awake; at one point sleep walks in and takes away each one to far away mysterious lands.
As soon as our senses start working we see that we are alone, as we never train our senses to go within, we often end up attaching ourselves to people, power, and material things on the outside.
Every indulgence of clinging, or neediness on the outside is a sure sign of forgetting to connect with the Divinity within.  Every neediness comes out of the fear of being alone.
When we choose to focus, connect, and grow with the Divinity within us, we are doing real work on this Planet.  We become, mature, alert, awake, loving, and compassionate.  We become the wellspring of understanding and wisdom.  Our actions and relationships are authentic when they come from the place of the Divinity within; all other actions and relationships arise only out of neediness.
Only when we become enlightened and full of the light of wisdom within, we can go beyond need and share our light with others.  Otherwise when we have no light in us, we will become addicted to things on the outside to satisfy, and the things on the outside can never satisfy us, we will continue to seek and in our seeking we will not be able to live in our truth.
We can help others only when we have helped ourselves first.  I remember the flight safety instructions on the plane, it simply says first put the oxygen mask for yourself before helping anyone else.
Let us choose to identify, to notice our neediness with an open mind, let us catch ourselves in the act of self-sabotage, and change our programming to self-growth and well-being.
~Premlatha Rajkumar~

Friday, August 3, 2012

Generosity is our true nature.
It is possible to be generous, only when we choose to acknowledge, appreciate and be in the place of gratitude for the things in our life.
As humanity we are ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, let us activate our ONENESS from the place of Gratitude today.
We are energy beings, the whole world is made up of energy, energy can be exchanged not only physically but also by the power of kindness from the heart, because we are ONE CONSCIOUSNESS.
So let us activate our generous nature by being consciously present in whatever we do.
While enjoying your food, consciously take a few minutes of your time to think about the people who suffer from hunger, send them blessings from your heart, see them happy and filled in your mind's eye.
As you are enjoying your walk, consciously take time to think about all those who have lost their capacity to walk, send them a blessing from your heart.
As you hug your loved ones consciously take a few moments to send love and blessings to all those who have lost their loved ones, all those who live in distant lands away from their families, and to the orphans who have no one to call as family.
As you are out shopping for groceries, take a few moment to send a blessing to people who cannot afford to buy groceries.
As you are out enjoying the sunshine, the park, the freedom of being in a beautiful country, take a few moments to send a blessing to people who live in war zones, who live without freedom, see them happy and free in your mind's eye.
When we connect and bless from our heart consciously, we are sending powerful energy waves out into the Universe, this beautiful energy is like a powerful army of angels, it goes and fulfills your intention in amazing ways.
We are one consciousness, what we choose for ourselves, we choose for the ALL.
~Premlatha Rajkumar~