Thursday, June 25, 2015



I was reminded of this beautiful Zen story today.

The story goes like this, a once famous Buddhist monastery had fallen into decline and the abbot was deeply troubled.
The monks were lax in their practice, novices were leaving and lay supporters were deserting the monastery to join other centers.
The Abbot  traveled far to a sage and recounted his tale of woe, of how much he desired to transform his monastery to the flourishing haven it had been in days of yore. The sage looked him in the eye and said, "The reason your monastery has languished is that the Buddha is living among you in disguise, and you have not honored Him."
The abbot hurried back, his mind in turmoil “The Selfless One was at his monastery! Who could He be? Brother Hua?...No, he was full of sloth. Brother Po?...No, he was too dull…. But then the Tathagata (The Divine One)  was in disguise. What better disguise than sloth or dull- wittedness?
He called his monks to him and revealed the sage's words. They, too, were taken aback and looked at each other with suspicion and awe. Which one of them was the Chosen One? The disguise was perfect. Not knowing who He was they took to treating everyone with the respect due to a Buddha.
As time passed, the monks faces started shining with an inner radiance, every part of the monastery glowed with their  loving care , this attracted novices and then lay supporters and  soon the monastery far surpassed its previous glory. People came from far and wide to receive the radiant gifts of the monastery.

Sweet friends,  let us choose to make our home, our place of work, and every part of our environment radiant with our love, respect and care, for the Divine lives in us and among us.  May we bless each other and this beautiful planet!
Premlatha Rajkumar​

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Human love is an emotion that arises out of the needs and opinions of the mind.   Love from the mind is always a bargain, "If you are good to me then I am good to you, and you like the same things that I like, so then I love you" this is the love of the mind.

The truth is that we are born as unconditional love, we begin our life as a heart,  the  heart, the first organ to fully start functioning inside the mother's womb even before any other organ is formed.  The heart is the place where Divinity/Unconditional love merges with humanity.  Unconditional love is who we are.

After the physical body formed, the mind was created to take care of the body and its needs only.  The mind takes its job very seriously,  it likes to create a library of every experience and create opinions of these experiences and store them for future use. The mind is in constant survival mode, it constantly asks, "what is wrong, what is wrong" and tries to find everything that is wrong with every person or situation. But of course this is the mind's job.  But we are neither the body, nor the mind.

Our physical heart is a being of immense love and light, the heart energy is infinite and it embraces all of creation. We are deeply connected with each other and with all of creation through our breath, this ocean of air is the world's heart.

The research conducted by the institute of HeartMath on heart-mind interactions, has shown the electrophysiology of intuition. It states that we are all globally interconnected at a deep, fundamental level through our electromagnetic fields and biofields.

Their studies also demonstrate that it is possible to intentionally alter one’s emotional state through heart focus.  The magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 5,000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain, and it can be detected a number of feet away from the body, in all directions.

This research illuminates the intriguing finding that the electromagnetic signals generated by the heart have the capacity to affect others around us. Their research indicates that one person’s heart signal can affect another’s brainwaves, and that heart-brain synchronization can occur between two people when they interact

So according to our heart, all creation is One Consciousness. One consciousness means living from the place of unconditional love. And unconditional love has no expectations it is a state of grace.

 Unconditional love can be experienced by practicing silence and connecting with the heart with awareness.  Connecting with the heart can be as simple as placing ones hand on the area of the physical heart and taking a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.  This kind of breathing brings clarity and ease.

Our heart responds to love and appreciation, sending thoughts of love and appreciation to the heart is a powerful experience, it brings peace and calm , and it brings unexpected solutions to present problems.

When we connect to our heart we are tapping into the well spring of wisdom and abundance for our life in all aspect.  In times of worry or fear we can place our hand on our heart and take deep breath through our nose and out through our mouth, this is a powerful help.

Sweet friends let us choose to live from the wisdom of our hearts as the unconditional love that we are.

Premlatha Rajkumar  

Saturday, June 6, 2015


One of my teachers gave a wonderful explanation about the spiritual significance of a rose flower. Every plant on the planet has a particular vibrational frequency that is measured in Hertz. All plants, herbs, and trees range from 0-210 cycle/sec Hertz of frequency. Sandalwood and frankincense have the highest of 210 Hertz. But amazingly, the Belgian red rose has a frequency of 800 hertz which is much higher than any other plant species on earth.
Also from my personal experience, I have noticed that the arrangement of petals in a Rose flower is a form of sacred geometry, which is the feminine energy pattern of the Creator. I see artists who paint pictures of deities like Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Lady Nada, paint the picture of a rose in the place of their heart.
Through out history many have reported smelling the fragrance of roses while communicating with angels and other higher beings during prayer or meditation. Angels use rose scents as physical signs of their spiritual presence with people, since roses have powerful energy fields that vibrate at a high electrical frequency -- the highest of any flower on Earth -- and since angelic energy also vibrates at a high rate, angels can connect easier with roses than with other flowers.
Roses are one of the most special flowers that are used to express love in all cultures, it is no wonder why we are so mesmerized by them and their fragrance, all over the world roses have become the special symbol of human love in all its wonderment and joy.
Sharing this beautiful picture of the roses from my patio today for you my sweet friends smile emoticon


KEYS OF LIGHT (The Quantum Awakening - Gillian MacBeth - Louthan)
1. You are continually and completely responsible for your life. No one has ever done anything to you; you are not a victim. You have written, directed, produced, and acted in the script of your choice that has been created and provided by yourself for yourself.
2. If at any time you tire of the script that you have created, you then have free choice, and free will to create a new script to act in and out. (reruns and season finales are a personal choice)
3. Anyone can write a script. It is written with every word, every thought, every action, every reaction to all-personal situations and worldly stimuli. What you think today then becomes your weekly mini series tomorrow.
4. Co-Creatorship is not a job for wimps. You are not here as a tourist. You are here on a mission; selective amnesia is no longer permitted. The coffee of remembrance is being served energetically on deck earth. Awakening is guaranteed
5. Earth is a 24/7 school. There are no days off, you cannot call in sick. Homework assignments must be completed each and every day. No copying off of other students, you will be graded on a universal curve determined by you and only you.
6. Once you have completed earth school you will then graduate leaving YOUR presence BODY and all accumulated STUFF behind. All students of earth are guaranteed to graduate no matter what their grade point average.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


(A question and answer session to share)
Q: A Sweet friend asked me about why other people's lives are so successful while things were not going so well for him.
A: I feel this is a question many many of us are asking at this time and hence I wanted to share this answer.
When things are not going as well as we want them to we often tend to look at other people's successful lives and envy the ease of their progress. We do not realize that they too have gone through their ups and downs, in fact none of us are immune to the disorderliness of things, every person experiences disorder at different times in their lives. The real difference between us who are going through discord at this time and those whom we envy for their success is just timing. Our minds tend to see only what is in front of us, the mind cannot see the bigger picture. We can only perceive a minuscule part of the person's life, but we cannot see the entire 360 degrees of his/her life experiences throughout time and space. It is not right for us to come to a conclusion that other people always have successful lives, when we have no idea about their past or their future life experiences.
It is important to remember that everything in life has its timings/seasons. After every sunset there is sure to be a sunrise, after every winter there is sure to be a spring, after every phase of sorrow there is sure to be joy and excitement. It is wise to be very conscious of the flow of life, to be in the place of trust and patience and to accept things as they are. For nothing is permanent, when we take courage to face our fears, a kind of sanity arises within us and helps us move forward with balance. Every moment is a grand success when we are able to see the gift every moment brings, for every down moment creates a seeking and reveals wisdom, and every up moment creates gratitude and balance. Every moment is precious if we choose to face it without judgment, and every moment we are present we harvest immense wisdom for ourselves and for this Planet.
May we choose to be alert and awake to every situation that life benevolently brings our way!
Premlatha Rajkumar