Thursday, April 29, 2010


Beloved Friends,

Greetings in the love and light of Great Spirit! As Mother's day is getting nearer,

I am compelled to publish this article again. (First published on May 9, 2008 in and websites)

I trust in this Truth, that 'every man, woman, and child is the Mother of all Creation'. I discovered this truth as I entered into the journey of ascension.

When I was a child, my playmates were not only other children in the neighborhood but also the rocks, plants, animals and the very ground I walked on. And I loved to carry on a one sided dialogue with everything I came across, for I knew in my heart that everything had life and spirit. It felt good to imagine them talking back to me and imagining their emotions also!

Somewhere in the journey of growing up and absorbing the teachings from outside, and experiencing negativity, pushed this imaginative play out of my space and the moment it left, which I now understand was the beginning of fear. I lived in fear and uncertainty.

Then came the time when I married and had my own children, my fear for my loved ones became so intense that every time the children were sick or if my husband was late coming home, my fear-induced mind imagined the worst possible outcomes. I was totally making myself a nervous wreck and at one point when I could take this no more was when I realized that I had to let go my attachment and surrender to God to make myself free from this bondage of fear!

That day I understood two powerful things; I came into the knowing that in this world I am just a guardian for my children and their original parent is God, I realized that even though their body came from my womb, their Spirit came from God. I also came to know that God has through Grace given me this position of being a Mother for not only extending it to my children but to all creation!!!The moment I realized these things, the things of my childhood came back to me in a powerful way, my heart started awakening and exploding with the feeling of compassionate love, not the love from fear, but love full of the knowing of well being for all creation. I powerfully felt that I was the mother for every plant, animal, rock, mineral and human!!! Every moment of every day automatically my heart started blessing everything my hands and feet touched, everything my eyes made contact with!!! The experienced was so amazing!

Spirit made me come into the understanding that every Man, Woman and Child are given the gift of this Mother Consciousness! As I practiced this my family also practiced and we understood that we are now in a place not as a physical man, woman or child, but as the powerful love beings that have come to love the earth!!! And when we practice this state of being, we come into the total freedom from Fear! Because this State of Being makes us to let go our attachments, help us to fully surrender to the Goodness of God, to trust in the birthright of well being for all, and makes us visionaries of the Highest and Grandest visions for ourselves and for the planet! This feeling simply makes one feel so happy and good all over that love naturally and effortlessly flows, and when we direct this love to the objects or individuals a doorway opens to the infinite power of Spirit. And we find miracles and magic happening, which make the laws of physics seem unnatural.

The State of Mother consciousness literally makes you the Magic makers!!!

As time went on in the process of practicing this truth, Spirit made me understand this in a very powerful way; this was actually a change in perspective because due to the expansion of consciousness, my brain was connecting more to the heart than to the mind, and I realized that the Mother consciousness is not about the human view of 'Mother-Child', but the Consciousness of 'All is One', which means that everything is an extension of one's own self. I came into the total feeling that there is actually no separateness, every plant, animal, rock, mineral, and human are actually me myself!!! And the more I loved myself and started living in gratitude every moment the meaning of this Truth became more profound in my life!

The truth made me understand that I need not be the 'doer from the mind" any more, because the moment we start to do we go into tension and loose our joy which is our birthright as children of God, we just need to let go the attachment to doing, get out of our minds, so to speak, and shift to the place of "being in the State of this Mother consciousness" that is total trust that All is well, and we can see that matter or things arrange themselves wonderfully and fall into place exactly the way we want. If we walk through life with gratitude and the knowledge that 'all is well, all the time' we raise our energy, align and harmonize ourselves with Divinity in the most wonderful and grandest way possible! This state of Oneness or Motherhood towards all of creation makes goodness and harmony to flow spontaneously and effortlessly because we are allowing Divine love and life to flow through our very being and thus to the All! A VERY BLESSED MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL LIFE!!!!

Many Blessings and Much love Dear Ones,


Acceptance of Earthly life to blend body and soul

Acceptance of Earthly life to blend body and soul

Our body is a separate entity, it is not who we are, it is a beautiful priceless tool and a wonderful partner with us on this material plane. It has feelings and it is very very human. Kindness towards our body is very important, every cell of the body is a universe of wisdom . It is true that we all are ascending but our body also comes along with the ascension, because it is with the body that we are going to ground our Spirituality. If we forget to provide sufficiently for the body's needs, we fail to reach the level of compassion for ourself and for others.

We need to really help our body to connect with the earth and manifest itself outwardly in a satisfying job, a stable loving human relationship, and material abundance. The worldly job is not mundane; this is the place where we can shine our light, where we can find people, and where people can find us.

Human relationship is the only way through which we evolve as souls; only with normal relationships of the earth can we connect our body and fully anchor our spirituality.

Many of us think that money binds us to the lower essence, no it is the one that brings comfort to the earthly body, and only when the body is satisfied and the emotional body healed can the spiritual energy be really anchored in the physical reality!

Getting ourselves balanced is very necessary for our Spiritual evolvement. Our body says I must work on this human job, our soul says I want to finish the job I came here to do, and hence there is always a conflict with the body and the soul. It is always wise to provide the comfort of rest and nourishment for the body so that it may blend with the soul and help the soul to fulfill its purpose. The union of body and soul is the holy experience of being the light that we are.

All that is on the earth is a manifestation of Mother Earth, and we have come for balance, our acceptance of earthly life will bring healing because as pure souls we know how to bring compassion and non-judgment. When there is non-judgment there is no more dark, everything is a cycle of joyous becoming. For we already know that the light absorbs darkness, there is never a case where light was absorbed by the dark.
The true work of Christ is to embrace both the light and dark (earthly joy and heavenly joy), which is pure compassion and transformation in itself. Yes, we have come here to live a wonderful life. As we become kind and loving to our body, our body will work with us to provide all that we need at this time.

Love, light and Peace,

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Who you are - who you are not

changes- challenges

Beloved Friends,

Greetings in the love and light of Great Spirit.

The energies of change is so powerfully upon us. Each and every one of us are going through sudden changes in our jobs, family relationships, finance, and also geographical relocation!

These changes present to us challenges in different forms that we have to go through. As lightworkers it is important for us to remind ourselves that we signed up to be in the human form in order to create the energies of love and light. It is so easy to be carried away into the human drama of judgement. For most of the time we see only what is in front of us and not the bigger picture. The bigger picture is always beautiful with the theme of improvement and advancement.

In my family we are also going through the process of change, my husband's job transfer is creating changes for me and my children, I have to resign my job and also have to leave behind my college going son to continue his education. My daughter has to leave her friends and teachers of her present High school and get adjusted to a new school, she will also be missing her brother. Great Spirit nudges me at this time to create peace and harmony in a very strange way! Spirit asks me to take this emotion and feeling of uncertainity and make it work in a powerful way. Spirit asks to take this emotion of fear and with the powerful tool of the mind to visualize each person involved in the change as being filled with light, love, joy, peace and everything that they desire or need being fulfilled. So every time there is a trace of fear arising it is better to focus this negative emotion into visualizing a positive result with emotion and feeling for the particular situation.

Our emotional or feeling center has the most powerful connection with the Divine Matrix of the Universe. And what we feel and see in our mind's eye with emotion is brought to us in lightning speed!!! I have seen and experienced this in my life and those of others all the time.

As Spirit revealed this message to us as a reminder again, my daughter was very much comforted, she got up from her state of sadness and said that she is going to put her sad energy to good use for herself, her family, her friends and also for all the beautiful people she is going to meet in the new place!!!

Another reminder from Spirit was that the situations or the changes are not what they seem to be, they are actually activators of our power here on this planet. We as lightworkers have the power to create the Christ Conscious energies of living in joy, loving the unlovable and forgiving the unforgivable in any given situation. This is our true purpose in any situation, whether it is in our job, finance or family; for we are truly the bringers of Peace, and the so called challenges or changes are the keys to activate our power!

The Joy of giving to the self

Category: Life

Joy is a state of Mind. Prime Creator who is ever new joy (Sadasiva in Sanskrit - which means -sada -ever, siva- joy) created us in joy. And who we are is joy.

Hence we need nothing to be in joy, for we are joy itself. When we realize that joy is not created as a result of certain conditions, then we understand that when we choose to live from the state of Joy, joyous conditions are created around us!

Thus the secret to create joyous conditions around us is to be in the state of joy that the creator made us to be. And never ever loose our joy for anything.

Since God is "All that Is", no human is separate from God, and humans are not and cannot be separate from each other. When deep within ourselves we come to this understanding, we know that there is enough for everyone, that everyone is precious and equally blessed. This stops us form competing with one another for love, money or power or anything that we felt that was not enough.

I am reminded of the Native American saying, "In'Lakesh" which means "I am You"!!! This point of understanding changes everything. Instead of competing with others to get what we want, we begin to give what we want away, instead of grasping for power we begin empowering others, instead of struggling for success we make sure that everyone else comes into success. Instead of searching for affection, attention, satisfaction, we find ourselves being the source of these things. And the wonder of it all is that, as we give - so do we receive, the Law of the Universe makes sure that we have more of whatever we are giving away!!!

This has to do with the simple truth "In'Lakesh - I am You". The reason that I am in joy and loving and giving has nothing to do with being "Morally right", or " the will of God", but it has everything to do with the truth that "there is Only ONE of Us here".!!!


As I am writing this to you Great Spirit's message to you this day is that you are beloved and you are greatly loved, more than you can ever imagine. There are millions of unseen hands around you to help you in all ways possible. You are never ever alone, in fact you were born with your Spirit family who are the sweet guides and guardians and angels. They watch over you lovingly and support you in every way.

At this time they are asking you to love yourself more; you see all these years you have loved everything around you more than you yourself. Spirit now asks you to love yourself as you are the most precious person in your life and your body is the temple where the Divine Dwells. The more you love yourself, the more you will be able to make powerful wise decisions for yourself, you will be able to give wonderful gifts to yourself.

You belong to the family of light, and every family of light has come to the planet on assignment. Your assignment is to find solutions in limitations. As you signed up to come to this planet in this human body, your eternally powerful soul-self planned to bring this limitation into your life situations so that you will find solution in love and light and bring the victory of love over fear.

As soon as you came to this planet beloved, the illusions portrayed by this world outside was that "you are not good enough", " you are not worthy". These lies got imprinted into your mind and your experiences of fear took over.

The mind has only the worldly experience and does not know anything other than that. But the moment you connect with your heart and start living from your heart, your heart will teach you to be the master that you are! For your heart is the library that holds all information and messages from your many past lives, parallel lives and multidimensional lives that you are living. For truly you are not only this little human self but also much much much more, a most beautiful unlimited entity!!! And your assignment is to find the solution to victory over fear by love! This solution will be used powerfully not only for you, but for the Universe itself!!!

So even if your mind is not able to comprehend much of what I am saying please follow with your heart and you will understand the magnificience of who you are.

I now tell you to rejoice in whatever the human language may call as "problem" because this is the best thing that is helping to trigger you into your mastership!!!

I introduce you to a series of exercises that involve affirmations, and meditations. Take them slowly, relax and enjoy and choose to do these things and become the true magician of your life.

The very first exercise that you start is with loving the self. Loving the self involves affirmations. Affirmations are mantras, they are words but they get the magical power only from your feelings. Your feelings are the KEY. So please choose to repeat the mantra many times during the day by feeling every word as true for you. first thing in the morning when you wake up, see yourself in the mirror and look into the eyes of this beautiful being and say the mantra with feeling. At first it may feel odd, but as you patiently practice it will come easily.

Also whenever you have free time, memorize this mantra and write it down as many times as you can with feeling , like a love letter to yourself.

The Mantra:(adapted from Louise.L Hay's teachings)

"I love and approve of myself
I am wonderful
Today is one of the best days of my life
Everything is working out for my highest good
Whatever I need to know is revealed to me
Whatever I need comes to me
All is well".

The second message that I am sharing with you is the Miracle Light Prayer which the Holy Spirit taught me:

Miracle Light Prayer is all about re-membering yourself with your family of light. YOUR FAMILY OF LIGHT are the angels and guardians and guides that were born with you into this planet, they are always around you and ever ready to help you in any way. But it is only when you call unto them can they help you because they are bound by human freewill, so unless you call unto them they cannot help you.

You already know that only when a cup is empty it can be filled. So the most important thing to do when coming into the kingdom of God is to keep your body (the cup) empty (empty of all worries and fear), so that the Spirit of God can pour and fill in you.

The Great Spirit is powerful, blinding, liquid, golden white light. God's Spirit breathed into you when you were made, and so the Spirit is all around you. Every breath you take is God.

If God the Great Spirit is a huge SUN, then we each are a ray from this SUN. Hence we also have the same power as this SUN , to love, to create, to forgive, and to be in joy.

So we are co-creators with the Great Spirit on this planet. Hence, eventhough the Spirit is all around you, unless you acknowledge and take up your power to feel it there is no creation happening.

So in this co-creation of re-membering yourself with the Great Spirit, be very pleasantly placed towards yourself; love yourself and forgive yourself and approve of yourself, for you are indeed a member of God.

To communicate with Spirit you do not need a language. All you need is only your thoughts and feelings. And most important your feeling of worthiness, worthy to receive and be blessed with great and wondrous things.

To begin the communication, please create a sacred space for yourself in your home where you will not be disturbed by people, pets or the telephone. Here create an altar, it is not that Spirit desires for you to do rituals to communicate, but it is just a mark of respect for yourself and for Spirit.

To create an altar, you can bring a few fresh flowers, light 3 candles, place clear water in a clear crystal bowl, or you can place pictures of loved ones, or any ornaments or small stones that you had connected with in one of your walks, fresh spring leaves etc.

Any thing that you feel close to your heart can make up your altar.

As you have made the altar it symbolizes your intention to communicate with Spirit, this is actually an invocation.
Now the next step is visualization. Visualize in your mind's eye your body as an empty jar or cup waiting to be filled with the love and light of Great Spirit. And see in your mind's eye a huge blinding, brilliant, liquid, golden white light, like the sun above your head.

Now watch the movement of air within and without your body as you breathe in and breathe out. Now with every inbreath pull down this liquid golden white light from the crown of your head to flow into your body and fill your body. As you breathe out allow this light to overflow out to the space around you through your heart.

Continue to breathe in this manner from your crown by visualization. As every cell of your body get rejuvenated with love and light, at one point you will feel peace, harmony, even a chill may run up your spine. At this time you understand that your spirit is ONE with God's Spirit. Your will is God's will!

At this place of love and light bring unto God your petition, or your need. In your minds eye with your powerful thoughts and feelings, see your happy goal (the happy result to your need that you want to achieve). See and feel deep within your being the happy result only, see yourself smiling and in great joy as you are in the place of this perfect result. (I have to remind you here that in the Kingdom of God there is no time and space there is only the NOW, and so it is enough for you to see only the result in this now moment).

Do not tell Spirit how to achieve the result, for Spirit's ways are wonderful more than we can imagine and Spirit knows how the result can be reached. On your part see only the happy result and give thanks. Give thanks that you are in the place where it is already done. This is the enchantment of faith, faith beyond human understanding.

If you have more than one petition, you can bring them to Spirit's presence and do the same by visualizing only the happy result or goal.

After you are done with these things, you ask Spirit to cover you in this golden white light like a huge bubble thoughout the day. Give thanks and open your eyes when you are comfortable.

****** The light is around you all the time so you can breathe in lung fulls of it wherever you go, in the grocery store or while in your vehicle, anywhere. Especially when you are worried or in fear breathe in lung fulls of this light. In fact make it a habit to breathe light as many times as you can and experience the joy of magic and miracles!