Saturday, April 24, 2010

changes- challenges

Beloved Friends,

Greetings in the love and light of Great Spirit.

The energies of change is so powerfully upon us. Each and every one of us are going through sudden changes in our jobs, family relationships, finance, and also geographical relocation!

These changes present to us challenges in different forms that we have to go through. As lightworkers it is important for us to remind ourselves that we signed up to be in the human form in order to create the energies of love and light. It is so easy to be carried away into the human drama of judgement. For most of the time we see only what is in front of us and not the bigger picture. The bigger picture is always beautiful with the theme of improvement and advancement.

In my family we are also going through the process of change, my husband's job transfer is creating changes for me and my children, I have to resign my job and also have to leave behind my college going son to continue his education. My daughter has to leave her friends and teachers of her present High school and get adjusted to a new school, she will also be missing her brother. Great Spirit nudges me at this time to create peace and harmony in a very strange way! Spirit asks me to take this emotion and feeling of uncertainity and make it work in a powerful way. Spirit asks to take this emotion of fear and with the powerful tool of the mind to visualize each person involved in the change as being filled with light, love, joy, peace and everything that they desire or need being fulfilled. So every time there is a trace of fear arising it is better to focus this negative emotion into visualizing a positive result with emotion and feeling for the particular situation.

Our emotional or feeling center has the most powerful connection with the Divine Matrix of the Universe. And what we feel and see in our mind's eye with emotion is brought to us in lightning speed!!! I have seen and experienced this in my life and those of others all the time.

As Spirit revealed this message to us as a reminder again, my daughter was very much comforted, she got up from her state of sadness and said that she is going to put her sad energy to good use for herself, her family, her friends and also for all the beautiful people she is going to meet in the new place!!!

Another reminder from Spirit was that the situations or the changes are not what they seem to be, they are actually activators of our power here on this planet. We as lightworkers have the power to create the Christ Conscious energies of living in joy, loving the unlovable and forgiving the unforgivable in any given situation. This is our true purpose in any situation, whether it is in our job, finance or family; for we are truly the bringers of Peace, and the so called challenges or changes are the keys to activate our power!

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