Sunday, October 27, 2013


I remember one of my teachers explaining fear to me when I was very young. He told me that once two men from his village were travelling through a deep forest to reach another village.  This forest was feared by people because it had a lot of poisonous snakes.  So these two men were travelling by day time and were planning to reach the other village before night fall.  It so happened that a storm brewed up and it became dark very soon.  Suddenly one of the men cried aloud that a snake has bitten him, he started foaming in the mouth and fell down in agony.  The other man lighted his lantern and tried to see what had happened to his friend.
And to his dismay his friend lost consciousness and died.
With the light of his lantern the man saw that it was not a snake that had bitten his friend.  Mangoes are abundant in India in the summer, and people eat the mangoes and throw away the seed, the seeds get dried up in the sun and the hard seed coat splits open on one side like a mouth.  The man who died had stepped over one of these mouth opened seeds and it had clung to his heel, he thought that a poisonous snake had bitten him and in heightened emotion of fear he gave this message to the cells of his body.  The cells accepted his thought as the truth and they created foaming in the mouth just like it happens in a snake bite and created death of the body.
Fear is the only thing to be feared in life!
The cells of our body are overhearing our thoughts every moment and acting in accordance with it.  Are we aware of the thoughts we are feeding the cells every moment?  Are we creating death through our thoughts before we have lived?
Our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs create our reality absolutely.
We have the power to create beauty and joy in our life by choosing empowering and resourceful thoughts.
As pure souls our decision to come into these physical bodies is our grandest choice,  we signed up for the great things we were going to create in this life time.  Every moment of life is meant to be lived fully, in awareness, gratitude, and understanding. When life is lived fully in the present moment, it becomes richer, eternal, and blissful. Through this choice of living life fully we realize the ultimate value of life.
Premlatha Rajkumar
© 2013 P. Rajkumar

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


A sweet friend asked me this question, and I see that many parents are seeking the same for their children, so I am sharing this with you my dear friends:

Question: How to encourage your child to connect to source energy? Because I really want my children to evolve spiritually and know the reality of God within.

Answer:Keep telling your children that they are Grand Spirits who live in these physical bodies as their home. And tell them that their spirit emanates from the Creator, tell them that they are older than knowledge, and that every thing they need is inside them. So if they are to be who they are, they need to connect with the Source of who they are.

Just like a play, ask your children to sit still for some 5 to 10 minutes everyday and dream about happy things, the more they dream and visualize the more they get connected to Source Energy and come to know the Creator within.
Premlatha Rajkumar


Take time to sit in silence with yourself everyday. 
Travel through your imagination and dream happy dreams for yourself. Keep your dreams alive by affirming that you are worthy to live a wonderful life. 
When doubt or fear arises, take slow deep breaths, and in your minds eye see yourself breathing in the love and light of God which is around and within you.
Be still and know that you are so greatly loved and cherished by God. 
Keep your intention very clear, neither money nor borders can limit you from getting what you want. 
You are the miracle maker of your life, manifest your dreams! 
Premlatha Rajkumar

Thursday, October 10, 2013



We are so fascinated by dramas, we love the theater, the TV serials and all kinds of stage performances.  It is important to notice our fascination with the roles of victims, villains and heroes in these dramas. Unconsciously we identify with these roles and continue to play them in our every day lives.  We create these identities based on mind stories of good and bad. The more unaware we are the more we are trapped in the roles of victim, villain and hero.

The society, the family, and the religion assign these roles for us to play through many many belief systems of fear.  We desperately want to fit into these roles to please and to prove. This traps us indefinitely in the struggles of life that bring pain and bondage. These roles are played within our every relationships whether it be the spouse, parent, children, friends, relatives, strangers, or co-workers.

Shifting into the awareness of this game we find ourselves playing this game by exaggerating, making bigger and giving names through mind stories. Without blame, guilt or lies there would be no roles to play, instead there would only be healthy responsible relationships based on honest communications. The moment we bring conscious awareness into the role playing, there is a shift in consciousness. Awareness is the key.  Transformation begins with awareness.

Belief systems and lying to own self keeps one stuck in these roles. These roles always bring pain, powerlessness, and irresponsibility, they can never make one to stand in truth and freedom.

The moment we choose to play any one of these roles, we will end up playing all the three roles.Victim consciousness is based on the belief that every one in the world is 'out there to get me'.  It is a constant looking out for what is wrong with the world.  There is always a pity party going on that brings mind stories of “ poor me”, “you are bad”, "bad things happen to me."  If you perceive yourself as someone’s rescuer you find yourself as someone’s victim, while at the same time that person will perceive you as the persecutor. We continue to attach to these roles emotionally and judge everything around us.

  The basic and most important truth is that we create our reality, absolutely, there is nothing called a coincidence or an accident. At some level we create it all. We have to remember that this Universe is our mirror, this mirror truly reflects everything we send out. Therefore when we hold on to the idea that we are victims, the Universe thinks that we want to experience being a victim, and so it will bring to us more of what we hold in our consciousness till we wake up and take responsibility for what we are choosing to experience.

The ego loves role play, and if we are asleep we feel stuck in the dramas of the ego. As long as we continue to wage war between opponents, between two sides, or between good and bad we will continue to play these dramas of victim, villains, and heroes.   No matter which part we play in the struggle, we are actually perpetuating the struggle by keeping ourselves stuck in this duality game  As long as we think that we have to eradicate evil, we get trapped  in this mindless game of being victim, villain, or hero.It takes discernment to refuse to play these roles, and discernment comes from living from the heart, connecting to the 'kingdom within'. Any belief comes from the fear in the ego, freedom involves eradication of beliefs.

 There is no God ‘out there’ to serve, the Creator dwells in all beings, in all things seen and unseen.   The true Creator can be found within, thus every master who came to the Planet spoke about connecting to the “Kingdom within”.  Aligning to the kingdom within, reveals the Creator that is in all life.  This understanding will help one to go beyond this game of duality. This understanding will help to let go the desire for justice, revenge, or making up for the wrongs by committing more wrongs. Understanding the Creator within will lead to unconditional love, trust, and surrender which is the grandest devotion to the Divine.

 Instead of fighting, resisting, or feeling victimized when we choose to surrender and trust unconditionally, we go beyond the duality game and life opens innumerable opportunities for us.  By our choice we also inspire others to realize that there is more to life than involving in the duality struggle.

The challenge in this new paradigm is to refuse to play these roles and trust life to open up new and beautiful opportunities. Being in integrity with oneself is the key to get out of this role play and evolve ourselves into a new paradigm of love and truth.  Accepting, approving, and loving the self is the golden key that leads to freedom.

We are the bringers of the New Paradigm, we are the new evolving humanity. The new paradigm has no beliefs only love and truth.

Let us choose to create this new paradigm of love and truth.


Premlatha Rajkumar

© 2013 Premlatha Rajkumar

Tuesday, October 1, 2013



Do you notice repeated occurrences in life, the very situation we try to avoid comes back and visits us again and again ? Even if we try to change our place, our jobs, our relationships, even if we try to hide, the same situation comes back to visit us in another person, or in another form. Sometimes we try to help someone resolve a bad situation, and suddenly we find ourselves in the same situation.

If we contemplate on this deeply, it is clearly revealed that that which we continue to judge and condemn becomes our shadow and stays with us, till we choose to accept the responsibility for creating it and resolve it with forgiveness and understanding.

The world is our mirror, there is no other here, there is only one of us.
The mirror smiles if we smile and it scowls if we scowl at it.
Every situation or person we perceive on the outside is an expression of the consciousness we hold on the inside.
So at this moment if you have someone in front of you who is radiating love and peace, then it is the consciousness that you hold inside which is responsible for it, and in the same way if you are experiencing irritation and discord of what is happening in front of you then it is again because of the consciousness that you are holding on the inside. No person, no situation has the power to make us sad, angry, irritated or peaceful, we are the authors and executors of these things absolutely.

Till we resolve the discordant situation with forgiveness, understanding, and non-judgment, the situation will continue to appear in one form or other in our life.
We have fallen into a deep sleep of unconsciousness and continue to play the blame games of believing that everything on the outside is the reason for all bad situations in life. Waking up to the truth that we are 100% responsible for everything that is happening around us is the most powerful key.

To begin to see the reflection of the physical reality we want, the first step is to see everything on the outside as a reflection on a mirror. when you look at your reflection in the mirror, you know that you are not really inside the mirror. So if you need to change the reflection in the mirror, you do not go to the mirror to change the reflection, you change yourself in order to see a change in the mirror's reflection. Any change in the outer reality must begin from the inner reality, within your consciousness, which is your state of being.

True meditation is taking time to sit with yourself and noticing the thoughts that do not support you, question them, see them from the place of understanding and let them go. We are the masters of our life; the captains of our ship; and we absolutely have the choice to create our world the way we want it to be.
Let us choose to take responsibility for our creations. We are the bringers of wisdom, radiance, and peace for this Planet. Let us choose to play this game of "life" wisely.
Premlatha Rajkumar