Thursday, September 27, 2012



Physicist refer to matter as energy that pulsates in different wavelengths. Our body is energy that is denser, our mind is also energy but not so dense.  When we go within and bring awareness to the Self, we experience consciousness which is also energy but in a more subtle, more pure form.
When body and mind unitedly work with consciousness then the Divine Presence is felt in oneself and in all beings. The Divine Presence is not the totality of body, mind, and consciousness, instead when the body, mind, and consciousness come together  it is felt as the infinite being that holds all of existence.
The experience of the Divine Presence is very personal, it arises as feelings from the heart, it cannot be logically explained by the mind in anyway.  Each person has to go through the experience to know this.  When we come to this experience we know deep in our being that we are a part of this infinte being who experiences itself through us.
 By being conscious we participate consciously in every act of living, we become the witness of life and the Divine Presence becomes the Ultimate witness.
Beloved Master Mooji asks people in all of his discourses to contemplate on this one question “Can the perceiver be perceived?” If you have perceived the perceiver then you have awakened and you cannot go back to sleep.  When you have awakened you live as the awakened “God within”, and your creations are from the place of harmony and peace.
~Premlatha Rajkumar~

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Did you get to laugh today my friend? Can you try laughing for no reason?

Laughter is the best medicine and the best meditation.  Laughter brings you to the powerful place of enlightenment more quickly than any meditation can. Notice that when you laugh you stop thinking and get out of your mind and out of time and space for that moment.  When you laugh, you become ONE with all life.
The Buddhist monk Hotei, affectionately called as the Laughing Buddha, started laughing the moment he attained enlightenment and continued to laugh throughout his life.  His Presence healed people wherever he went.
No being on this Planet other than humans have been given the capacity to laugh.  Laughter is very contagious, it is a powerful gift you can give to this Planet.
So start your day with laughter, and end your day with laughter, and notice that you have brought in the most powerful energies of harmony and wellbeing into your life.
The Universal energies are supporting you at this time, try making laughter your daily meditation.
Blessings of Joy and laughter!
~Premlatha Rajkumar~

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Patience is a grand quality.  Unfortunately, In this busy world we have stopped to exercise this grand quality called patience.

The mind is always in a hurry. We have become addicted to "instant everything" from instant coffee, instant painkillers, to instant answers from the internet, everything is supplied but nothing satisfies.  Humanity is still searching, searching for that meaning, that missing spirit in life.

If we choose to slow down, to relax in the moment and observe patiently, we will be amazed by the grand enlightening experience and wisdom each moment brings.  Life is never boring, life is a vast journey, a beautiful mystery.  And this beauty can be unfolded with complete satisfaction only by patience.

The magic and miracle in a child's laughter, a hug from a friend, the blossoming of wild flowers on the edge of the roadway, the grand experience of cooking for yourself and your loved ones by pouring your conscious presence of gratitude, hugging a huge tree, feeling the gentle touch of the breeze on a hot summer day, looking into the eyes of a stranger and blessing from the heart, holding the hand of a loved one, sitting silently under the vast expanse of a starry night sky, asking a question and searching for an answer within the heart and allowing for the experience to unfold, sitting with pain and communicating within the body for answers and allowing the body to show us the wisdom.....the list goes on and on.  Every moment of life is magical and precious if we are able to be patient enough to be present in the moment.

It is imperative that we choose to exercise patience every moment, for the journey of life is timeless and full of wisdom.  If we live in a hurry we will be at a loss and will keep on searching and the search can never be satisfied.

 Patience is not being passive, patience is being very alert to life, it is  being in excited anticipation of what the next moment brings.  Patience is wisdom, it is waiting for life with great love, it is a great trust towards the Divine.

Let us choose to anchor patience and harvest the immense wisdom life brings our way.  Let us stop searching for instant answers on the outside and patiently learn to go within and realize the great wisdom we have brought with us into this Planet.  We are the wisdom keepers, it is time to wake up!

~Premlatha Rajkumar~
© 2012 Premlatha Rajkumar


Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Have you ever thought about questioning your beliefs? 

Your beliefs have the capacity to either destroy you or empower you. Whatever you put your belief on becomes true for you.

How many of us believe certain things and create them again and again in our lives and also ask 'why is life so hard on me?' 

How many times we repeat in our minds and in our
 speech things like - ' I get a cold at least 3 times a year/ this is the flu season/at age 40 my aunt and my mother had cancer/there is unemployment everywhere/people get old and sick/money is hard to come by/ this world is not a safe place/I am a sinner/ nobody loves me.....etc'

What are your beliefs today my friend?

Sit with yourself in silence and take time to note down your thoughts, take courage to question them. Ask how your life would be without these thoughts. Take each negative thought and think an opposite thought for it. If your thought says 'my mother does not love me', think an opposite thought for this, it can be 'my mother loves me/ I do not love my mother', and when you think the opposite thought, find good reasons for the opposite thought, and you will be surprised that you will remember the times you have not loved your mother, and the times your mother really went out of her way to do things for you. Then you will realize that the world around you was not crazy, but your beliefs about the world around you made you the crazy one!

It takes real courage to question our thoughts, accepting that we are the creators of our reality and that no one other than our own selves is responsible for the way things are is the first step to transforming our life to a richer, healthier, and more positive place.
When we change our thoughts, things around us automatically change!

Let us choose to give this gift to ourselves, let us choose to sit in meditation with our thoughts, be very aware, and notice that we are powerful beings beyond limitations, and we can choose to create the reality we want with what we choose to believe.
Premlatha Rajkumar

© 2012 Premlatha Rajkumar