Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I have noticed that when there is a law given, people tend to go against it. There was a rule in my son's high school that chewing gum is not allowed in the classroom. The students started to chew gum secretly and my son said that when you put your hand under the desk or chair, you would find innumerable chewed gums stuck underneath. Then they dropped this rule in school, and no one bothered to chew gum in class anymore.
I am reminded of the words of the TAO:
"Try to make people moral, and you lay the groundwork for vice."
Forgetting our Divine Nature is the only illusion on this Planet. We have burdened ourselves so much by the walls of laws, rules, governments, and religions by thinking that we are not good enough. We are born good; we need not strive to be good. Goodness is our Nature. We are a part of the Creator, and every part of the Creator is magnificent and beautiful like the Creator itself. Every human is precious in the eyes of the Creator.
Let us choose to create a world of true freedom; freedom begins by processing our fears. If we turn fear around, only love remains. Love is all that is real. LOVE IS ALL THAT IS. Let us choose to trust and live in love. Let us teach our future generations to live in love, to grow in self-esteem and self-worth, and to learn to trust in themselves. It is time we recognized and remembered our Divine Nature.

Premlatha Rajkumar

~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"

Monday, February 24, 2014


Everything in nature vibrates with love. Animals teach us true love without conditions; if we stand under a tree, it fully gives its shade, its fruits, and it gives everything of itself to us unconditionally without expecting anything in return. It neither has likes nor dislikes. Nature is the best teacher of unconditional love. Unconditional Love – True Love has no expectation.
Unconditional love can never happen in the mind; the mind is full of needs and opinions, and the love of the mind is always a bargain.
"If you are good to me, I am good to you, and then I love you," this is the love of the mind.
True love is unconditional, it is giving the gift of freedom to the other, and it is the state of grace that transforms the sickness of divisions, hate, and misery.
Emotional love or ego love can understand only me and the other, but true love understands me and the other me. True Love cannot divide as it knows that it is the All. Ancient traditions of indigenous peoples point out to the Greatest truth that:
“I am the other. Without the other, I would not exist. If there is no one to call me by my name, or talk to me, or acknowledge my presence, then I DO NOT EXIST!”
The ancient Mayan tradition of greeting people “In Lak’ech Ala k’in,” which means, “I am you and you are me,” is a wonderful way to remind oneself that “I do not exist without other people in my life.”
When we open our hearts to true love, we cannot love any one person or any one particular thing, we can only be the love that we are. When one is full of love, there is no need for something on the outside to create love. Moving away from true love, is always a struggle.
Practicing silence, taking time to witness life, and choosing to accept reality, makes us more loving; not toward a particular person, but we become the wellspring of unconditional love. Then nothing in life can disappoint us, for life becomes an adventure to discover. Unconditional LOVE is who we are.

Premlatha Rajkumar

~An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.