Saturday, February 28, 2015


PEARLS OF WISDOM FROM Charles Chaplin     heart emoticon
“As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.
As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.
As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”.
As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.
As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.
As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.
As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.
As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.
As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.
We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know “THAT IS LIFE”!”
― Charles Chaplin

Saturday, February 21, 2015



In the busyness of life we often face anxiety, depression, deadlines, and every kind of stress.  Stress happens because the mind has overtaken the act of living and has been bombarding us with constant fear stories.  Not realizing that the mind has taken control of living our life, we focus our emotions on all the fear stories the mind feeds us.  This has made us lose trust in ourselves, our fellow beings and life in general.  Trust is the root and support of life; when we have lost trust, we tend to wander hopelessly, trapped in our problems, stressed by constant thoughts of fear and overwhelmed by anxieties.

Mindfulness is the art of connecting with the present moment. Observing our thoughts, feelings, and sensations we become aware of them and are able to manage them better.

Our emotions have power, they are creative energy, mindlessly investing our emotions on fear thoughts we lose our power.  We need our power to make right decisions in life, to live from the place of wisdom. The mind does not know the present moment, it can only store data about the past and create fear stories of the future. The past and the future are stories of the mind they are not present in the here and now.  Whereas life is the present moment, the here and the now.  It is time we practice to live in the present moment which is our place of power.

Mindfulness helps us to stop the fear stories of the mind and live our lives from the place of peace and wisdom.

One of the simplest techniques of mindfulness that I have come to love is sitting quietly and observing wandering thoughts as they drift through the mind, here the intention is not to get involved with the thoughts or to judge them.  Just by being aware of the thoughts, the thoughts dissolve and vanish.  We become a witness of the thoughts, the moment there is a witness the thoughts just vanish.  As we practice witnessing we come to realize that thoughts are simply mental dramas that do not have to control us.

Mindfulness can also be practices while doing simple day to day activities, like walking, eating , washing dishes, cooking etc.  Consciously focusing on every moment of the activity and fully participating in the feeling brings greater harmony, peace, and fulfillment.

For example while walking, taking time to mindfully notice how the feet touch the ground and move one after the other, noticing the swing of the arms,  mindfully noticing helps one to be in the moment, with no chatter in the mind. This surprisingly makes us more alert to everything around us.  We slow down and we enjoy the mindful noticing.  The noticing brings healing and awakening to the cells of the feet and strengthens our connection to the Earth.

In my experience I have also noticed that mindfulness brings healing from pain.  For example if I have pain in my feet, I do not reach out for painkillers, instead I reach out to my feet, I sit quietly for sometime, touch my feet lovingly and connect mentally with the pain and just be there with the pain.  My being there consciously with the pain surprisingly helps the pain to dissolve, sometimes messages, insights are given to manage the pain in a better way.

Let us choose to create a space for  mindfulness in our busyness, in order to give ourselves the grand gift of stress free lives.
Premlatha Rajkumar
 © 2015 P Rajkumar

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


(An excerpt from my book, "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"
Our body of form exists by the greater assistance of our spirit and our soul, which are formless. Spiritual scientists who practiced alchemy noticed that at the time of death, consciousness separated into two separate entities called the “BA” and the “KA” bodies.
The “BA” Body
The “BA” is immortal and it is the Celestial Soul. It is outside space and time. It is a blinding, brilliant, liquid light about arm’s distance above your head. You can connect and communicate with the “BA” body only by appreciation and gratitude from the heart. The “BA” body is connected directly to the heart. Hence, connecting from the feeling of appreciation and gratitude, we can connect to the “BA” body – our Celestial Soul.
The “BA” body brings immense protection and healing to the physical body. The “Miracle Light Prayer” in the chapter on Surrender is the mode of connection with the BA body or your Celestial Soul. It is described in all spiritual litratures as the spark of Divinity that resides within us. It is the aspect of our multidimensional selves that inspires us to move beyond our ego and animal nature and experience the interconnectedness of all life. In many spiritual traditions, the BA is referred as the Great I AM Presence, which is a mighty individualized presence of God. This individual Presence is a mighty part of you – it is a glorious creative being, full of love, joy, and boundless optimism for your future together. When a person lives in close communion with his I AM Presence, his physical body transforms to youth, beauty, and wisdom.
The physical body was created to live in close union with the Celestial Soul and Spirit; however, the fall of consciousness led to the loss of this knowledge, and the incorrect use of our creative energy has made the physical body to experience disease and death.
In sacred Egyptian hieroglyphs, the BA body is written as a winged human head or sometimes as a human faced bird.
The “KA” Body
The “KA” body is our energy body. It is the spirit or etheric twin of our physical body; it is invisible and is in the same shape and size as our physical body. It envelops and interpenetrates the physical body. The “KA” body or the spirit is focused in the pineal gland in the center of the head. The “center of the head” meditation in chapter “2 Belief and Trust” is a powerful meditation that connects you with your spirit body.
The “KA” is the pranic body and it contains the pranic tube. Our KA body is directly connected to the highly benevolent Spiritual Realms. By our intention and focus on our KA body, we can draw benevolent spiritual energies that heal our physical body and also help us to accelerate our spiritual evolution.
But by our unconsciousness and attachment to our mind stories of fear, we have fragmented our KA bodies and have a very low spiritual energy. Our KA bodies are deeply connected to the experiences of our physical form. Every time we go into fear, we fragment our KA body. Every emotional desire and attachment from the mind for a person or an object makes our KA body to break into pieces and these pieces attach to the things of our desire.
It is a practice in the country side of India that when a dying person is not able to let go the spirit, they find out what deeper desire and attachment is not allowing the spirit to move on. If the person had an attachment to money, they would take a coin and put it in water and feed that water to the dying man. If the attachment was to the fields or the land, then they brought a piece of rock or dirt from the land and put that in a glass of water and fed the dying person. Amazingly, within just a few spoonfuls, the dying person easily let go of their spirit.
In ancient Egypt, people lived conscious lives, they possessed the minimum objects, and also buried their possessions with them when they died. They understood this concept of attachment to things; for wherever we put out strong desires, our KA breaks apart and a piece of it attaches to the object of our desire. Also, the objects we possess in life hold a part of our KA energy. That is why psychics can hold an object used by a person and perceive their life story. When we collect back our fragmented KA body, we are in our spiritual power and we can manifest peace and harmony in our lives.
Ancient Egyptians and ancient people of the East believed that existence is eternal and continues after the death of the physical body, and that whatever happened in the physical would also mirror in the afterlife. Hence, they were very careful about their interactions with people, whether it be business, sex, friendship, or any relationship. They chose to avoid negative experiences and live with integrity by developing their higher spiritual attributes of truth, clarity, compassion, and wisdom.
Bridging the Mind and the Heart
Our physical heart is directly connected to our BA body or our Celestial Soul. All abundance, healing, and protection come from our Celestial Soul, which is also called our great I AM Presence.
Our KA body or Spirit Body resides in the center of our head in the pineal gland.
When we connect with our Spirit and move into the sacred space of our hearts, we create the golden bridge between the heart and the mind, and we enter into the Union or Oneness of our True Selves. When we are in this oneness, we become the wellspring of wisdom and unconditional love.
Premlatha Rajkumar
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


A soul mate is one who triggers potentials and talents that are dormant within us. We all are soul mates for each other, playing this game called "life on Planet Earth", let us play this game well by empowering each other.
The best prayer we can do for someone we love goes like this, "may this man/woman I am with, be born into the greatness of who he/she is."
Let us hold each others hands and guide each other 'home' to live consciously as our Divine selves on this Planet.
Let us bless humanity with good will and the will to do good, for we all are the Valentines of this Planet.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Saturday, February 7, 2015



A dear friend asked me:

 Why do you not support patriotism?

I have not supported patriotism from my childhood, because I realized from my observation and understanding  that patriotism is the root cause of all evils of separation and wars among humanity. I feel that the whole world is one, this Planet is our home and humanity is our family, there is no just one country or one kind of people. We all are One!

What are your thoughts on freedom from the British rule?

If there is no British rule then there is Government rule. Do you feel that everyone is better of in our country than before?
No one can give freedom for anyone.  Freedom is what each person can choose and live for themselves.  True freedom is freedom from mind stories and judgments.  Each human is born as pure soul capable of kindness and compassion to oneself and others, but due to the fall in consciousness we forgot this and started separating ourselves from each other and from God by creating religion, countries, languages, castes, money games etc, etc.
The moment we come to the understanding that All is one, and that we are one consciousness with different physical forms, we understand that nothing belongs to us or anyone else, everything has been given for everyone and we are capable of living as our true compassionate selves by sharing and caring for each other, this will bring us true freedom. When we choose freedom there is no need for a government, military, police or politics to rule us.  We have forgotten to trust ourselves, our fellow beings, and we have forgotten to trust life and hence we suspect everything and we continue to see "me and others" rather than "me and the other me".
Our tradition of saying "Namaskaram" is actually seeing the Divine in each and every human being no matter what their race, nationality, color, or social status. When we fold our hands and look into the eyes of another person we say "I salute the Divine within you."  But since we for got this we just say "namaskaram: with no meaning, since meanings are either forgotten or lost, fear beliefs have taken their place and separation has happened.

Only when there is no separation true freedom can happen.

I am reminded of the saying of this great teacher,  Jiddu Krishnamurthi:

“When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.”
― Jiddu Krishnamurti

Trust that I have answered your question.
Premlatha Rajkumar  

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Please explain this saying by Master Mooji, “Dying to your own attachments is a beautiful death. Because this death release you into real life. You have to die as a seed to live as a tree.”
My dear friend, this is my understanding from my life journey - the mind is an amazing tool that was created to protect this temporary physical vehicle (our physical body) The mind only knows what it knows, it does not understand anything beyond the physical senses. So its attachment is all about the physical, and the physical is not permanent. We are grand beings who come to play the game of humanity in these physical body vehicles, if we allow the mind to run our lives we will continue to be asleep to the truth of who we are. We travel beyond time and space, and we are never born and never die, the body comes and it goes but who we are is eternal spirits, a part of the great Creator being. Hence life is not only the experience of physicality but it is also the truth that we are great beings of immense love and light who travel beyond space and time, and this physical experience is only a moment in time. The physical experience is beautiful, because it was created to experience emotions and gather wisdom from every physical experience. But if we allow our minds to run our lives we totally forget who we are and we attach ourselves to all that is physical and hence all that is temporary. This creates great fear and we die several deaths a day because of this fear. Hence dying to fear is actually awakening us from the sleep of physicality and releasing us into the truth of who we are. It is good to die as a seed (attachment to the temporary things) and live as a tree (knowledge of the grandness of life in the physical and beyond the physical).
Trust that I have answered your question my friend.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


A sweet friend asked me a great question this morning, and I am sharing what I practice because I know that this choice is the only one that helps me to flow with life.
Everyday we face ups and downs in life, what is the best choice that would help us to move forward?
Life is always kind, the mind cannot understand this. Simply trust life to bring whatever you need at the right time.
Drop all judgments, drop all expectations. Do not encourage the need to ask "why", if you ask why you will be stuck, ask the question "how", then you will be shown the way.
Above all choose to live in complete trust and patience.
I share this because I practice this and it makes my life easier.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


All is energy/consciousness, every man, animal, tree, cloud, air, water, etc, is a home for consciousness to reside in. There is only consciousness everywhere. Separation is an illusion, a game that we chose to play at this time. Realizing the unlimited beauty of our beings is the goal of the game. 

To play this game in a better way it is important to realize that this world truly is our 'hall of mirrors.' Hence, there is no 'other' here. There is no one out there to please or to prove. Every thing around us is our own reflection. All limitations are self-imposed, there is absolutely no one to rescue, nothing to achieve, nowhere to be. All learning is truly only a remembering, we are unlimited beings with our awakening in our own hands.

Being/consciousness is more powerful than doing. We can fight for peace and justice as much as we want but if we do not hold peace and non-judgment in our consciousness, all our efforts will not be of use to anyone.

The world does not begin from outside us, the world begins from within us. There is no built-in meaning here, the meaning for everything is the meaning we give it. We are the master of our creations, it is in our power to see things the way we want them to be.

Nothing outside has the power to hurt, damage, or destroy us in anyway. If we perceive something as not good, then we go inside and create it better by choosing to hold peace and non-judgment in our consciousness. In order to change the picture outside, we go within and change our perception on the inside.

The world outside is truly our own reflection, in reality we are standing in front of another version of ourselves. So, in healing ourselves, we are actually healing others.

Fear is an illusion, and fear happens when we take this game of 'separation' seriously, fear plagues us, it becomes a common sickness in the human collective, we fear failure, we fear success, we fear speaking our truth, we fear to commit, we fear to trust, we fear controversy, and we fear to love. Noticing our reactions to life situations consciously is a way of identifying our fear. The next step is to question our fear if it is truly ours or are we projecting someone else's fear. Just noticing and being with the fear helps us to process the fear, we can also go another step ahead by choosing to see the 'turnarounds' for the fears . When we question our fear and process it without judgment, we are open to our truth and healing happens.

We gather wisdom through every experience in this body, we expand our consciousness, and we continuously recreate ourselves.

This game of separation is only a brief moment in time, we are never born and we never die. Aligning with the Presence of our unlimited being is the key to awakening from this sleep of separation. Awakening from this sleep we come to realize that our true purpose is to celebrate life, to bring love, joy, laughter, peace within so that we can reflect it without.

Let us choose to play this game called, "life on Planet Earth" with conscious connection to our Divine Presence. Let us play it well together!
Premlatha Rajkumar