Monday, July 30, 2012

In a dark room if you 'switch on' the light, the darkness disappears. In the same way when you are in the dark with low frequency thoughts of anger, guilt, shame, hatred, or fear, you can switch on the light of peace, kindness, harmony, and fun.

The 'switch' is the willingness to drop the thoughts of low frequency and become more loving towards yourself.
Know that low frequency, or darkness is created only by thoughts, you are much more powerful than your thoughts.

It is possible to 'switch on' to thoughts of higher frequencies of love, peace, and kindness. Have you noticed that when you think about a comedy or some fun activity that you did a few weeks, months, or even years ago, immediately makes your body to smile or even laugh out loud. Also have you noticed that when you think about a tragedy that happened years ago, it makes you feel sad.

Notice that your body does not know if the situation you are feeding it by thoughts happened yesterday, a year ago or eons ago. The body lives in the now moment, and it accepts obediently what you feed it.  So if you feed it thoughts of love and kindness, it will respond with joy and well being.  And if you choose to feed it negative, fear thoughts, it responds with sadness, anxiety and increased amount of adrenaline secretion which leads to innumerable physical discomfort and problems.

The 'switch' is in your hands, you can either switch on the thoughts of high frequency or live in the thoughts of darkness, of low frequency.  Remember the light will dissolve the darkness, it always does!  The choice is yours.
~Premlatha Rajkumar~

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


You are a timeless, infinite being of immense magnificence and beauty.  You love your infinite expansion, you love to go and experience the farthest, and the deepest. In your quest you chose to enter into this experience called human,, ..time, and all limitations.  You are the Ocean, and sometimes you like to experience yourself as the wave.  The wave rises, but falls back to become the magnificent ocean.  Yes, being a human is a dream to experience limitation, in order to more deeply know your magnificence.
The mind is the tool that holds you in this dream called human, ...time, you think you are a hostage.  But it is possible to wake up from the dream of humanity. The powerful truth is that you are Pure Awareness.  You are awareness, you do not need to make awareness happen.  You walk, you eat, you breathe with the body, when you start listening with alertness to your walk, to your eating, to your breathing, it becomes the meditation that wakes you up from the dream.  It makes you realize that you are the watcher, the infinite, timeless Presence. Let the Presence of the Watcher be in everything you do.
Every human is responsible to wake up from this dream.  And the awakening can happen only by awareness.  When the mind is full of thoughts, when there are complications and suffering, pull yourself out of it by practicing listening, feeling, noticing; in silence see the beauty of nature, feel the breeze touching you, listen to the voice of the birds, the children, do not think about it, allow it, just be there, just be aware.  And in that moment walks in the wisdom of the timeless part of YOU.
When you get to know the timeless part of you, the experience of the You in time and space flows with ease and grace.
~Premlatha Rajkumar~

Friday, July 20, 2012



Beloved Friends,
I have a most intriguing experience to share about how I came to understand that this is a perfect world created by a perfect God.
At one time my house was infected with fleas .  I do not have pets but these tiny creatures had walked in from next door where there were 2 dogs and 2 cats!
These fleas were stinging me and my family so badly.  I went to the store to get a flea spray it did not work, the more I sprayed the more they got into the whole house, even inside the bed and closets!  In desperation I approached the apartment office and they sent an exterminator to bomb the apartment to get rid of the fleas.

The week the exterminator came it was wonderful, no fleas! A friend called and I told her about the fleas, she assured me that they have not left because they lay eggs on the edges of the carpet and that they will come back.  I was disappointed, the minute I hung up the phone I got stung by the fleas.  I was so angry at these little creatures and they annoyed me so much, I could not even have proper sleep at night because of the stinging and scratching all night long.

I sat down in despair and focused on the fleas.  I asked them why are they doing this.  As I was sending these thoughts, slowly Spirit revealed to me so much about my power to speak words of power!  I called the guardians of the fleas because I believe that every being is born with its guardian on this planet.  So I lined up all the fleas and their guardians in front of me in my thoughts.

I told them 'thank you for coming to me in this annoying disguise and letting me know that I am powerful and that I can speak words of power.  I spoke to them that my body and my home were my space and that I thank them for letting me know my power and that I wish them well and send them to love and light.  I felt a calm settle over my heart.
That very moment the fleas LEFT MY HOME AND NEVER CAME BACK!  My friend was amazed.

I now understood the application of this powerful tool.  A few years ago I had planted some wild flowers in my pots, they bloomed with all the colors and they were so beautiful.  One morning I saw a swarm of green bugs eating away all the buds and the tender shoots, I tried to spray water mixed with a little cooking oil which made the bugs to slip away, but the oil scortched the plants when the sun came up.  So I stopped spraying the oil-water, the bugs came back in large numbers.

Spirit reminded me of the tool I used with the fleas, so I sat near the plants and asked the bugs and their guardians to leave.

That evening I saw the bugs were still there, but a very strange thing had happened.   I was wondering how did so many tiny red flowers appear on my plants, when I took a closer look they were actually a group of ladybird beetles ravenously eating all the green bugs on the plants.   They finished all the bugs and left after a week.

The plants became healthy, had so many flowers on them all through the summer and gave joy to all who passed by that way!
These incidents brought to me the greater truth that we are the power in our life, this is our gift from Creator.  We have the power to speak words of power over any situation in our life.  The so called "imperfect situations" are actually blessings-in-disguise to help us to tune into our power.  Hence bless and let go the 'fleas' in your life.  They obey to your command when it comes from love and gratitude from within!

You have the power to speak words of power over any situation in your life.  This is your birthright!
~Premlatha Rajkumar~

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Life is magical and mysterious, it is never mundane, the very idea that life is mundane is an illusion.  Life is a feast, a celebration, a continuous discovery of wonderment.  The wonderment of it is that it can be lived only in the present moment, never in the past or the future.
 You never live life, LIFE absolutely lives through you every moment.  You are being breathed, you are being lived every moment, absolutely. And you can notice it only when you dissolve the 'You' in life and allow yourself to be absorbed by it.
In every moment of life there is a birth and a death, if you are afraid of death then you can never know life. There is nothing called 'time' in life, the concept of 'time' creates fear. Life happens only in the Present moment. Hence, acknowledge the precious Gift of the Present moment.
In this moment of life, there are no ideals, nothing to achieve, nowhere to go, no one to be; life just happens.  Becoming busy with things to do and achieve from the mind, removes us from the magic of life, removes us from the very center of our being, and we lose ourselves in stress and fear.
Life happens, and there is nothing that you or me could do to change that.  So let us allow life to happen.  We do not even know what is best for ourselves or anyone else, so why bring the stress and obsession of controlling life into our hands.  Let us welcome things as they come and go. Let us live now, here, and notice each breath, each heartbeat, each moment as it rises and falls anew every time.  The noticing brings to us the realization that we never left the Original Oneness, and that we were never born and so can never die.
~Premlatha Rajkumar~

Monday, July 16, 2012


Kindness is the greatest art of human living. Kindness makes life more sacred. Kindness builds Heaven on Earth.  

Some may say that knowledge is the first requirement for living a human life, but I observe that kindness is the first requirement.  For, knowledge can be easily available through books, teachers, and experiences; knowledge is just an imitation of all things learned.  They can never truly connect with, or weave harmony among humanity.
In fact knowledge and cleverness so far has only helped to create a world of chaos. Knowledge and cleverness cannot give birth to Wisdom.

Wisdom comes from practicing the 'heart truths' of kindness, gentleness, and understanding.  Practicing the art of kindness starts with oneself. Practicing kindness, one does not attach to thoughts of fear, sadness, guilt, or resentment that arise in the mind. One does not terrorize oneself with the fear stories and imaginations of the mind. One lives in kindness as kindness itself;  living totally in the place of trust.

 Kindness towards oneself brings the  understanding that life is not difficult, but it is the images created in the mind (the thinking), that makes it difficult.  When we undo the turmoil on the inside, the world around us becomes peaceful and quiet.Our world on the outside is projected from the consciousness we hold on the inside.  When we choose to practice kindness on the inside, we project a much kinder world on the outside.

 Let us practice being kind to ourselves so that our world on the outside becomes more kinder.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


The TAO says, “ When people see some things as good, other things become bad.”

In this world of duality consciousness, we have practiced our minds to see some things as good and some things as bad. Also the mind has a storehouse of filed ideas and thoughts about good and bad as perceived by our senses and as taught by the society. And we are the Creators and the organizers of this entire play of good or bad. The meaning for everything in life is the meaning we have given it. We are absolutely responsible for our creation. No one else is responsible to make us feel good or bad.

We give meanings to life situations and create judgments. We continue to judge others and ourselves creating pain, stress, and divisions against ourselves and other people. Resistance, comparisons, and competitions become the theme of everyday situations. They start at a very early age as, I am not good enough, I cannot be satisfied with myself, I have to be better, bigger, faster, smarter and it goes on and on, and then it plays out with our relationships with other people, other countries, and the world at large. Everything gets divided and there becomes a huge amount of pain and anguish in the heart.

Life as a human with the mind anchored in judgments creates suffering. The suffering is always because of the perception of good or bad. Running the race is good, but when it is judged as winning then it becomes suffering. Pain is an experience but when it is judged as bad it becomes suffering.

The heart is the place of purity, a place where there is oneness, a place of undivided limitlessness. We are great magnificent beings who chose to keep a tiniest part of ourselves in these human bodies to experience the gift of a human life. We have forgotten our magnificence, only our heart knows this greater part of our being. Hence the heart is never compromised by the illusion of judgments of good or bad.

To live in oneness with the heart brings comfort and peace. To live in oneness with the heart one has to die; I am reminded of the verse in the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, that says “It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”

The real truth about dying while alive is letting go of all the divisions of good or bad, going beyond good or bad, going beyond what appears to be, being in a neutral state , in a place of choiceless consciousness. It is the art of getting out of the mind, watching the mind, being a witness. Just stopping to watch the mind, taking short breaths of awareness, brings greater understanding and helps to drop all illusions of good or bad.

Let us choose to go beyond the concept of good or bad, we are powerful beings and it is possible for us.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~