Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Love is not an emotion, love is who we are. When one is full of love there is no need for something on the outside to create love.

"I enjoy this life, I enjoy everything around me, if you are in my space I enjoy you, if you are gone there is more that life brings to my door to enjoy, I enjoy because I am love."

In love there is no need, love creates love.

Love is beyond likes and dislikes. Everything in nature vibrates with love. Animals teach us unconditional love, if we stand under a tree, it fully gives its shade, its fruits, it gives everything of itself to us unconditionally without expecting anything in return. It neither has likes or dislikes.

Nature is the best teacher of unconditional love. Unconditional love has no expectation.

When humans choose to live in unconditional love, they live without expectation, and this helps to live a life which is free of frustration. Free of the frustration of expecting others to fulfill ones need. Nobody needs to fulfill another's needs. Each one of us is born powerful and capable of unconditional love.

Love can never happen in the mind, the mind if full of needs and opinions, the love of the mind is always a bargain. "If you are good to me I am good to you then I love you" this is the love of the mind.

True love is unconditional, it is a state of being, it is giving the gift of freedom to the other, it is the state of grace that transforms the sickness of hate and misery. Unconditional love can only be experienced by practicing silence and awareness. The more we practice silence, the more we will anchor ease and grace into our every act of living.

Practicing silence, taking time to witness life, and choosing to accept reality makes us more loving; not towards a particular person, but we become the wellspring of unconditional love. Then nothing in life can disappoint us, for life becomes an adventure to discover.

Unconditional love is who we are!


~Premlatha Rajkumar~

Friday, June 22, 2012


LAUGHTER is a powerful tool. It has been given as a gift only to humans. No one has heard plants or animals laugh at any time. Laughter is infectious and when someone sees you laugh they are also motivated to laugh, and when they laugh their stress level is reduced, and you have given them a gift of wellbeing in their life.

Laughter provides great physical and emotional release. Laughter is a higher state of consciousness, and when one is able to hold that state of being, the person becomes lighter, and can vibrate in a place of absolute well being.

The mind stories disapper when there is laughter. Life becomes magical and full of fun when we choose to hold the vibration of laughter. Laughter takes us to a state of egolessness and a non-judgemental attitude, when we laugh we become like little children. In reality laughter brings solutions to all kinds of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual problems.

Medical research has revealed that laughter reduces the level of stress hormones and increases the level of health enhancing hormones like endorphins and neurotransmitters, it also increases the number of antibody producing cells which promotes a strong immune system, thereby bringing amazing healing and wellbeing in the physical body.

A good belly laugh works our abs, shoulders and makes our muscles more relaxed. It is a good work out for the heart muscles also.

Many people try to do meditation and have failed because it sounds to be very serious, but when laughter is tried as a meditation, there will be complete benifit for body, mind and soul.

Practicing laughter for no reason is a powerful meditation. Great teachers like the Zen Monk 'Hotei' who is called as the 'Laughing Buddha' taught the simple technique of enlightenment through laughter.

Choose to bring laughter into your life with light hearted people who laugh a lot, movies and videos that are hilarious and funny, playing games with friends and family, telling jokes and involving in all kinds of celebration and fun. This helps to be in this higher state of vibration which is the sure path to wellbeing in life.

According to the Zen Master Hotei, 'laughter is our birthright' and no matter what happens in our life we must come back to laughter.

By choosing laughter, we bring 'Heaven' into our lives and into this Planet.

May your moments be filled with love, joy, and LAUGHTER, my sweet friends!


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


As humans we have created language to communicate with each other. The spoken word is something that would touch a person and create a response in them. Language is a powerful tool that carries emotions, codes, and tones that produce a powerful creative energy. We are who we are today because of all the words we thought, spoke, or listened to. Words spoken are very powerful, they become self-fulfilling prophecy. Words thought do not have as much power as words spoken. Spoken words carry tones and codes which manifest. Words have the power either to create life or to create death. So you can either bless your life with your words or curse your life with your words.

One of the Buddhist Gatha (a Gatha is a poem which serves as a reminder for every activity of life) says:-

"Brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth,

I vow to speak purely and lovingly.

When my mouth is fragrant with right speech,

A flower blooms in the garden of my heart."

Our spoken words can build a world of peace and joy or it can build hatred and discord.

With this reminder let us choose to bless each other with our words, let us use our words to talk about solutions and not create stories of our problems. Let our words bring out the truth in us and others, let us not use untruthful words for self-interest or to impress others. Let us not use the power of our words to gossip, criticize or to condemn.

Let us use our spoken words to declare Divine Favor, to call in the light of understanding, to call in good things, to call in faith and love.

Let us use the spoken word for truth and kindness. Let us nourish each other with the sweet fragrance of rght speech, so that the flowers in the garden of our Heart can bring "Heaven" on Earth. Let us remind ourselves that we are the builders of 'Heaven' on this Planet.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


Namaste to you my Sweet Friends!


'Namaste' is a wonderful way of greeting each other.

This word is a sacred Sanskrit word, originated in India, that has a deep meaning.

'Namaste' is a salutation done when people meet each other, in South India the word is said as 'Namaskaram'.

The deeper meaning of this beautiful word is powerfully awakening human consciousness.

Namaste or Namaskaram means "I acknowledge that my body is the temple where the Divine resides, and I also acknowledge that your body is a temple for the Divine, and so the Divine in me salutes the Divine in you".

'Namaste/Namaskaram' is said by looking into the eyes of the person in front of you, folding your palms in front of your heart and gently bowing your head. In this way you salute the Divine.

This is a powerful way of reminding one another to love God in the other person.

The extent to which you can love another human being absolutely depends on the extent to which you are connected with respect and gratitude to your own Divine Essence.



~Premlatha Rajkumar~


It is a powerful spiritual practice to connect with our physical hearts.
Placing our awareness on our heart connects us to our "God within", our heart is the gateway to Universal Wisdom.

The physical experience of conscious breathing and bringing the pressure and warmth of the hand on the heart, opens the heart and allows us access to our 'Spiritual Home', our 'Kingdom within'.

Experience this moment now, bring your hand to your physical heart and take in deep conscious breath releasing it with a sigh or a sound. This connects you powerfully to your heart space which holds understanding, wisdom and awareness.

Practice being in this moment, this moment of the heart space and you will be amazed by the transformation that happens to you.

Practice for the enrichment of energy and transformation, practice whenever there is worry or anxiety, when you need a solution to a problem. As you continue to work with your heart you will naturally connect with your Divine Blueprint, your Divine Wisdom, and your Divine Light.

Living in conscious connection with the heart is true living; life flows effortlessly with ease and grace.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


Thursday, June 21, 2012


The things we do with our body-mind are our creations in this physical realm. We lived before we came into this body, we took this human body at this time so that we may satisfy our Divine longing to do things in the physical. The body comes and goes but who we are is an eternal spark of the Creator that can never be damaged or destroyed.

We are great Spirit beings who come to live for a short time in a human body on this beautiful Planet. This is our opportunity to anchor our Divine Qualities of love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, patience, generosity, and gratitude on the Planet.

The moment we enter the planet in a physical body we absolutely forget our Spirit selves, and create a new chapter called “life on Planet Earth”. Our new body-minds start to develop, and the body-mind does not remember. But the heart that carries Divinity in its sacred sanctuary remembers and knows everything.

Practicing the art of awareness, bringing conscious awareness into every walk of life helps us to connect with our hearts and helps us to remember our mission here on Planet Earth.

We have been given this body-mind to work, to serve others, this Planet and ourselves. Are we conscious of our work at this moment? Every act of work whether cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, doing the laundry, taking care of children, teaching, working in an office, selling products, or working on a computer, writing a book, talking to people, construction work, serving, tending, farming, gardening etc., is a profound gift we give ourselves and this planet. Our work is a kind of worship; it is an attitude of gratitude we give to the Creator for this beautiful experience on this Planet.

When we bring our conscious awareness to the work we do, we are merging the Divine Qualities of Spirit with matter and we are building “Heaven” on Earth. No work is insignificant; every work we do with our body-mind is a MIRACLE, it is a beautiful gift. When we bring our consciousness into the work we do, we become aware of the perfectness every moment, we then do not need anyone else to appreciate us for what we do, and we can never see our work as being low or high. We realize that the place, time, the body-mind, the people around us, and the work we do have been Divinely Orchestrated.

It has become a human sickness to believe that we work hard for others, for a boss, for an institution, for a country, etc. and this very belief makes our work drudgery. Another belief that work is for earning money makes people addicted to work. But the Greater truth is that we work for ourselves, every act of work is an opportunity to expand ourselves, it is an opportunity for kindness to our fellow beings, it is an opportunity to harvest knowledge through this grand experience. When we realize this we will always respect the work we do, our work will never be about harming or destroying, our work will always be about building and uplifting. Being grateful every moment, and holding the joy of doing work in a physical body uplifts our Spirit, we open ourselves to knowledge and wisdom, and we allow our body-mind to grow in all our God-Qualities. Our work then becomes true worship.

Let us choose to respect ourselves, and the work we do everyday.



Every particle of food we eat become us. It enters the body and becomes the cells and tissues of our body. So if we do not respect the food we eat then we do not respect our very own bodies. When we eat food and are concentrating on our worries or watching the television where there are depressing stories being told, or talking about depressing things with our friends, we are actually eating our sorrows and worries, and they go into the body and react in the body as dis-ease. Our bodies go into dis-ease because of the constant mindlessness, and then it makes us to slow down to think about what has gone wrong.

If we take time to sit down at every meal and look at our food consciously we will know that every grain of rice, wheat, corn, animal, or plant has willingly given its life for our bodies to live. What an amazing sacrifice this is! Realizing this is enough to make us be in the place of immense Gratitude for all these beautiful beings around us.

Our bodies are sacred temples where the Divine resides, if we do not realize this and continue to feed our bodies with things that are not in harmony with it then we go in for all kinds of physical, mental, and emotional problems. Every addiction is due to mindlessness.

Humans are powerful beings born with the gifts of love, compassion, kindness, gentleness, intuition, and the power to heal themselves. Unless we consciously connect with ourselves all these gifts that we have brought with us will never be revealed.

Our bodies have great intelligence; if we take time to respect our body and listen to our body we will evolve our grand gifts.

Taking time to loving touch and prepare our food is very important; the love and conscious connection we have with our food adds a miraculous spice to the food. The food becomes enriched with healthy and happy energy. The food tastes good.

When we sit down and eat our food consciously tasting and loving each bite we are adding immense healing energy and we will never over eat or under eat, and we will never put things into our body that does not resonate with the body, also we will never get addicted in anyway. When we eat consciously we allow all the senses of the body (smell, taste, touch, hearing, seeing) to take part in the awesome creation of the experience of eating food! It becomes a Grand Experience! An experience that creates contentment for the body and mind!

I have witnessed people get out of diseases, loose unwanted weight, even get out of addiction when they sincerely take time to respect themselves and their food, and consciously savor the experience of eating food.

I find it very satisfying when I eat silently by totally concentrating on every mouthful and affirming in my mind “I enjoy every food I eat, I love every cell of my body”. I have personally witnessed and experienced the enormous healing for body, mind, and spirit through this exercise.

Let us choose to respect our food, our bodies and our Planet. Let us create “Heaven” on Earth.



Hugging is one of the greatest joys of being a human being. When we hug another human being, an animal, or a tree, with total awareness, our hearts connect and bring immense healing and happiness.

Our hands are the extensions of our hearts and when we embrace with our hands we accommodate the entirety of another being into our hearts. I simply thrill when I watch my hands, I am so much in gratitude for my hands that bless me everyday, my hands take care of me, they feed me, they dress me, they comb my hair, they make things for me and the best of all they help me to hug other beings with my heart!

Our hearts are the sacred sanctuary where the Divine resides, the sacred sanctorium of our body temple.

Hugging mindfully brings the awareness that we consider each being as sacred and we bring their Divine essence into the sacred place of our hearts.

Our conscious breath enables us to feel from our hearts, breathing in and breathing out the sacred Presence of the other brings the realization of the gift of this Present moment, the gift of togetherness, the gift of the silent support we give each other in this Planet of Beauty.

Every conscious hug brings one to the Present moment, a moment that makes us aware to be mindful, a moment that shows us the sacred in every life, a moment that shows us the ease and grace of life beyond language, a moment that creates healing and reconciliation. It also brings with it an opportunity to bless another being from our hearts. The blessing can be silent or in language acknowledging the preciousness of the other being.

Conscious hugging brings a powerful connection that can never be destroyed, a connection that stays sacred in our hearts long after the physical form has dissolved.

Let us choose to bring this sacred connection into our lives. Let us choose to hug every being with sacred love from our heart center, let us choose to give this gift to ourselves and to the Planet.



You are LIFE. You come to know that you are life only when you are aware of your breath. Many a times we go through the busyness of our human situations without giving another thought to our breath. But we all know that we are now here only because of the breath, if the breath is taken away then we do not exist on the Planet anymore.

All religious, spiritual, meditative, and therapeutic practices talk about the breath as the way to health, wellbeing, self-discovery, and self-transformation.

Placing one's awareness on the breath is a powerful way to connect with our body, with our inner world. The ego-mind is constantly busy, keeping us rooted either in the past negative happenings or in the worry about the future. Placing awareness on the breath is the only way to be released from this sickness of the mind.

One conscious breath can overpower the thoughts and stop them.

Start to practice being aware of the breath without making any change to slow it down or speed it up in any way. Just bring attention and awareness to the sensation of breathing without imposing any changes. This kind of relaxed awareness takes us deeper into the sensations and feelings of the body. Strangely, this awareness is so powerful that when we are breathing there are absolutely no thoughts. Then as awareness on the breath increases, our breath rises and falls from the nostrils to the belly. A person who is anxious always breathes shallow from the chest alone. Breathing from the belly is so powerfull healing for body, mind, and soul. The body, the brain, and the immune system is rejuvenated with more oxygen.

The Vedas say that when you breathe consciously, the breath that enters your body becomes the Prana -the vital life sutstaning energy of the Creator.

Being aware and conscious of the breath brings us to the realization that we are absolutely being breathed, we do not need to do anything to breathe, we are being lived, life lives through us every moment. It is humbling to notice that we are not the doers of anything, we are just a collection of patterns and memories. This liberates us from the thought that we are separate selves. It brings immense peace and freedom in the knowing that we are being breathed, moved, and lived every moment.

Breathing consciously we bring ourself to the Present Moment, to the freedom from the unconsciousness of the ego. Conscious breathing is a loving action, a most powerful gift we can give ourselves!

With each conscious breath we choose life, we choose love, we choose to liberate ourselves from the many burdens we carry. It is our birthright to be alive, to be loved, to be in the Present Moment.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


Life is an awesome experience, and experiencing life through a physical body is extraordinary!

We, every human, animal, plant, minerals etc, began as a thought in the mind of the Creator. The powerful Creator being expanded itself into infinite individualized experiences, and each experience is beautiful, awesome, powerful, and enlightening!

When we humans took a body, we birthed something called the 'Ego-Mind', it was a beautiful tool to help protect and care for the body. Yes, it is a beautiful tool, but it is not who we are.

We are not this body, nor its personality, nor the mind. But sadly, as humans we get so caught up in living and surviving the physical experience that we lose our focus on the truth of who we are.

We are pure Spirit, Pure Consciousness, that emanated from the radiance of the Creator's light. We emanated and we co-created with the Creator to experience and enjoy the physicality. Life of a Spirit being in a physical form is truly an awesome experience!

When we enjoy physicality from the place of the Spirit, we come into the knowing of the complete wholeness of who we are. Only then we can acknowledge life as a grand valuable gift to celebrate every moment. Otherwise, the 'ego-mind' focuses only on the survival of the physicality and thus takes us into a journey of fear and pain. Fear and pain are stories of the mind about what happened to the survival of the body and what might happen.

It is refreshing to know that we always have a choice either to play the game of life totally believing and sticking with the 'ego-mind', or choosing to move and expand and enter into a journey of trusting the powerful Spirit in us, seeking guidance from Spirit and live life fully as a Spirit being experiencing a physical body.

Acknowledging the Spirit of the Creator inside our body temples makes life a great wonderment and joy every moment. Not even a single moment can pass by without the feeling of Gratitude. Life experience becomes a prayer of Gratitude. The knowing that everything around you, the people, the flowers, the trees, animals, the land, the rocks, the river, the air, everything has been lovingly created FOR you, for you to experience the bliss of the Creator's love.

When we choose to see every life experience (good or bad) from the place of Gratitude, our heart opens and our life becomes a prayer, a gratitude prayer that is held in awe by the body temple.

The moment Gratitude enters, every aspect of life,- physically, emotionally, mentally- every aspect of living is completely HEALED!

"Gratitude is the Greatest of all Prayers and the Greatest of all Virtues."

Let us choose to consciously hold the attitude of Gratitude.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


So many of us want to touch God, to know the Creator. In order to do this we pray, we sing, we chant, we meditate, we fast, we torture ourselves. We search and then fianlly come to a conclusion that we are not worthy of God's attention. This is the greatest suffering that one can endure.

The simplest and most profound way to gain God's attention is learning to love the Self. Before doing anything we need to learn to love. Love is the catalyst , the powerful bridge that allows one to touch the face of God.

When we love the Self as a part of the Creator's Divinity, then we undertand that we are worthy of God's love and attention.

There is no need to spend time in rituals and painful processes, for love makes known that God is as near to you as your very next breath.

The basic law of life is that whatever you do to yourself you will do to others. If you are judging or unkind to yourself you will definitely be unkind and judgemental towards others.

If you start loving yourself as the Creator's Divinity, you feel yourself become bigger and bigger in consciousness, and your expansion includes everything around you and everything that comes into your space, everything becomes a part of your loving being.

Loving the Self is the frist step in loving the Creator. Through loving the Creation we start loving the Creator. Only when we start loving God's creation we can truly partake of God's love.

When I say loving God's creation, many are of the opinion that only that which they see as 'good' in their mind is of God, they limit the Creator by giving a name and a meaning. This is why many times I hesitate to write the word 'God', for it has different meaning for each individual. When I refer to the word 'God' I refer to the Divine, the Creator, the ALL.

Accepting the Self, 'the good and the bad' is the first step towards Loving the Self. Accepting oneself helps to accept the good and bad in others also.

Self acceptance brings immense wisdom, clarity, and understanding. It helps one to see the Greater picture of life. It brings greater understanding about the 'good and bad' in oneself and others. It helps to move out of the judgements of the mind and emerge into the light of enlightenment.

Loving the Self makes the heart to bloom and the wisdom of the heart becomes easily accessible.

We become loving beings who radiate the powerful aspects or Love, kindness, forgiveness, patience, and understanding. We experience ourselves as magnificient beings of love and light. We experience our magnificience through every act of love, kindness, forgiveness, and understanding that we extend to every person and situation that is placed in our life.

We come to understand life as LOVE, a love that can love the unlovable and forgive the unforgivable.

Being in the radiance of this bliss of LOVE, we come into the KNOWING of the Creator.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


You are LOVE.

You were never your EGO; bring the LIGHT of Awareness to KNOW.

Love and Ego cannot exist in the same space.

The ego loves to be special, it wants to be right all the time, it loves conflict, it loves to spot the otherness of the other person, it creates a space for jealousy, anger, hate and misery. The ego has no kindness and it cannot share. The ego loves competition and comparison and creates stress and misery. The ego keeps us unconscious always.

The difference between ego and love, is the difference of being a somebody or a nobody. The ego thrives only on being a somebody, but when you are full of a somebody there is no space for LOVE/GOD to enter.

We can never fight against the ego, the best and the only way to rise above the ego is to bring the light of awareness. The moment we are aware of the hate, jealousy, anger or misery in our thoughts, they disappear from our space. It is as simple as that. Then you come into the understanding that you were never your ego. In order to know who you are, you experienced who you are not.

Practicing to connect with our breath takes us to the place of stillness, to the place of awakened consciousness. The place of awakened consciousness is the “heaven within”.

The more we connect with the heaven within, the more we create “heaven” in our reality.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


Fear is the most powerful enemy of all times. Fear cripples and confuses and makes one to die many times while alive. The concept of fear arises only in the confused mind, a mind that knows only what it knows, a mind that does not know anything before the body came into existence, a mind that can ride its vehicle only through the help of the 5 physical senses.

The experience of the 5 senses are just a miniscule part of life. LIFE is who YOU are, you are the great river of life that flows infinitely. Birth, death, pleasure experiences of the 5 senses are all the attractions on the banks of the river of life.

A confused mind attaches itself to the attractions on the banks of the river and does not let go. Fear arises because of attachment, fear arises because the river of life is flowing and you remain stagnant.

Live life fully each moment. Do not cling to, but enjoy and celebrate the attractions on the banks of this river of life and move on with the flow. For, You are the river, You are life! The river flows infinitely, and creates amazing magical adventures all through its path. Go as the river, enjoy the magical adventures, and be in the place of excited anticipation of the next moment, move on.

YOU are the river of life, KNOW the river, GO with the flow.



Loving begins with the SELF. If you do not know how to love yourself, then you will not be able to love anyone else. You are the only person in the entire universe who can love yourself fully and completely, no one else can do this for you.

When you love and accept yourself completely, the Love you create will support you, guide you, and inspire you in every aspect of life. You will be inspired to make wise, powerful choices for yourself and others.

Loving the Self is the kindest way of giving the gift of yourself back to yourself. You then need not search for yourself in others. When you start loving who you are, you then do not need anyone to make you a 'someone'. Do not create the loneliness of not being there for You.

Loving and accepting the Self brings contentment and joy, you become your own best friend. You start living in your Truth, you do not seek to compete or compare yourself with others anymore, self confidence radiates from you and you see yourself as a success every moment. This is the greatest empowerment!

Choose to love and celebrate YOU, You are a magnificient creation, one of a kind, there was no one born like you or will ever be born like you, nature never repeats itself! Celebrate YOU! You deserve the Best!

I found that affirmations on loving the Self are very empowering. Affirmations work wonders on everyone who chooses to empower themselves sincerely.

You can do affirmations like:-

"I love myself, I am wonderful",

" I am a beloved child of the Universe/God, I deserve to live a wonderful life, All is well in my world"

Affirmations receive their magic from the feelings you bind with the words. Pour your feelings on to every word of affiramtions you say and make them true for yourself.

You can do these affirmations by looking at yourself in the mirror, or you can write them many times during the day as a love letter to the Self, or you can recite them with feeling many times during the day. Whatever you choose to do sincerely will work for you.

Choose to give this gift for yourself today.



We live in the world but we, each and everyone of us create our own world on the inside in our minds. The world outside is totally different from the world we create on the inside. The world outside is perfect, and everyone is being who they are exactly as they are supposed to be, there are no mistakes here. But suffering comes when we choose to believe our judgements about the world outside and hold these as beliefs in our inner created world.

Our inner world is created by the mind that can only know a person or situtation through just the five physical senses. The data stored by the mind does not include the thoughts, emotions or feelings of a person. So the data stored and believed in the mind is definitely insufficient data.

Taking this insufficient data as the truth we make ourselves suffer thinking that the world is the cause of our suffering. But the truth is, what we choose to believe about the world is the cause of our suffering completely.

If we truthfully start inquiry into the belief datas of our mind, we will let them go for they are not true, the world then becomes a kinder place. We come to understand that we were at war with the ways of the world, we believed that the world was a crazy place, but the truth becomes clear that the world was never crazy, we became crazy by holding on to our beliefs about the world.

When we are not at war with the world outside, our inner world is peaceful, and it projects a peaceful outer world.

When there is inner peace we come into the freedom of living in Grace and Ease, for we understand that what we have right now is what we wanted. Life is benevolent and it always brings to us that which we need at the right time, nothing more, nothing less.

Living in Trust and Gratitude is the Highest form of Devotion.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


My Sweet Friends,

I invite you today to take a sacred journey into your inner world and liberate yourself from the bondage of pain, both emotional and physical. I truly believe that our unresolved issues in life have a direct correlation to the health of our bodies and our wellbeing.

The key to our healing is to straight away deal with our wounds, to process our fears, forgive from the heart, and stand in our Truth.

Only a courageous person who is passionately seeking freedom can take this journey of moving through unresolved fears.

It is my observation that our physical bodies are formed not from the food and nutrients we take in, but from our life experiences, our attitudes to life, and our emotions and pain buried from past experiences.

It is a human tendency to hide behind wounds and create walls so thick that we are unable to move ahead in life.

We are powerful energy beings but it is sad to notice that we give away our energy for things that do not support us in any way.

We give away our creative energy to judge people, situations, places and things and lock them into wounded memories and attitudes.

We do not realize that our wounds cost us a great deal both physically and monetarily.

Our health is intimately connected with our emotions and attitudes. Our unprocessed fears and emotions are injurious to our health and wellbeing.

Our stress pours into our bodies as acid. Our blood pH is alkaline, and so to process the acid the body organs struggle everyday. Our bodies create fat cells to engulf the excess acid in the body and store it away from the vital organs and delicate systems of the body. Our bodies start holding fat and go into dis-ease.

I notice that locking ones focus into a negative past, focusing all ones attention and energy on it, feeding it by talking about it, and exaggerating it everyday, seems to be a most powerful pastime of our society and culture today! I find it very funny that people feel that if there is nothing to grumble about or be negative about, then there will be nothing else to talk with each other. In fact I lost all of my friends some 15 years ago when I stopped having a pity party with my stories, and my friends' stories of some unpleasant past. We develop powerful habbits of spoken language and body language that keep our wounds of the past alive.

Our habbits have become our culture, and our culture has taught us not to care for ourselves or to take responsibility for our happiness.

As I had mentioned before we are energy beings and our bodies thrive on life force energy. Our life force energy depends on our every thought, emotions, and attitudes. If we choose to encourage negative thoughts and emotions, we are in for great trouble. For, these are more toxic to the body than any toxic food or drink. The more judgemental we become, the more energy will become depleted from our system, our body becomes tired and weak, we become irritated and short tempered all the time, we even stop doing things that we were usually doing. This is very serious because we are heavily losing our life force energy. Negative beliefs and judgements cost a lot of energy, deliberately saying negative comments to people drains enormous amounts of energy.

How we create heaven or hell in our lives depends on how we treat ourselves and others. Being human is challenging, every person goes through trauma in life.

I have noticed that people sometimes take the power from their trauma, build up stories around it and use it to control other people, this is why the saying, "hurt people are the ones who hurt others" is true. We become so connected with our wounded past that we use them to manipulate others.

Every person, every place, every situation has been created benevolently by life for our growth physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Every interation with another human being, every experience with every situation is a beautiful opportunity to expand, to amass and gather enormous knowledge and wisdom. All we can deal from the mind is only what we see in front of us, we do not know the bigger picture. If we truly analyse from our heart, we can know that our past has brought us to where we are right now. Life has always been benevolent, reality / God is always good and there is no argument. When we argue with reality we suffer a lot.

The only key to avoid suffering of body, mind, and soul, is forgiveness towards oneself and others. Pain is not an enemy, it is a bringer of wisdom and knowledge, it is a guardian who shows us the way to freedom. Paying attention to life, living every moment fully and completely, allowing and accepting our reality, making room for forgiveness, choosing to focus our energy on our strengths and our gifts, and living from the place of Gratitude, are the most powerful ways of healing and liberating ourselves from the illusion of fear and pain. When we liberate ourselves, our life force energy is powerful enough to liberate everyone who comes into our space!

Making peace with humanity and Divinity is the MAGIC OF LIFE.

Let us choose to create magic and miracles for ourselves and our Planet.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


The mind loves to play the game of "telling stories" stories about people, places, situations ~ neverending stories. I sit and watch my mind and its stories, they amuse me so much, the stories are about so many judgements, creating a whole new world of "suffering".

A quiet mind realizes that thoughts argue with reality, creating war within oneself. The war is over when I start loving what is in front of me, my reality. It is always stressful and difficult to compete or compare my situation, or belittle my actions about what I should or should not have done.

The moment I question my mind I realize that I am not my story thoughts, they do not belong to me, the thoughts come and they go. It is always my choice to attach or not attach my emotions to them, it is always my choice to live in true freedom. Freedom is giving the gift of KINDNESS to oneself, it means never allowing fear, anger, or sadness to cloud your life. It means to live life with total acceptance, flexible, and without resistance. There is no success to be achieved, there is no failure either, for whatever I am doing at this moment with total love and acceptance is the Ultimate Success.

~Premlatha Rajkumar~


Conscious awareness is mastery. Conscious awareness is the light that absorbs the darkness, it brings information to erase the illusion of fear.

Be conscious of each moment, be the witness, notice that you are awareness.

Witness the world around, notice the gentle breeze touching your cheek and rustling your hair, hear the birds singing on the trees, the dogs barking, smell the flowers, be aware of the warmth of the sunshine on your skin, be fully aware and present in your pain, in your sadness and in your joy, be in the moment alive and aware.

You are awareness, and awareness is powerful.

When awareness is present it fills the space that may otherwise be occupied by thoughts of fear, anger, or desire. The thoughts captured by the mind keep us in a kind of hypnosis , this hypnosis creates the illusion called ‘fear’. When we buy into our fear we are lost in the illusion of 'suffering' created by the mind. Awareness does not come from the mind, it comes from within, and awareness brings timelessness into the dimension of time, it brings the connection and inspiration from the formless dimension. The more aware you are the more you understand that you are the awareness expressing in form for a little while.

Holding awareness, you are fully present. When you are Present you allow things to be, instead of exaggerating or feeding your pain. When you aware in your pain, the light of understanding shines through. Every aspect of life becomes beautiful and sacred. Life is this moment. And when this moment is lived with awareness, the next moment will also be the best.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


In the words of the Siddha,

" A smile from the soul is spiritual relaxation."

The Siddha suggests that we learn to smile in the sweet way of a child to make everything bright and beautiful around us.

Everytime we smile at someone, we are bring a beautiful gift of peace to that person. It brings sunshine into their lives.

A smile is the most inexpensive and most attractive cosmetic you can wear all day. It is the most beautiful jewel on the face, it makes you the most attractive person in the world.

Smiling is a special language of humans, the more this language is practiced, the more love, joy, peace, happiness, and harmony is anchored on the Planet.

Smile for no reason, keep smiling when people are not around, you will be surprised, for energetically, smiling attracts wisdom and joy into your life.

A smile is a very powerful spiritual tool. It anchors the timeless Presence of the higher dimensions. In our busy mechanical lives we forget this tool.

Have you ever noticed that when seeing a picture where people are smiling, it automatically makes us smile and bring happiness to that moment.

Just try bringing a smile to your face during a moment of stress, or confusion or an argument. At a time when you feel that the energy around you is so dense, you will notice that the moment you squeezed in a smile, the entire atmosphere within you and around you becomes lighter and full of ease. Just try it and you will see the MAGIC.

You can post a smiley face, or write the words 'SMILE' or any other method of reminder to smile, near your bed, your work place, or on your fridge to make a reminder to smile and keep yourself in a place of ease and grace.

Choose to smile for no reason, just smile :-) it is a powerful gift that you can give yourself today. It is a tool for instant transformation of stress.

Let us choose to practice this powerful and ancient Spiritual tool everyday at all times, and bless ourselves and our Planet!


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


Every human parent strives to provide the best for their children. Every parent wants to see their child grow into a happy, healthy individual. It brings a lot of pain when things go wrong, for you have brought up your children thinking that you know what is best for them.

Many times children are looked down upon as little people who do not know anything, and well-intentioned parents, teachers, and gurus try to impose their beliefs, ideas, fears, rules and laws on the children. The result produces fear, when there is fear there is no place for love.

It has become a collective learned human behavior to always be behind the children telling them what they should do and should not do, and also believe that punishment was for the child's good. This created so much fear in the child, and fear and fear made the child to break the laws and also be careful not to get caught. By creating laws and fear we are teaching them to cheat and lie. We go on infecting children with ideas which have not even proved valid in our own lives. Many things we ask our children to do might not have been acceptable to us when we were in their age.

By forcing our children we do not allow them to be authentic, they fear that they would hurt us if they are true, and they feel hurt when they are not true to themselves.

Many times we forget that we only gave a part of our physical bodies to our children, but the Spirit that activates the body comes only from the Creator. Children were never our possessions in the first place, in this planet we are only their guardians.

If we realize this truth, we will also come into the understanding that we really do not know what is right or what is wrong for our children. They were brought into this world by the Creator through us. And the one that brought them into this world knows them more than we do.

Parenting is an art, and the best and most effective way to parenting is to serve as an example and not to impose our will.

Children need privacy and freedom, they are also individual souls who need to be respected, and allowed to be themselves. They are not here to fulfill somebody's ideas. Their future is open and supported by a loving Creator.

A wise parent is one who is there to give support, courage, and confidence to the child without harassing the child to live up to his/her expectations.

A wise parent understands that every human is beautifully programmed by the wisdom of the Creator, there are no accidents, and everything goes according to the program.

The best gift a parent can give the child is allowing and accepting the child to be his/her natural self wherever it leads to, and you will be surprised by the magic and miracles that get created by this acceptance.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


True freedom is responsibility. The ability to live conscious, alert, aware, and respond to life, is true freedom. It brings in the realization that there is no one out there to control you, you are free to live your life the way you choose.

I have noticed that when there is a law given, people tend to go against it. There was a rule in my son's high school that chewing gum is not allowed in the classroom. The students started to chew gum secretly and my son said that if you put your hand under the desk or chair, you can find innumerable chewed gums stuck underneath.

Then they dropped this rule in school and surprisingly no one bothered to chew gum in class anymore.

I am reminded of the words of the TAO which says "Try to make people moral, and you lay the groundwork for vice."

Forgetting our Divine Nature is the only illusion on this Planet, and it has helped to build up this game of Duality.

From the time we are born it has been drummed into us that "we are not good enough", and that "we do not deserve". The two most powerful thought patterns that helped to maintain this game of duality.

We have burdened ourselves so much by walls of laws, rules, governments, and religions, thinking that we are not good enough. We are born good, we need not strive to be good. Goodness is our Nature. We are a part of the Creator, and every part of the Creator is magnificient and beautiful like the Creator,every human is precious in the eyes of the Creator.

People who have recognized their divine nature have self-esteem and self-trust, they are able to make good wise decisions , they do not depend on others for anything, and they are able to create a joyous reality for themselves. They have respect for themselves, this is not ego because they also know to respect others, they know that no one is better or worse than themselves.

Let us choose to create a world of true freedom, freedom begins by processing our fears. If we turn fear around only love remains. Love is all there is.

Let us choose to live in love rather than fear, let us teach our children to live in love, to grow in self-esteem and self-worth, and learn to believe in themselves. Let us know and understand that we only gave a part of our bodies to them but their spirits came from the ever-wise part of the Creator.

It is time we recognized and remembered our Divine Nature.

It is time to wake up the Buddha qualities/the Christ qualities in ourselves. These qualities are True for every human being, every human heart is made of this material.

When we choose to live from our heart, we raise our vibration. By each person's higher vibration, the collective vibration of humanity becomes higher, and we create "Heaven on Earth".


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


We attach ourselves to our physical world intensely. We have hypnotised ourselves into believing that being busy all the time is puposeful and noble. The busier we are the more important we feel about ourselves. We forgot that the material world is only one part of our reality.

We are multidimensional beings who also live in the invisible and spiritual dimensions. Just by watching our thoughts we know that there is a being who watches the thougths. Just by watching the body perform its actions we know that there is a being who works the body. Our dreamtime feels so real that it makes us wonder if we were in another place at another time.

Every religion talks about a day of rest, a Sabbath. Living in our minds we believe that it is a day of a week where we do things other than our regular work. But what I notice from the many explanations from different scriptures is that 'a Sabbath' or 'a day of rest' or 'sacredness', is actually a practice to move into a STATE OF MIND, or a state of being, a state of rest, renewal and conscious connection to the Divine. It is a spiritual practice to realign with our birthright to inner peace.

By ignoring this practice, we have started to define ourselves and others by what we produce. We stress ourselves out with achievements and productions. The result is our hearts harden, and in a world of overwork, our illness and pain becomes our 'sabbath'.

When we take time to anchor our Spiritual Energy, it balances our life and we find our way back. This is because we become our wholesome selves, we come into our power.

A sabbath can be a moment, a day, a week, or a month. It is a time of silence, a time of connecting with the SILENCE within, a connection with our Sacred Presence.

A Sabbath can be taking in a deep conscious breath anytime during the day, or it may be meditation, or it may be sitting with nature, or sitting in stillness and counting our blessings. A true sabbath helps us to realign with our consciousness.

At the deepest level we are pure consciousness beyond form and content. This pure consciousness is the love that we are, the moment we connect to it, it embraces everything within and around us. Mysteriously our body feels embraced, healed, and comforted by this love, and every situation on the outside is also set right.

Let us choose to connect with our wholesome power, let us take time to laugh more, to play more, to choose to celebrate every aspect of life and bring Heaven on Earth.


~Premlatha Rajkumar


The Creator breathed creation into existence. We are deeply connected by our breath with each other and with all of creation. This ocean of air is the world's heart, it holds all the joys and all the darkness that have been thought, felt, or said through the ages.

The purpose of entering the Planet as a human being was a very well planned way from the soul level of bringing in mercy and blessing to the Planet.

We are beloved children of the Universe and the Universe cherishes us and loves us and needs our love in return.

We are powerful beings with an amazing heart that can transform negativity into joy. Negative thoughts and feelings do not disappear they become forms, and stay in the atmosphere, and when we live unconsciously we are affected by the thoughts that are not even our thoughts.

Our HEARTS are huge transformers, they are huge wellsprings of compassion. Our hearts have the capacity to breathe in the entire world's suffering, transmute it with compassion, and breathe out all the benediction and joy into the Planet. We have the power to transform pain into love!

HeartMath science now prooves that the electric field around the heart is so huge, the heart's bioelectric capacity is 5000 times more powerful than that of the brain. And science has also proven that the feelings emanated from the heart talks to the magnetic grid of the Planet and creates reality in amazing ways.

The capacity of our hearts are enormous, physically the strongest muscles in our body are the muscles of the heart, they are the first to form before any organ is formed in the womb. We literally begin life as 'OUR HEART'!

We have been so long living from the mind and our senses that we never thought of connecting or living from our hearts.

Inhaling breath into the heart and exhaling out through the heart, brings an enormous calming effect. When we practice this art we will discover our inner magic. The magic of the inner healer within us.

We do not need to breathe in love all the time, our hearts have the power to transform pain into love.

As benevolent beings of unconditional love, we can breathe in the suffering of the world into our heart and breathe our all the joy and blessing and mercy to the Planet. In practicing this HEART MEDITATION, we tap into our own healing energy, we discover our inner magic, we become fearless, and start feeling a tremendous connection with the world. The earth transforms wherever we are.

Heart Meditation can be done anytime, anywhere, for 10 minutes everyday, by placing the awareness on our heart as we breathe.

This Heart Meditation is a most powerful way of bringing 'HEAVEN' into our life and for this Planet. Let us choose to bless our beings, our home, our Planet, and build Heaven on Earth!


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


The body is just a very tiny part of who we are. The body and its senses are in the world of form; but the world of the invisible, the formless, is a major part of who we are.

It is obvious that the body can be made in the physical by physical parents, but the Spirit to activate the body comes only from the formless world. Without the Spirit to work the body, the body is dead.

The body is a tool that we, "the Spirit", "the Life" use on this Physical world of form. We are "the Spirit", we are "Life".

Contemplate on this ~ 'it is not the eye that sees but You,... it is not the ice that is cold but You who feel it so. If this is so then it is very obvious that the body is just a tool.

We feed the body and take care of it, but are we feeding our Spirit?

The food for the Spirit is 'SILENCE'.

Silence is a space between thoughts, the space between the notes of music that we enjoy. We can become aware of this by practice. Everything that is created comes out of silence.

Silence is the language of the Creator. Nature teaches us silence, the trees, the grass, grow in silence; the sun, the moon and the stars move in silence.

Silence is the food, the life energy for our Spirit. Silence is inner health, inner strength, inner peace, and inner power. It is our storehouse of knowledge and by bringing in more and more of silence into our space we bring in more and more wellbeing, joy, and peace into our life.

The effective ways of bringing silence into our space is through meditation, by bringing in quiet time into our busy schedules, becoming the observer of inner chatter, connecting with the stillness of places in nature, like a calm lake side, observing the sunset, listening to the still voice of the early hours of the morning, or by looking into the still depth of a cloudless night sky.

When we choose to bring more silence into our life, we anchor inner peace. And there is nothing more life-giving than inner peace. When we have inner peace, we radiate it to the outer world and it touches everyone around us, it becomes a protective shield that deflects all negative energy, and it releases neurotransmitter in the brain that provide perfect health and youth to the body.

Beautiful life is flowing within us, let us choose to give this gift of Sacred Silence to ourselves and for this Planet.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


Thoughts, feelings, words, and ideas are constantly attracting their likeness from the Universe. When we focus our thoughts clearly, we produce effective and desirable results. This is a most important knowledge that has been lost and hidden for many years, and for many years people have been continuously creating their experiences by default.

'We create our reality' and that is the TRUTH. Reality begins as a thought or a feeling and then manifests in the physical. Those who attempt to control mankind have hidden this knowledge for a long long time by organizing systems that dissuade us from living our truth. These systems create beliefs that create the trance of fear and powerlessness. Our collective denial of our power has created much chaos and confusion.

To break free from this trance we must come back to our own worthiness and be willing to feel genuine love and appreciation for who we are. Loving the Self as a part of the Creator energy of wisdom and power is the essential key to attract the very best experiences that life has to offer.

When we feel genuine love for the 'Self', we are connecting with the vital force that sustains all of existence, it is the greatest gift we offer to the Planet.

One of the powerful ways to create this loving relationship with the Self, is the mirror exercise. Stand in front of a mirror for five to ten minutes in the morning and in the evening and gaze into the eyes of the person in the mirror, open your heart, and say the words aloud "I love you".

At first this may sound silly for you are not used to loving yourself, but if you continue to participate in this exercise continuously, you will find that you come into your personal power. You will find that you have stopped seeking love from others, for you have given much love to you and you become a wellspring of love to others.

In this way the drama is removed from your life.

When you awaken to your personal power, you will find that you create more peace, harmony, and freedom in your life. People who are able to live in loving kindness within their own selves are the Greatest gifts to this Planet.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~

KARMA and the Game of DUALITY

In my younger days in my country, people spoke a lot about Karma, and that karma was the reason that we are bound to the earth and that we take many life times to settle that which is called 'Karma'.

As I was growing up I started searching for answers for "Karma", for I was so upset by so much of poverty, sadness, and sickness among people.

The Divine orchestrated my life in such a way that many spiritual teachers, healers, books, dreams, and miraculous situations came my way and I was given much understanding about the physical and its connection to the Spiritual.

Through all my journeys one thing I understood about karma was that 'We are the Creators of Karma' through our severe judgements, judgements of ourselves and others. For example, let us see the situation of a mother who gives her child for adoption because of poverty. If she is happy about it and blesses the child to be well, and is happy about what she did then she has not created any karma. At the same time if this mother is feeling guilty of what she has done and is sorry for herself and her child all her life then she has bound herself with "karma" to be balanced with another lifetime for her and the child.

Knowingly or unknowingly we bind ourselves with so many harsh judgements about ourselves and others. It is very difficult for humans to accept and choose to see the gift is every situation. This human tendency of constant judgement is the one that imprisons us to every kind of discord.

Karma is not a Universal Law, we choose to believe in it and we have made it a belief system to build the game of Duality. By judging ourselves we choose to punish ourselves.

It takes immense trust in the Divine to accept life situations, and to see the gift that every situation brings. We volunteered to be here in this body, in this lifetime now. We are not wounded, and we are not learning lessons or undergoing punishments, we are EVOLVING.

We are in total freedom for through our challenges we are exploring different levels of consciousness. Our challenges makes us focus on the physical and the Spiritual. We are here to gather knowledge, to resolve our experiences by knowing ourselves in a much more conscious level.

Let us choose to be kinder and non-judgemental in dealing with every aspect of life so that we come into our freedom and our enlightenment!


We are the bringers of "Heaven", Let us choose to bring the "Light of our Presence" into every act of living

The major changes that are happening in the Universe and the collective consciousness of the humans is letting go the dense energies collected within the human emotional body and the magnetic grid of the earth.

The dense energies are all the emotions that we attach to thoughts that does not support us. Thoughts of unforgiveness, like "he/she said that to me" "he/she did that to me" "he/she ruined my life" etc. These are just thoughts, it is important to ask ourselves who would we be without these thoughts. We came to this Planet to create Heaven, but attaching to our mind's stories about the things happening around us, made us forget the very purpose for which we came to this Planet.

Our main job is our assignment to the Divine, ( the assignment is bringing in our light of love, kindness, and understanding) we are always in the right place, at the right time, meeting the right people. Every situation whether we judge it as good or bad from our mind, is helping us to grow more stronger, more courageous, open our hearts, bring compassion, forgiveness, kindness, to be and do what we came here to do.

When we attach emotionally to our thoughts that replay all the judgements about people and situations that happened yesterday, a year ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago, we are creating intense dense energies that does not allow us to be in our light, 'the light' that brings joy, peace, kindness, happiness, and contentment. The dense energies will keep us caught in our pain, dis-ease, war, and worries and stagnate us in stress, and will not allow us to move forward.

Moving forward is living in love, living deeply and consciously every moment, bringing the 'Light of our Presence' into every act of living, like breathing, giving, loving, forgiving, walking, talking, every act of being human.

When we start letting go all the dense energies that do not support us, we are able to see clearly, we can see our life clearly, other dimensions clearly, connect with humanity with the love of brotherhood, bring peace to our body, mind, and soul. Our love and light will shine so bright that it will touch the very ground we walk on and transform it.

Each and everyone of us are born with this gift of bringing this immense Divine Light to the Planet and create "Heaven". The energies of the 11.11.11, 12.12.12, equinoxes, solstices, eclipses, and moon cycles are all here to help us bring "Heaven on Earth". All these energies are here now to help us let go our dense energies and birth our Divine Light into this Planet.

We are the bringers of Heaven, we came here to do this, let us choose Heaven for ourselves and this Planet.

~Premlatha Rajkumar~


by Premlatha Rajkumar on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at 8:48am

The GOES satellite (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) collects intensive datat about the earth's magnetic field, weather, earth's rotation and all kinds of details pertaining to the geoenvironmental aspect of the Planet. According to the Great Scientist and spiritualist Gregg Braden, these satellites show very precise and consistent readings of the magnetic field of the planet, they send graphs about the magnetic activity every 30 minutes. He goes on to say that these graphs have been very consistent until a few minutes after the twin towers fell on September 11. As soon as the trauma of this event reached millions of people all over the world, people went into sadness, pain, and anger. These intense feelings from the heart reached the magnetic grid of the planet and the graph that was sent by the GOES satellite was showing extreme fluctuation in the magnetic field for the first time after the satellites were launched.

Hence it is scientifically proven that the magnetic field of the earth holds all 3rd dimensional thoughts and consciousness, it forms a base for us to play the 3rd dimensional game.

Now there is more evidence that the magnetic field is weakening, pilots cannot rely on the data of the field which they had the previous day, it is changing everyday. The landing area of airports are being reset all over the world because of the changing magnetic field of the Planet. We also know about the millions of birds and fishes, that navigate through their biomagnetic field connections lost their way and died in large numbers.

The Universal energies are supporting the weakening of the magnetic field, and shifting the magnetic poles, it is very clear that the 3rd dimensional game of duality is going away. Because of the game of duality we had been denying our joy, and our divinity, but now as the game is going away we are forced to stand in our Truth and acknowledge our divine nature and live from our hearts rather than from our minds.

It is very important to understand that as a collective we are the ones who can raise the vibration of the collective human consciousness and that of the Planet, no other worldly being can do this for us.

To raise our vibration the first thing we do is to process our anger, our fear, our doubts, our blame games. We chose to incarnate in this time of great change on this Planet. We are the bringers of this change, we change our Planet to a loving, peaceful Planet by starting now, starting to process all our dense energies of fear.

The moment we understand that every fear thought is our projection we have come into our freedom. When we question our thougths the thoughts just disappear. As long as we deny our joy our duality game goes on.

I invite you my friends, to take a moment of conscious connection with the Self, and bring kindness to your thoughts and Peace to the Self.

We are the bringers of Heaven on this Planet. May we choose to anchor our divinity and our Joy everymoment, this is our birthright!

~Premlatha Rajkumar~


You are soul, you have a body and you have a mind. These two aspects are in your space for you to take care of them with the right kind of food. When we feed the body with fresh vegetables and fruits and nuts and enough of water, the body works beautifully. We also need to take care of the food we give our mind. Have you noticed that when you think about a joke that happened 4 days ago, or when you are reading about a comedy, your body automatically laughs. The same way when you are thinking about sad things that happened 10 or 20 years ago your body starts crying. The body is always in the Present time, it does not know if certain things happened in tha past or will happen in the future. Whatever thoughts you feed it, it will understand that it is happening in this moment and react accordingly.

Many times we feed the body the wrong kind of messages. We keep on encouraging worrying thoughts about the future or sad thoughts about the past, the body takes this in and reacts. The body thinks that there is no sweetness in life and it secretes excess of sugar into the blood, or constant fear thoughts make the body secrete more adrenaline (the harmone used only when you have to run away from a lion or a fire) which increases the pressure in the blood.

These are messages from our body, It is very important to listen to the body's messages and stop feeding the body with thoughts that do not serve the purpose.

Health and Happiness is completely our responsibility, when we choose to feed our body and our mind we create health, happiness, and peace for ourselves and the Planet.

Ask yourself "what am I feeding my body and mind at this moment?"


A smile is a very powerful spiritual tool. It anchors the timeless Presence of the higher dimensions. In our busy mechanical lives we forget this tool.

Have you ever noticed that when we see a picture where people are smiling, it automatically makes us smile and bring happiness to that moment.

Just try bringing a smile to your face during a moment of stress, or confusion or an argument, or at a time when you feel that the energy around you is so dense, you will notice that the moment you squeezed in a smile the entire atmosphere within you and around you becomes lighter and full of ease. Just try it and you will see the magic.

You can post a smiley face near your bed, your work place, on your fridge..to make a reminder to smile and keep yourself in a place of ease and grace.

Choose to smile for no reason, just smile ... it is a powerful gift that you can give yourself today. It is a tool for instant transformation of stress.

~Premlatha Rajkumar~