Thursday, June 21, 2012


You are soul, you have a body and you have a mind. These two aspects are in your space for you to take care of them with the right kind of food. When we feed the body with fresh vegetables and fruits and nuts and enough of water, the body works beautifully. We also need to take care of the food we give our mind. Have you noticed that when you think about a joke that happened 4 days ago, or when you are reading about a comedy, your body automatically laughs. The same way when you are thinking about sad things that happened 10 or 20 years ago your body starts crying. The body is always in the Present time, it does not know if certain things happened in tha past or will happen in the future. Whatever thoughts you feed it, it will understand that it is happening in this moment and react accordingly.

Many times we feed the body the wrong kind of messages. We keep on encouraging worrying thoughts about the future or sad thoughts about the past, the body takes this in and reacts. The body thinks that there is no sweetness in life and it secretes excess of sugar into the blood, or constant fear thoughts make the body secrete more adrenaline (the harmone used only when you have to run away from a lion or a fire) which increases the pressure in the blood.

These are messages from our body, It is very important to listen to the body's messages and stop feeding the body with thoughts that do not serve the purpose.

Health and Happiness is completely our responsibility, when we choose to feed our body and our mind we create health, happiness, and peace for ourselves and the Planet.

Ask yourself "what am I feeding my body and mind at this moment?"

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