Friday, June 22, 2012


Namaste to you my Sweet Friends!


'Namaste' is a wonderful way of greeting each other.

This word is a sacred Sanskrit word, originated in India, that has a deep meaning.

'Namaste' is a salutation done when people meet each other, in South India the word is said as 'Namaskaram'.

The deeper meaning of this beautiful word is powerfully awakening human consciousness.

Namaste or Namaskaram means "I acknowledge that my body is the temple where the Divine resides, and I also acknowledge that your body is a temple for the Divine, and so the Divine in me salutes the Divine in you".

'Namaste/Namaskaram' is said by looking into the eyes of the person in front of you, folding your palms in front of your heart and gently bowing your head. In this way you salute the Divine.

This is a powerful way of reminding one another to love God in the other person.

The extent to which you can love another human being absolutely depends on the extent to which you are connected with respect and gratitude to your own Divine Essence.



~Premlatha Rajkumar~


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