Friday, June 22, 2012


It is a powerful spiritual practice to connect with our physical hearts.
Placing our awareness on our heart connects us to our "God within", our heart is the gateway to Universal Wisdom.

The physical experience of conscious breathing and bringing the pressure and warmth of the hand on the heart, opens the heart and allows us access to our 'Spiritual Home', our 'Kingdom within'.

Experience this moment now, bring your hand to your physical heart and take in deep conscious breath releasing it with a sigh or a sound. This connects you powerfully to your heart space which holds understanding, wisdom and awareness.

Practice being in this moment, this moment of the heart space and you will be amazed by the transformation that happens to you.

Practice for the enrichment of energy and transformation, practice whenever there is worry or anxiety, when you need a solution to a problem. As you continue to work with your heart you will naturally connect with your Divine Blueprint, your Divine Wisdom, and your Divine Light.

Living in conscious connection with the heart is true living; life flows effortlessly with ease and grace.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~


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