Thursday, June 21, 2012


The things we do with our body-mind are our creations in this physical realm. We lived before we came into this body, we took this human body at this time so that we may satisfy our Divine longing to do things in the physical. The body comes and goes but who we are is an eternal spark of the Creator that can never be damaged or destroyed.

We are great Spirit beings who come to live for a short time in a human body on this beautiful Planet. This is our opportunity to anchor our Divine Qualities of love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, patience, generosity, and gratitude on the Planet.

The moment we enter the planet in a physical body we absolutely forget our Spirit selves, and create a new chapter called “life on Planet Earth”. Our new body-minds start to develop, and the body-mind does not remember. But the heart that carries Divinity in its sacred sanctuary remembers and knows everything.

Practicing the art of awareness, bringing conscious awareness into every walk of life helps us to connect with our hearts and helps us to remember our mission here on Planet Earth.

We have been given this body-mind to work, to serve others, this Planet and ourselves. Are we conscious of our work at this moment? Every act of work whether cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, doing the laundry, taking care of children, teaching, working in an office, selling products, or working on a computer, writing a book, talking to people, construction work, serving, tending, farming, gardening etc., is a profound gift we give ourselves and this planet. Our work is a kind of worship; it is an attitude of gratitude we give to the Creator for this beautiful experience on this Planet.

When we bring our conscious awareness to the work we do, we are merging the Divine Qualities of Spirit with matter and we are building “Heaven” on Earth. No work is insignificant; every work we do with our body-mind is a MIRACLE, it is a beautiful gift. When we bring our consciousness into the work we do, we become aware of the perfectness every moment, we then do not need anyone else to appreciate us for what we do, and we can never see our work as being low or high. We realize that the place, time, the body-mind, the people around us, and the work we do have been Divinely Orchestrated.

It has become a human sickness to believe that we work hard for others, for a boss, for an institution, for a country, etc. and this very belief makes our work drudgery. Another belief that work is for earning money makes people addicted to work. But the Greater truth is that we work for ourselves, every act of work is an opportunity to expand ourselves, it is an opportunity for kindness to our fellow beings, it is an opportunity to harvest knowledge through this grand experience. When we realize this we will always respect the work we do, our work will never be about harming or destroying, our work will always be about building and uplifting. Being grateful every moment, and holding the joy of doing work in a physical body uplifts our Spirit, we open ourselves to knowledge and wisdom, and we allow our body-mind to grow in all our God-Qualities. Our work then becomes true worship.

Let us choose to respect ourselves, and the work we do everyday.


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