Thursday, June 21, 2012


So many of us want to touch God, to know the Creator. In order to do this we pray, we sing, we chant, we meditate, we fast, we torture ourselves. We search and then fianlly come to a conclusion that we are not worthy of God's attention. This is the greatest suffering that one can endure.

The simplest and most profound way to gain God's attention is learning to love the Self. Before doing anything we need to learn to love. Love is the catalyst , the powerful bridge that allows one to touch the face of God.

When we love the Self as a part of the Creator's Divinity, then we undertand that we are worthy of God's love and attention.

There is no need to spend time in rituals and painful processes, for love makes known that God is as near to you as your very next breath.

The basic law of life is that whatever you do to yourself you will do to others. If you are judging or unkind to yourself you will definitely be unkind and judgemental towards others.

If you start loving yourself as the Creator's Divinity, you feel yourself become bigger and bigger in consciousness, and your expansion includes everything around you and everything that comes into your space, everything becomes a part of your loving being.

Loving the Self is the frist step in loving the Creator. Through loving the Creation we start loving the Creator. Only when we start loving God's creation we can truly partake of God's love.

When I say loving God's creation, many are of the opinion that only that which they see as 'good' in their mind is of God, they limit the Creator by giving a name and a meaning. This is why many times I hesitate to write the word 'God', for it has different meaning for each individual. When I refer to the word 'God' I refer to the Divine, the Creator, the ALL.

Accepting the Self, 'the good and the bad' is the first step towards Loving the Self. Accepting oneself helps to accept the good and bad in others also.

Self acceptance brings immense wisdom, clarity, and understanding. It helps one to see the Greater picture of life. It brings greater understanding about the 'good and bad' in oneself and others. It helps to move out of the judgements of the mind and emerge into the light of enlightenment.

Loving the Self makes the heart to bloom and the wisdom of the heart becomes easily accessible.

We become loving beings who radiate the powerful aspects or Love, kindness, forgiveness, patience, and understanding. We experience ourselves as magnificient beings of love and light. We experience our magnificience through every act of love, kindness, forgiveness, and understanding that we extend to every person and situation that is placed in our life.

We come to understand life as LOVE, a love that can love the unlovable and forgive the unforgivable.

Being in the radiance of this bliss of LOVE, we come into the KNOWING of the Creator.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~

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