Thursday, June 21, 2012


Thoughts, feelings, words, and ideas are constantly attracting their likeness from the Universe. When we focus our thoughts clearly, we produce effective and desirable results. This is a most important knowledge that has been lost and hidden for many years, and for many years people have been continuously creating their experiences by default.

'We create our reality' and that is the TRUTH. Reality begins as a thought or a feeling and then manifests in the physical. Those who attempt to control mankind have hidden this knowledge for a long long time by organizing systems that dissuade us from living our truth. These systems create beliefs that create the trance of fear and powerlessness. Our collective denial of our power has created much chaos and confusion.

To break free from this trance we must come back to our own worthiness and be willing to feel genuine love and appreciation for who we are. Loving the Self as a part of the Creator energy of wisdom and power is the essential key to attract the very best experiences that life has to offer.

When we feel genuine love for the 'Self', we are connecting with the vital force that sustains all of existence, it is the greatest gift we offer to the Planet.

One of the powerful ways to create this loving relationship with the Self, is the mirror exercise. Stand in front of a mirror for five to ten minutes in the morning and in the evening and gaze into the eyes of the person in the mirror, open your heart, and say the words aloud "I love you".

At first this may sound silly for you are not used to loving yourself, but if you continue to participate in this exercise continuously, you will find that you come into your personal power. You will find that you have stopped seeking love from others, for you have given much love to you and you become a wellspring of love to others.

In this way the drama is removed from your life.

When you awaken to your personal power, you will find that you create more peace, harmony, and freedom in your life. People who are able to live in loving kindness within their own selves are the Greatest gifts to this Planet.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~

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