Friday, October 31, 2014


Recently a sweet friend asked me,
Q. How is it possible to show the same love and affection to everyone, sometimes there are people who irritate us in such a way that I do not have a good feeling and I cannot show them love ?
A. At one time in my life I realized that "all is one", that we are all "One Consciousness" There is no tree inside a tree, there is only consciousness; there is no rock inside a rock, only consciousness; there is no person inside a person, only consciousness, and the forms are all impermanent they may come and they may go away but the consciousness that resides inside the form is the one that is permanent. The more I realized this , the more I chose to hold on to the permanent rather than the impermanent.
Our beautiful Indian tradition of saying "namaste/namaskaram" is a grand reminder of this concept. When we say namaste by folding our palms in front of our heart and looking at the person in front of us, we acknowledge that the body is the temple and that the Divine resides inside each body/form, so when we say namaste, the Divine in us is saluting the Divine in the other person.
I can understand your feelings of irritation that you are talking about, do you know that in this planet there is no me and the other person. It is only me, everyone is a form of me, separation is only in the mind, it is an illusion, this is a cosmic comedy, everything around us is a reflection of our own selves. And that is why every religion and every great master who came into the Planet talks about doing unto others what we want them to do unto us. This is a grand secret to the way of wisdom and freedom!
We get irritated with people when we see our faults in them, so I truly feel that each person is a representation of every aspect of ourselves, they come into our lives as gifts so that we can see ourselves and choose the attributes that we would wish to live by. Some people are examples showing us how to live our lives in a wonderful way, and some people teach us how not to live our lives. So every one in a way is our teacher, it is wise to take that which you want and to give thanks for all the revelations that life brings to us in mysterious ways.
Realizing this we can easily drop our judgments about people, this will take us to our expansion beyond the mind stories. This will bring us freedom, help us to gather wisdom in every situation and allow us to live as our Divine Selves on this Planet. Forgetting to live as our Divine Selves is the only illusion on this Planet.
Trust that I have answered your question.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Wednesday, October 1, 2014



We are so fascinated by dramas, we love the theater, the TV serials and all kinds of stage performances.  It is important to notice our fascination with the roles of victims, villains and heroes in these dramas. Unconsciously we identify with these roles and continue to play them in our everyday lives.  We create these identities based on mind stories of good and bad. The more unaware we are the more we are trapped in the roles of victim, villain and hero.

The society, the family, and the religion assign these roles for us to play through many belief systems of fear.  We desperately want to fit into these roles to please and to prove. This traps us indefinitely in the struggles of life that bring pain and bondage. These roles are played within our every relationships whether it be the spouse, parent, children, friends, relatives, strangers, or co-workers.

Shifting into the awareness of this game we find ourselves playing this game by exaggerating, making bigger and giving names through mind stories. Without blame, guilt or lies there would be no roles to play, instead there would only be healthy responsible relationships based on honest communications. The moment we bring conscious awareness into the role playing, there is a shift in consciousness. Awareness is the key.  Transformation begins with awareness.

Belief systems and lying to one’s own self keeps one stuck in these roles. These roles always bring pain, powerlessness, and irresponsibility, they can never make one to stand in truth and freedom.

The moment we choose to play any one of these roles, we will end up playing all the three roles. Victim consciousness is based on the belief that everyone in the world is 'out there to get me'.  It is a constant looking out for what is wrong with the world.  There is always a pity party going on that brings mind stories of “ poor me”, “you are bad”, "bad things happen to me."  If you perceive yourself as someone’s rescuer you find yourself as someone’s victim, while at the same time that person will perceive you as the persecutor. We continue to attach to these roles emotionally and judge everything around us.

  The basic and most important truth is that we create our reality, absolutely, there is nothing called a coincidence or an accident. At some level we create it all. We have to remember that this Universe is our mirror, this mirror truly reflects everything we send out. Therefore when we hold on to the idea that we are victims, the Universe thinks that we want to experience being a victim, and we will find villain consciousness in our space for us to experience our victim consciousness. The Universe will bring  to us more of what we hold in our consciousness till we wake up and take responsibility for what we are choosing to experience.

The ego loves role play, and if we are asleep we feel stuck in the dramas of the ego. As long as we continue to wage war between opponents, between two sides, or between good and bad we will continue to play these dramas of victim, villains, and heroes.   No matter which part we play in the struggle, we are actually perpetuating the struggle by keeping ourselves stuck in this duality game   As long as we think that we have to eradicate evil, we get trapped in this mindless game of being victim, villain, or hero. It takes discernment to refuse to play these roles, and discernment comes from living from the heart, connecting to the 'kingdom within'. Any belief comes from the fear in the ego, freedom involves eradication of beliefs.

 There is no God ‘out there’ to serve, the Creator dwells in all beings, in all things seen and unseen.   The true Creator can be found within, thus every master who came to the Planet spoke about connecting to the “Kingdom within”.  Aligning to the kingdom within, reveals the Creator that is in all life.  This understanding will help one to go beyond this game of duality. This understanding will help to let go the desire for justice, revenge, or making up for the wrongs by committing more wrongs. Understanding the Creator within will lead to unconditional love, trust, and surrender which is the grandest devotion to the Divine.

 Instead of fighting, resisting, or feeling victimized when we choose to surrender and trust unconditionally, we go beyond the duality game and life opens innumerable opportunities for us.  By our choice we also inspire others to realize that there is more to life than involving in the duality struggle.

The challenge in this new paradigm is to refuse to play these roles and trust life to open up new and beautiful opportunities. Being in integrity with oneself is the key to get out of this role play and evolve ourselves into a new paradigm of love and truth.  Accepting, approving, and loving the self is the golden key that leads to freedom.

We are the bringers of the New Paradigm, we are the new evolving humanity. The new paradigm has no beliefs only love and truth.

Let us choose to create this new paradigm of love and truth.

Premlatha Rajkumar

© P. Rajkumar 2014