Sunday, January 31, 2016

Life is love, life is kind!

I may have pain, or I may have discomfort, but nothing can limit me from doing the things I do for you.
I do not do them because you are a friend, a husband, a child, or a neighbor, or an animal friend, or even a house that needs to be maintained, I do it because you are life itself. 
I am neither this body nor this mind, I am much more.
The body and mind are life's gift for me to go beyond their limitations and realize the truth that I am an unlimited being.
Life is opportunity to serve, to experience and to gather wisdom.
Life is LOVE and life is KIND.
Life's kindness is non-judgment, it is neither blessing nor punishment, it is the provision of multidimensional talents and capacity within each being to evolve and become grandness.
Trusting life leads to wisdom, trusting life I can do all things, and in this beautiful journey the 'I' comes to the realization that it is the all, it is 'life' itself.
May this beautiful journey of 'physical experience' create grandness every step of the way for you sweet friends. Life is kind, simply trust!
Premlatha Rajkumar

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Sharing some thoughts from my heart sweet friends,
Recently I have been going through a lot of pain due to sciatica. I also have witnessed loved ones and friends, go through illness with so much courage. 
Pain or illness of any kind seems to me as gifts benevolently bestowed by life for our transformation.
Each person has to go through pain or sickness alone, there is no one who can share it for them.
When we respect our bodies and trust life we choose to be with the pain and listen to our body's wisdom.
Going through pain we are alone, no person to listen to our woes, no medications or chemicals to dull the pain. The wisdom of our body shows us the ways to get out of the pain by healing every aspect of our selves - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
We sit still we choose to listen, by and by the false personality is uprooted and the real personality emerges. The real personality is full of integrity, and truth and it is powerful to heal any kind of pain.
The pain and dis-ease of the body come to take away the false personality of position, prestige, power, education, nationality, race, social class, gender, language, religion etc. this creates a lot of fear, we are literally stripped bare. Fear is necessary and it is inevitable, but it is wise to go through the fear. Going through fear we become fearless.
If the fear makes us cry, let us allow ourselves to cry, if the fear makes us shiver and shake then let us allow ourselves to shiver and shake.
Everything that comes will have to pass away, so this too shall pass. But let us choose to be present with the fear, for it brings grand transformation.
It is like the transformation of the greedy, leaf consuming, fat, juicy, caterpillar who accepts to sit still to transform into a cocoon. A simple shell wherein it dissolves completely into liquid, it becomes nothing. But soon by and by a time comes when it emerges into a most beautiful creature, the butterfly, who can fly high with beautiful wings, and just stay alive drinking the morning dew and nectar from the flowers.
Let us choose courage, let us choose trust, let us choose to go through our fear and come our fearless.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Sweet Friends,
I love to share my experiences with you because I feel that if I can be or do certain things then so can you.
I have come to understand that giving the gift of love to the self is what helps us face challenges and create grander solutions.
Loving yourself is the most empowering gift you can give yourself.
You overcome your limitations only by learning to love yourself immensely.
You love yourself not because of selfishness but because you are the temple where in the Divine resides, and every thing you need in life is within your temple, and in order to receive your gifts you connect with your inner being/Divine Presence by loving yourself.
Loving yourself will help you to make powerful right decisions for you in your life.
Loving yourself will help you drop expectations from people, because you satisfy your needs by being your own master.
Loving yourself stops you from taking in other people's opinions about you and everything else as yours.
Loving yourself stops you from comparing and competing with others.
Loving yourself stops you from searching for love, approval, or appreciation from the wrong places, you do not have the need for these things anymore because you learn to approve and appreciate yourself. For you are the only one in life who can love and approve yourself the way you deserve, no one can do this for you.
Loving yourself helps you to come into the knowing that you are a beloved child of the Universe and that every situation or person is sent your way benevolently by the Divine for your greater good. Even though the mind may judge them as good or bad, because you love yourself you will trust in Divine benevolence always.
Loving yourself keeps you balanced and consciously aware so that you master your mind and keep it away from thoughts of destruction or war of any kind.
Loving yourself you consciously and constantly bring in thoughts of kindness towards yourself and others, which helps you to keep away from stress even when you are facing stressful situations.
Loving yourself you will be more alert and aware to the opportunities life opens up for you to use your talents and your gifts in a more satisfying way for yourself and others.
Loving yourself you live from your heart from the place of truth and not from your mind.
Loving yourself you understand that this Universe and its magnificence has been created for your joy and you come into the knowing of ALL IS ONE.
A simple mantra on loving the self:
On waking up please your hand on your heart and say to your sweet self "I love you, you are wonderful"
On looking into the mirror say to your sweet self, "I love you, you are wonderful"
While doing chores, or shopping, say to your sweet self, " l love you, I trust you my Higher Self, you are wonderful"
When you are free write love letters to yourself, "I love myself, I am wonderful"
While looking into your eyes in the mirror tell you sweet self, "I love you, I trust you, you are wonderful"
Do this mantra as many times as you can and notice the beautiful changes within you and surprisingly everything around you.
Let us choose the sure way of empowerment by loving the 'Self' my dear friends.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


There is grand wisdom within our body being. It has been proven that the body can create any medicine needed to heal itself.
The body being follows the emotions and acts accordingly.
If the person is sad every cell of his body is sad, if the person is angry every cell of his body experiences anger, if the person is happy then every cell of the body experiences happiness.
It has been scientifically proven that happy, pleasant thoughts brings vitality and peace to every cell of the body.
Emotions are created by the thoughts that we choose to entertain.
Thoughts are not problematic, they come and they go away, but when we choose to attach to them and bind our emotions with them then they create problems.
Our body being listen to our thoughts, they do not know if the particular thing we are thinking about is happening at the present moment or if it has happened some 10, 20 or 50 years ago, or if it has not happened yet.
Holding on to a past negative experience of fear or anger creates stress in the body and the body starts secreting excessive hormones to protect itself. Continuously holding grievances about a past and continuously harboring negative emotions like fear and anger makes the body to be in dis-ease and the cells become unhealthy.
Consciously choosing to hold happy and peaceful thoughts many times during the day, calms our body and thus our cells become healthy and full of vitality. Even if there is an illness, the cells will create the right medicine to remove the illness and become healthy and happy again.
We are not the body, but the body being belongs to us, and it is wise to connect with the body being, to talk to our cells every day, thanking them for the amazing work they do in maintaining the body so that we can have this human physical experience on this Planet.
We all have the capacity to imagine, to day dream. It is a great medicine for body, mind, and soul to take time each day to sit silently with oneself and imagine oneself surrounded by beauty, joy and goodness. Imagination is very real, imagination is the forerunner of reality, what we imagine intensely we are sure to create.
Let us choose to trust the wisdom of our bodies, let us choose to talk to the cells of our bodies everyday, let us take time to imagine beauty, joy and goodness around us.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Monday, January 11, 2016

'GOD' IS CONSCIOUSNESS - Present within us all

'GOD' IS THE CONSCIOUSNESS - Present within all of us.

Forgetting our Divinity is the greatest illusion on this Planet.

Please do not take sides in religion, religion is man made. The moment we take sides we lose our divinity, we forget to be the love and compassion that we were born to be.
We forget our human brotherhood, and we get blinded by prejudiced teachings against groups of people just because they have a religious label (as Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc.)
To live on this Planet as our Divine self and live as the love that we are we drop all labels and live in oneness remembering the most important teaching of all religions " Treat others as you would have them treat you"
This golden rule can be found in all ancient scriptures of our Planet:

This is the sum of duty; do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you. (The Mahabharata)
Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. (Udana-Varga 5:18)
Surely it is the maxim of loving kindness; do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you. (Analects 15:23)
Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss. (Tai Shang Kan Ying P'ien)
That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself. (Dadistan-I-dinik 94:5)
What is hateful to you do not to your fellowman. That is the entire law, the rest is commentary. (Talmud, Shabbat 31a)
All things whatsoever ye would that man should do to you, do ye even so to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. ( Matthew 7:12)
No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself. ( Sunnah)

All teachers of all religions were representatives of the grander human consciousness. They do not ask us to worship them, they ask us to listen to the teachings from the silence of our heart space and remember and re-member with our Divine Selves.

There is no one religion, no one way to the Divine. All day to day actions done with the depth of the sincerity and goodness of the heart is a way to re-membering with our Divinity. Forgetting our divinity is the greatest illusion on this Planet.

May we choose to drop all labels of religions, countries, and traditions, may we choose to live from our heart space of love and kindness! May humanity awaken to its divinity! May human brother hood and love prevail!

Blessings be to this beautiful Planet!
Premlatha Rajkumar

Tuesday, January 5, 2016



Through the "busyness" of modern life, we made our minds to run our life on autopilot. All rules, laws, traditions, scriptures help us to achieve this through the mind. The mind was created to protect the physical body from harm. The mind takes its work seriously and does its job very well.

As beautiful human beings we understand that we are not the body, not the mind or the personality, but we are grand beings who travel beyond time and space, we now live inside the physical body in order to gather the wisdom of the human experience. If this is so then it is important that we live from the place of conscious awareness of the human experience.

Conscious awareness is living spontaneously in the here and now. Our beings are highly intelligent and full of wisdom, we are goodness and unconditional love. There is no need for any rules, laws or scriptures to show us the way. Rules and laws are from the mind and its stories in order to depend on something to protect itself. It puts the responsibility on some person or some organization. This has not given us freedom but has led to chaos and confusion.

Deep within we all crave for freedom, the mind cannot bring us freedom because it is full of fear and it has to depend on something or someone. It cannot take any responsibility, it is simpler for the mind to be dependent because then the responsibility falls on the person, or the laws that one depends on.

The ordinary (societal - meaning) of the word responsibility is doing ones duty (without any individual conscious preference) to the society, to the family, to the country, to the religious authority ... etc. This comes with great bondage where the individual is not able to act from the place of his inner wisdom, the person cannot live from his truth and there is no real freedom of responding to the Present moment.

The real truth about responsibility is the "ability to respond" to life situations from the place of inner wisdom. This brings true freedom, and this can happen only when we choose to give our attention, our awareness and our consciousness to the moment at hand. Running our lives from the mind on autopilot we continue to 'react' to life rather than 'respond' from our wisdom within. Reactionary living has led to extreme confusion and chaos.

We talk so much about living in freedom, we cannot live in freedom unless we choose to live from the ability to respond to life from our wisdom within. This is a lonely path, no person, no rules and no commandments can teach us this path. To attain true freedom one has to take on the responsibility of living his life from the place of no obligation, no excuses or apologies, no one to rely on or to blame for. To live life spontaneously, in conscious awareness, and be in tune with the Present Moment.

When we choose to walk in freedom we create 'heaven' on Earth, for we each one of us are the bringers of peace and illumination for this Planet. Let us choose to bring our inner light to shine on this beautiful Planet!
Premlatha Rajkumar

Sunday, January 3, 2016


Love is the ALL, love is all there is. Everything in the Universe brings love to our space in many many ways. If we choose to see them, then we are immensely blessed. Love comes in the form of people, in the form of a loved one, in the form of strangers, friends, neighbors, or a cashier in the store. Love comes in the form of beautiful displays of colors and clouds in the evening sky, love comes in the form of a beautiful blooming jasmine plant, love comes in the form of a bird that chooses to sit on your window sill to sing its choicest songs, love comes in the form of a big butterfly that chooses to land on your shoulder, love comes in the form of a huge tree that speaks to you as the breeze passes through its branches, love comes in the form of a stray cat who brings her kittens to your home for you to feel the joy she feels, love comes in the form of the walls and furniture of a silent home that give their silent loving support at times of loneliness, love comes in the form of technology and its connection with people far and wide.
The forms of love are innumerable, the body is the form of love, our hands that help to feed us, comb our hair, wash our face and help us do everything for the body and also show love to our fellow beings is a grand form of love, the earth mother who holds us and supports our every need is a grand form of love, the sun that warms our body and brings light and joy to our existence is a grand form of love, the moon and the stars that embrace us in their mysterious arms are a grand form of love.

Love also takes the form of the so called dark/negative situations that helps us seek for the light and tap into our potential to create grander visions and greater solutions. We are never alone, we are the beloved children of the Universe and love sustains us every moment. Love is the All.
Sharing some pictures of this mother cat who brought her kittens to my patio for me to feel joy - beautiful "Love" in disguise as the mother cat! Life is very kind!
Love is All there IS!
Premlatha Rajkumar