Tuesday, January 5, 2016



Through the "busyness" of modern life, we made our minds to run our life on autopilot. All rules, laws, traditions, scriptures help us to achieve this through the mind. The mind was created to protect the physical body from harm. The mind takes its work seriously and does its job very well.

As beautiful human beings we understand that we are not the body, not the mind or the personality, but we are grand beings who travel beyond time and space, we now live inside the physical body in order to gather the wisdom of the human experience. If this is so then it is important that we live from the place of conscious awareness of the human experience.

Conscious awareness is living spontaneously in the here and now. Our beings are highly intelligent and full of wisdom, we are goodness and unconditional love. There is no need for any rules, laws or scriptures to show us the way. Rules and laws are from the mind and its stories in order to depend on something to protect itself. It puts the responsibility on some person or some organization. This has not given us freedom but has led to chaos and confusion.

Deep within we all crave for freedom, the mind cannot bring us freedom because it is full of fear and it has to depend on something or someone. It cannot take any responsibility, it is simpler for the mind to be dependent because then the responsibility falls on the person, or the laws that one depends on.

The ordinary (societal - meaning) of the word responsibility is doing ones duty (without any individual conscious preference) to the society, to the family, to the country, to the religious authority ... etc. This comes with great bondage where the individual is not able to act from the place of his inner wisdom, the person cannot live from his truth and there is no real freedom of responding to the Present moment.

The real truth about responsibility is the "ability to respond" to life situations from the place of inner wisdom. This brings true freedom, and this can happen only when we choose to give our attention, our awareness and our consciousness to the moment at hand. Running our lives from the mind on autopilot we continue to 'react' to life rather than 'respond' from our wisdom within. Reactionary living has led to extreme confusion and chaos.

We talk so much about living in freedom, we cannot live in freedom unless we choose to live from the ability to respond to life from our wisdom within. This is a lonely path, no person, no rules and no commandments can teach us this path. To attain true freedom one has to take on the responsibility of living his life from the place of no obligation, no excuses or apologies, no one to rely on or to blame for. To live life spontaneously, in conscious awareness, and be in tune with the Present Moment.

When we choose to walk in freedom we create 'heaven' on Earth, for we each one of us are the bringers of peace and illumination for this Planet. Let us choose to bring our inner light to shine on this beautiful Planet!
Premlatha Rajkumar

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