Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sweet Friends,

May this New Year 2014 bring you and your loved ones many many blessings of good health, peace, prosperity, joy, and laughter!

Loving wishes and blessings for a Very Happy New Year!


Saturday, December 21, 2013



When we were little we all loved to play the game of hide-and-seek, we love to find things, we love to collect pennies from the ground, we love to collect sea shells and the list goes on... Today the Creator invites us to play a game of hide and seek with him/her. The Creator loves it when we find him/her, and we love it because it gets us to the place of excitement and joy when we find the Creator.  When we are in the place of excitement and joy the cells of our body recognize it and they create all the conditions in the body and the surrounding environment to create excitement and joy - the product of which is good health, happy relationships, satisfaction, gratitude, laughter, and abundance of every kind.
The cells in our body are full of wisdom and they can do anything that we ask them to do, but at the same time they are our obedient servants, so if we choose to live in fear and feed our cells the idea of fear they create all the things that would match the fear in our body and around us, and if we choose to feed our cells the idea of joy and happiness then they create all the things that would match the joy in our body and in our surrounding environment.
"Happiness is a decision and not a reaction to an experience", this is a powerful truth that many of us have forgotten.  So how do we create happiness and excitement in our life?  We start by looking at the world through the eyes of a child by playing "hide-and-seek" with the Creator.
As you open your eyes in the morning, you look at your pillow and bed clothes, they gave you so much comfort, wow! be excited about it, love the comfort with gratitude. You look at your loved ones, become excited, wow! someone for me in this planet to interact with.  You look at the sun shining, get excited as if you are seeing it for the first time, get excited, wow! how beautiful!  You look at the trees, wow! so green, so beautiful! And every ' wow' says that you have found the Creator! The Creator is excited too, so he runs and hides inside a child, inside a stranger, inside a boss, inside a janitor, inside a fruit, inside a bowl, inside your clothes, inside your shoes and inside the ground you walk on, and asks you to come find him/her.  Be excited and find the Creator at every opportunity, literally say, 'wow, I found you', this may be a silly game but it is a very profound game that keeps one in the place of joy and excitement.  Life becomes pure joy, and the things in your life cannot resist but arrange themselves to match to the joy you are creating.
So come let us choose to play 'hide and seek' with the Creator my sweet friends.
Premlatha Rajkumar  

Friday, December 20, 2013



True generosity is not only in giving but also in receiving. Our love and graciousness in receive gifts form others is a wonderful way of bringing the giver a powerful soul satisfaction. If there were no one to receive what you give, how will you know what generosity is?
I am reminded of the experience of Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, the internationally famous psychiatrist, author and researcher of near death experiences. She had shared this experience with Dr.Brian Weiss, who mentions it in his book "Messages from the Masters."  Dr. Kubler-Ross's mother was a beautiful, caring person who never accepted anything for herself but would give everything to others. The last four years of her life she suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed, but her mind was intact and alert.  She had to rely on others for most of her basic needs. She died after four years without regaining her physical functioning.
 Dr. Kubler-Ross was very much angry with God that her beautiful, strong, proud, and extremely self-reliant mother should go through this condition.  Despite her anger she began to meditate and in her meditation she asked why her mother had to go through the paralysis. The message came to her as a strong inner voice.  The message said that "the paralysis was a gift to her mother, a gift of grace. Love must be balanced. If nobody were there to receive love, who could get the experience of giving? The voice also said that her mother learned this truth in those four years instead of coming back for one or several lifetimes severely retarded or physically impaired where she would have to accept the love of others. Since she learned this she can now move on."
Life is an opportunity to learn to practice love, giving, forgiving, receiving, understanding, and achieving oneness with each other and with the Divine. It is all about learning, there is no punishment here. Everyone of us are in a spiritual journey of achieving this oneness.  Our soul guides us and chooses particular challenges in our life for us to accelerate our spiritual growth. Hence, this life time is an opportunity for us to learn through the joys and pain of relationships and interactions with each other.
Let us choose to be generous in giving and in receiving gifts, in receiving compliments from our friends and loved ones. Let us go beyond the action of giving and receiving and understand that we are One in Spirit and that what we do for others we do for ourselves.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Saturday, December 7, 2013



People call me with many different names and it is extremely joyous to hear. There are people who call me Poppy, there are some who call me Premlatha, there are some who call me mummy, some who call me as sister, as aunty, as friend, and the list goes on... I am so very grateful for this because if there is no one to call me by a name, or acknowledge my presence, I become meaningless, I become invisible. This lifetime in this beautiful physical body is just a moment in eternity. We are travelers beyond space and time, and in the soul realm we insisted that we get a physical body and come and play this physical game by being the unconditional love and joy that we are.
But as we descended into this physical realm and entered a physical body with a mind we forgot the eternal beingness of our essence. We attached ourselves to the body and mind and began to think that we are this body-mind and started playing this game called "I do not know who I am". This game of the mind is a game of duality, the game of likes and dislikes, of good and bad, and hence by classifying people and situations we created something called 'knowledge', yes knowledge was created only from duality. And knowledge and cleverness are there to help the physical body to survive and experience physicality, but knowledge will not help us to live the "truth" of who we are, only wisdom can, because wisdom is beyond likes or dislikes. Who we are is "unconditional love and unconditional joy", when we say unconditional that means that we are beyond the concept of likes or dislikes, our love and our joy does not depend on the game of duality, because duality is conditional.
So for this lifetime, a small moment in eternity, we decided to come into the physical body to emanate unconditional joy and love from our beautiful presence. If we have forgotten this decision and get attached to the physical body and mind we continue to play the game of duality which limits us from being the truth of who we are.
Involving ourselves seriously in the game of duality has three major disadvantages, we forget to notice the gifts around us, we forget to appreciate, and so we forget to do what we came here to do in this physical body (i.e. be the unconditional love and joy that we are)
Appreciation and gratitude are the two important aspects that anchor well being for the physical body and the Planet. We came into the Planet as anchors of well being and joy by emanating unconditional love and joy in every experience of life. Attaching to the game of duality we forget to appreciate people and things and situations that come into our space, due to duality we judge them as good or bad according to our likes and dislikes. Because of this our unconditional love and joy falls into an attitude of love or joy for a reason or for attachment. Unconscious practicing of love or joy for the sake of reason, extremely limits one to live life fully in this lifetime. When we give the power to love or be in joy for a reason, we cannot experience the fullness of life. The physical experience has to wait for a reason, and by judging things in front of us we forget to see the gift in everything around us and forget to enjoy the moment.
Every moment we forget to be the love that we are, we have lost a moment in eternity, we have lost the opportunity that we asked for, the opportunity to experience unconditional love and joy in the physical. When we judge a human we forget to give them the gifts of understanding, of love and of joy we came to give, hence the moment is lost, when we judge a situation we forget to see the gift in the situation and hence forget to appreciate, and hence the moment to live our truth is lost.
All the mindless playing of the duality games take their toll on the physical body. This body is unconditional love, it is like a little child who looks up to you the master essence, the commander who can guide it to anchor well being. The body listens to all the judgments of the duality game and goes into fear and discord and creates dis-ease within itself, it is simply obeying the master- which is you. The best way to get out of the dis-ease of the body and help it to anchor well being is for us the commander and captain of our body ship to wake up to the truth of who we are and do the reverse technology of dropping focus on fear and judgment and totally focusing on looking at the gift in every situation, living in gratitude and appreciation every moment, and celebrating life.
Celebrating the people, things, and situations around us is the powerful reverse technology for healing every aspect of our life. For, everything around us gives us the meaning of who we are in this space and time, we are absolutely and unconditionally supported and loved by life, when we choose to celebrate life with unconditional love and joy we find the meaning that we are seeking for, our physical body gets the message and flourishes with well being and joy, when the body is in joy all abundance is attracted into our life.
I find that this reverse technology of directing our focus and giving our attention to the gifts of the sacred encounters with every human, plant, animal, nature, and every situation around us, appreciating and living in gratitude, and going an extra mile to joyously celebrate every moment, will surely remove all kinds of dis-eases of body, mind, and soul, and it will attract abundance of every kind in our life, and we will be the anchors of well being for this Planet and hence we would satisfy what we came here to do.
Let us choose to awaken from attaching to this game of duality and anchor well being for ourselves and this Planet by living as the unconditional love and joy that we are.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Friday, December 6, 2013



Our Inner being/the mystical power within/ the Divine Presence/the Creator energy is the wisdom of the Universe, it is the internal source of supply and it can solve all problems. It can completely transform our life spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, and financially, placing us on the path to freedom, peace, and joy. This mystical power within is our birthright, it is a gift given to everyone by birth. Through the ages many from all walks of life, who connected with this inner power found their true place in life, released their hidden talents, were inspired into new thoughts and ideas that healed and balanced every part of their life and helped themselves to live more abundant lives.
Recognizing and acknowledging the Creator within as the true source, and allowing this peaceful, harmonious and joyous Creator energy to flow through us will help to manifest harmony, health, peace, infinite riches and abundance in our lives.
The road-blocks that stop this energy from flowing into our lives are self-condemnation, remorse, and judgments about oneself or others, judgments about situations or even about God, resentment or any form of negative thinking. These roadblocks trap and stop the flow of Divine Energy within us and thus all sorts of problems get created. The energy does not expand until it is released. If one is attached and mesmerized by the mind and its stories one becomes blind to these road blocks and the mind stories continue to create more roadblocks.
It is important to be very alert and notice our inner mind chatter. Our inner mind chatter is powerful enough to bind us to it with our emotions if we are not alert. When emotions play with mind chatter the Divine Presence is forgotten and everything that we do not want in life gets created in our reality.
Thoughts, feelings, and emotions are powerful ways of connecting with our Divine Presence. To remove negative mind chatter one can practice affirmations/prayers morning and evening with complete emotion and feeling every word as truth. This is one of the many affirmations I like to do to remove negative thoughts:

I forgive myself for harboring any negative thoughts about
myself or anybody else. I radiate love and goodwill to all people and all beings everywhere. I choose to live in the love and light of my Divine Presence."
This affirmation makes us a clear and open channel for the Divine Presence to flow through us.

“I claim that God’s, light, peace, harmony, truth, beauty, abundance, love, freedom, and security flow through me freely and joyously, and I know that I am now being prospered and blessed beyond my fondest dreams.”
Repeat this prayer aloud or silently throughout the day many times with feeling. As you diligently do this prayer with feeling many times during the day and night, this prayer will be engraved in your heart and all negative thoughts and emotions will be erased and replaced with peace, harmony, joy and this will help the Creative energies to flow within and through you into your reality and you will experience infinite riches of the Divine in all phases of your life.

The art of sowing and reaping is universal; sowing good seeds in the soil of our consciousness will bring forth abundance of good fruit in our reality. Practicing the art of sowing and reaping one has to first give before getting anything. In giving we cannot give the Creator anything physical because everything exists through Creators essence and energy. The most important gift we can give the Creator is to recognize the Creator within as the true source, and give our complete attention, loyalty and trust to the Creator, by choosing to let go all our fears, worries, concepts, ideas, and judgments about ourselves, our situation, about people, or about the Planet. This is the good seed that we can sow in the soil of our consciousness. Once the seed is sown wonders happen, the Divine energy, which is the power and supply of life, freely flows into your life. This Creator energy is the true source out of which this Planet and everything on it is constantly created from the beginning of time till now. Once we have aligned our thoughts with this Creator energy within in full trust and devotion, we have opened the door to an instant and everlasting supply of joy, peace, freedom, and infinite riches.
Let us choose to sow good seeds in the soil of our consciousness.
Premlatha Rajkumar
Copyright © 2013 Premlatha Rajkumar