Wednesday, March 25, 2015



Q:   How to get rid of negative thoughts, I am sometimes overwhelmed with thoughts that  do not support me, and I do not know how to stop them?

A:The very idea that you are able to notice your thoughts is wonderful.  That is the first step to awareness.  The more you give time to notice your thoughts, the more the thoughts will vanish.
Please do positive affirmations many times during the day, this will help to erase the thought and rewrite good thoughts over it.
Place  your attention on what ever  you are doing at a time.

Let me share some examples that have worked wonders for me:
 If you are washing dishes, just be with the dishes, notice the feel of the water, the soap, feel the shape of the dish be with it with  your complete attention, this will stop all thoughts and make you come into the now moment where thoughts cannot survive.
If you are brushing teeth, as you pass the brush close your eyes and feel each teeth.
As you take a shower be with the feel of the water on your body, the feel of the soap on your hands, just be with the feeling, there will be absolutely no thoughts because you are in the now moment.
As you cook food be there with the vegetables as you cut them, feel the feelings that are received by your hand,  the smells and the tastes,  give thanks for every rice grain, every vegetable etc. that has given its life for your nutrition.
While eating tell yourself "I enjoy every food I eat and I love every cell of my body" then eat slowly paying attention to every mouth full of food by following it as it is ground in the teeth, and swallowed to your stomach.
While walking just take a moment to notice the feel of the ground as your feet touches the ground, notice the movement of your legs one after the other, this will keep  you in the now moment.
Make a small note to yourself on your work table, write the words "Breathe" as a reminder.  And as you are busy working sometimes when you notice the note, just stop everything for a moment and notice at least one cycle of inward and outward breath then continue with your work.  These small moments of awareness are very profound and they will help you to drop all unwanted thoughts.

Take time to pay attention to every simple thing as much as possible, just be there with everything you do, and automatically thoughts will go away, and they will be replaced with alertness which will keep you aware of everything around you effortlessly, you will be amazed!
Premlatha Rajkumar

Friday, March 20, 2015



Gratitude can happen only when the mind is free of judgmental thoughts. A moment of silence to notice ones breath can make gratitude happen, a moment of silence in nature can make gratitude happen, a moment of silence to listen to ones heart beat can make gratitude happen. It takes only a moment of silence to feel the Divine Presence within and around us.
No one can teach us gratitude, gratitude happens in response to a quiet mind. Gratitude happens in knowing that everything within and around us, our breath, our heart beat, nature... everything has been given benevolently for our life to be in effortless ease.
The grandest prayer to the Creator is a prayer of Gratitude. When we are able to give this prayer sincerely from the heart, it simply means that the mind is enlightened, and we are willing and open to receive the gifts of life with love, awareness, sensibility, and Joy.
Gratitude is a great place to be, it is also a place of magic, for it brings abundance into our life in lightning speed!
And abundance is not only money, it is good health, good relationships, happiness and immense well being of all kind.
Let us drop judgments, quieten our mind and make Gratitude happen this day.
Premlatha Rajkumar

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


(For all the sweet friends who are going through grief at this time)
Losing a loved one creates intense grief, there is no consolation for this in this earth life. It feels as if a part of you has died. 
Life and death are so mysterious, one can never ask the question "why" because there is absolutely no answer for this.
I understand form my heart space that life and death are both benevolent gifts.
I feel that pain in any form helps us to stop whatever we are doing and makes us to just be. The pain of losing a loved one, opens a door to the Divine, if only we allow ourselves to just 'be'
Life is a dream, we are the dream makers and not the dream. Everything in the dream has to disappear sometime, but the dream is not our home.
The dream maker is an infinite being, an eternal spark of the Creator, the dream maker is a traveler beyond time and space. Our lost loved ones are our beautiful soul mates, dream makers, they create beautiful dreams with us and then go on towards their wondrous journeys beyond time and space.
The highest love and the greatest respect we can give them is to acknowledge that they are alive and well wherever they are, this will allow them to move on into their wondrous journeys, but a part of them will always be ours to cherish.
The dream maker is the witness, the watcher. The watcher is the only constant, being the watcher, witnessing life, is the key to open the mysteries of life and death. It does not bring a solution to this earth life, but it opens a new door to who we really are.
We are the dream makers, the infinite, radiant beings, part of the Creator, who travel beyond time and space and create magical dreams. This earth life is just a small dream moment in eternity.
May Divine comfort and peace abound!
Premlatha Rajkumar

Saturday, March 14, 2015


The more I connect with plants, the more I realize that they are the most highly evolved beings on the Planet.
When I was a little girl, I was fascinated by the huge trees around my family home, I loved to play underneath their shade, and when the wind rustled their leaves, I felt that the tree spoke to me in comforting language. I had a challenging childhood and the trees, the green grass, the spring flowers and the butterflies gave me so much of comfort and companionship. Even today I love to sit near plants and trees and just BE.
I came across people who practice breatharianism ( these are those who do not consume food or water but just live by breathing air and absorbing light for their bodies). It is said that humans have this capacity in them, but because it was not practiced for eons, this lies dormant in us. And when I came across breatharians, it lead me to think about plants and trees. Plants are true breatharians, they live in the light and breath of God! They have highly evolved devices ( chlorophyll) in them to capture the sunlight and process it as food for all creatures on the Planet!
There are so many excellent studies and research done about the miraculous healing effects of chlorophyll for the body.
Plants are givers, they give food, clothing, shelter, medicines, gums, resins, rubber, and the list goes on and on. Every thing of necessity for living on the Planet is given by plants.
They are great Spirits, with their immense compassion have allowed themselves to be cut down, burnt, chopped, walked upon.
They are great healers, their great Spirits communicate with us if we connect with them. I always find that great peace, comfort, and great ideas to solve problems come to me when I am in stillness in a garden around plants or under a tree.
When I first came to the USA one of my friends was talking to me about the forget-me-not flowers, she said that they are tiny delicate blue flowers. I wanted to see these flowers. One day I was standing under a tree and was talking to this tree about these flowers, and I felt this clear communication, the tree spirit asked me to look down at the grass where I was standing and, when I looked down there were these beautiful delicate blue forget-me-nots!
I have a few potted plants in my home, they are lovely companions, they teach me stillness to connect with Spirit. At times when I am busy, suddenly they call my attention and they make me slow down and come back to my awareness and connection with my Divine Self.
When I have potted plants near my bed, I have noticed that I often dream of Nature Spirits and so I definitely know that when we bring plants into our home they not only cleanse and rejuvenate our home but they also bring Nature Spirits to bless our home and family!
I have also noticed that they cleanse and diffuse negativity form the home and they bring so much of sweet, comforting, sacred energy to the space they are in. In one of Dolores Cannon's book, " Keepers of the Garden" it says that the Creator beings when they find a Planet that is suitable for life the first creatures that they bring there are Plants. The Plants clean the environment of all toxins and fill the environment with atmosphere suitable for other life forms to live in.
We have a park in my home town in India, and as a little girl when I visited this park, someone had placed a board at the entrance saying " IN THIS PLANET WE ARE GUESTS OF PLANTS". That was a powerful reminder for me and for everyone.
One of my spiritual teachers told me that when I sit in stillness near a plant, it is the simplest and most profound practice to know my Divine Self.
Let us choose to connect with these beautiful beings of great compassion and kindness. They remind us of the love, compassion and kindness that we are born with. They are great teachers who teach us to live in gratitude, to respect ourselves, our Divine nature, and to respect this Planet our Home.
~Premlatha Rajkumar

Monday, March 9, 2015



Every day in every way I am becoming more and more prosperous.

I always have whatever I need. The Universe takes good care of me.

I am thankful for the abundance and prosperity in my life.

I was prosperous, am prosperous and will always be prosperous.

I allow all good things to come into my life and I enjoy them.

My life is full of love, joy, good health, and all the material things that I need.

Affirmations are mantras, the key to activate the affirmations is to FEEL every word that we say with full feeling.
Affirmations can be memorized and repeated or written many times during the day, anytime, anywhere.
Affirmations are powerful gifts that help to erase old thought patterns that do not support us anymore, and to rewrite them with empowering thought patterns.
Our thoughts create our life, let us choose to create abundance in every aspect of our life.

Premlatha Rajkumar


(An excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace")

All of existence is made from the material of consciousness-source-God. There is no separation, everything is equal, and everything in existence is made of the same material. Our relationship to things of existence depends on our growth in consciousness.
Time and money are also the grand creations of consciousness. But separating time and money as power and attaching to it is the story of the mind. Believing our mind stories, we attach ourselves to our physical world intensely. We have hypnotized ourselves into believing that being busy all of the time is purposeful and noble. The busier we are, the more important we feel about ourselves. The material world is only one part of our reality, but we have started to define others and ourselves by what we produce. We stress ourselves out with achievements, deadlines, and productions. In a world of overwork, our hearts harden, and illness and pain become our companions.
We are multidimensional beings who also live in the invisible and spiritual dimensions. Just by watching our thoughts, we know that there is a being who watches the thoughts. Just by watching the body perform its actions, we know that there is a being who works the body. Our dreamtime feels so real that it makes us wonder if we were in another place at another time. If we travel to space in a rocket we come to know that the sun never sets nor does it rise, and we also understand that the directions of north, south, east, or west is just a concept in a map. We are much more than who we think we are, and existence is much grander.
Every religion talks about a day of rest, a day to make sacred; a Sunday for Christians, a Saturday for Jews, and a Friday for Muslims and Hindus. Living in our minds, we believe that it is one day of the week where we do things other than our regular work. Reserving a sacred day is a practice to move into state of rest, renewal, and conscious connection to the Divine. It is a spiritual practice to realign with our birthright to inner peace. When we take time to anchor our Spiritual Energy, it balances our life. We become our wholesome selves, and we come into our power.
Consciously choosing to organize our time to connect with our Divine Presence is a wise way to relate to our time and money. Our sacred connection can be a moment, a day, a week, or a month. It can be taking in a deep conscious breath anytime during the day, it may be meditation, it may be connecting with nature, sitting in stillness, or even a mental act of counting our blessings.
At the deepest level we are pure consciousness beyond form and content. We are made of unconditional love. The moment we connect and align with our Divine Presence, it embraces everything within and around us. Mysteriously, our body feels embraced, healed, and comforted by this love, and every situation dealing with time, money, or relationships on the outside is also set right. This is our wholesome power as every creation happens from here and abundance in life flows from here.
Choosing to live in joy and gratitude, taking time to laugh more, to play more, and to choose to celebrate every aspect of life, is a successful way to relate to time and to manifest abundance in life.

Premlatha Rajkumar

Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.