Thursday, June 21, 2012


Conscious awareness is mastery. Conscious awareness is the light that absorbs the darkness, it brings information to erase the illusion of fear.

Be conscious of each moment, be the witness, notice that you are awareness.

Witness the world around, notice the gentle breeze touching your cheek and rustling your hair, hear the birds singing on the trees, the dogs barking, smell the flowers, be aware of the warmth of the sunshine on your skin, be fully aware and present in your pain, in your sadness and in your joy, be in the moment alive and aware.

You are awareness, and awareness is powerful.

When awareness is present it fills the space that may otherwise be occupied by thoughts of fear, anger, or desire. The thoughts captured by the mind keep us in a kind of hypnosis , this hypnosis creates the illusion called ‘fear’. When we buy into our fear we are lost in the illusion of 'suffering' created by the mind. Awareness does not come from the mind, it comes from within, and awareness brings timelessness into the dimension of time, it brings the connection and inspiration from the formless dimension. The more aware you are the more you understand that you are the awareness expressing in form for a little while.

Holding awareness, you are fully present. When you are Present you allow things to be, instead of exaggerating or feeding your pain. When you aware in your pain, the light of understanding shines through. Every aspect of life becomes beautiful and sacred. Life is this moment. And when this moment is lived with awareness, the next moment will also be the best.


~Premlatha Rajkumar~

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