Saturday, April 24, 2010


As I am writing this to you Great Spirit's message to you this day is that you are beloved and you are greatly loved, more than you can ever imagine. There are millions of unseen hands around you to help you in all ways possible. You are never ever alone, in fact you were born with your Spirit family who are the sweet guides and guardians and angels. They watch over you lovingly and support you in every way.

At this time they are asking you to love yourself more; you see all these years you have loved everything around you more than you yourself. Spirit now asks you to love yourself as you are the most precious person in your life and your body is the temple where the Divine Dwells. The more you love yourself, the more you will be able to make powerful wise decisions for yourself, you will be able to give wonderful gifts to yourself.

You belong to the family of light, and every family of light has come to the planet on assignment. Your assignment is to find solutions in limitations. As you signed up to come to this planet in this human body, your eternally powerful soul-self planned to bring this limitation into your life situations so that you will find solution in love and light and bring the victory of love over fear.

As soon as you came to this planet beloved, the illusions portrayed by this world outside was that "you are not good enough", " you are not worthy". These lies got imprinted into your mind and your experiences of fear took over.

The mind has only the worldly experience and does not know anything other than that. But the moment you connect with your heart and start living from your heart, your heart will teach you to be the master that you are! For your heart is the library that holds all information and messages from your many past lives, parallel lives and multidimensional lives that you are living. For truly you are not only this little human self but also much much much more, a most beautiful unlimited entity!!! And your assignment is to find the solution to victory over fear by love! This solution will be used powerfully not only for you, but for the Universe itself!!!

So even if your mind is not able to comprehend much of what I am saying please follow with your heart and you will understand the magnificience of who you are.

I now tell you to rejoice in whatever the human language may call as "problem" because this is the best thing that is helping to trigger you into your mastership!!!

I introduce you to a series of exercises that involve affirmations, and meditations. Take them slowly, relax and enjoy and choose to do these things and become the true magician of your life.

The very first exercise that you start is with loving the self. Loving the self involves affirmations. Affirmations are mantras, they are words but they get the magical power only from your feelings. Your feelings are the KEY. So please choose to repeat the mantra many times during the day by feeling every word as true for you. first thing in the morning when you wake up, see yourself in the mirror and look into the eyes of this beautiful being and say the mantra with feeling. At first it may feel odd, but as you patiently practice it will come easily.

Also whenever you have free time, memorize this mantra and write it down as many times as you can with feeling , like a love letter to yourself.

The Mantra:(adapted from Louise.L Hay's teachings)

"I love and approve of myself
I am wonderful
Today is one of the best days of my life
Everything is working out for my highest good
Whatever I need to know is revealed to me
Whatever I need comes to me
All is well".

The second message that I am sharing with you is the Miracle Light Prayer which the Holy Spirit taught me:

Miracle Light Prayer is all about re-membering yourself with your family of light. YOUR FAMILY OF LIGHT are the angels and guardians and guides that were born with you into this planet, they are always around you and ever ready to help you in any way. But it is only when you call unto them can they help you because they are bound by human freewill, so unless you call unto them they cannot help you.

You already know that only when a cup is empty it can be filled. So the most important thing to do when coming into the kingdom of God is to keep your body (the cup) empty (empty of all worries and fear), so that the Spirit of God can pour and fill in you.

The Great Spirit is powerful, blinding, liquid, golden white light. God's Spirit breathed into you when you were made, and so the Spirit is all around you. Every breath you take is God.

If God the Great Spirit is a huge SUN, then we each are a ray from this SUN. Hence we also have the same power as this SUN , to love, to create, to forgive, and to be in joy.

So we are co-creators with the Great Spirit on this planet. Hence, eventhough the Spirit is all around you, unless you acknowledge and take up your power to feel it there is no creation happening.

So in this co-creation of re-membering yourself with the Great Spirit, be very pleasantly placed towards yourself; love yourself and forgive yourself and approve of yourself, for you are indeed a member of God.

To communicate with Spirit you do not need a language. All you need is only your thoughts and feelings. And most important your feeling of worthiness, worthy to receive and be blessed with great and wondrous things.

To begin the communication, please create a sacred space for yourself in your home where you will not be disturbed by people, pets or the telephone. Here create an altar, it is not that Spirit desires for you to do rituals to communicate, but it is just a mark of respect for yourself and for Spirit.

To create an altar, you can bring a few fresh flowers, light 3 candles, place clear water in a clear crystal bowl, or you can place pictures of loved ones, or any ornaments or small stones that you had connected with in one of your walks, fresh spring leaves etc.

Any thing that you feel close to your heart can make up your altar.

As you have made the altar it symbolizes your intention to communicate with Spirit, this is actually an invocation.
Now the next step is visualization. Visualize in your mind's eye your body as an empty jar or cup waiting to be filled with the love and light of Great Spirit. And see in your mind's eye a huge blinding, brilliant, liquid, golden white light, like the sun above your head.

Now watch the movement of air within and without your body as you breathe in and breathe out. Now with every inbreath pull down this liquid golden white light from the crown of your head to flow into your body and fill your body. As you breathe out allow this light to overflow out to the space around you through your heart.

Continue to breathe in this manner from your crown by visualization. As every cell of your body get rejuvenated with love and light, at one point you will feel peace, harmony, even a chill may run up your spine. At this time you understand that your spirit is ONE with God's Spirit. Your will is God's will!

At this place of love and light bring unto God your petition, or your need. In your minds eye with your powerful thoughts and feelings, see your happy goal (the happy result to your need that you want to achieve). See and feel deep within your being the happy result only, see yourself smiling and in great joy as you are in the place of this perfect result. (I have to remind you here that in the Kingdom of God there is no time and space there is only the NOW, and so it is enough for you to see only the result in this now moment).

Do not tell Spirit how to achieve the result, for Spirit's ways are wonderful more than we can imagine and Spirit knows how the result can be reached. On your part see only the happy result and give thanks. Give thanks that you are in the place where it is already done. This is the enchantment of faith, faith beyond human understanding.

If you have more than one petition, you can bring them to Spirit's presence and do the same by visualizing only the happy result or goal.

After you are done with these things, you ask Spirit to cover you in this golden white light like a huge bubble thoughout the day. Give thanks and open your eyes when you are comfortable.

****** The light is around you all the time so you can breathe in lung fulls of it wherever you go, in the grocery store or while in your vehicle, anywhere. Especially when you are worried or in fear breathe in lung fulls of this light. In fact make it a habit to breathe light as many times as you can and experience the joy of magic and miracles!

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