Thursday, September 11, 2014



A Sweet friend recently asked me:
If God is unconditional love and he takes care of everything then why there is suffering in the world. How can I contribute towards the happiness of others? If i strive for higher awareness, will it contribute towards the happiness of others?

This is a great question my friend. 
This was a question that I asked myself about some 30 years ago. So let me share some of the observations and conclusions from my contemplation about this.

In the beginning due to religious instructions and the influence of society, I thought that I was a servant to God and I always serve to his wishes, the more I served the more heartache was there. Since my thoughts were on service to the Divine and I considered myself as a servant I was often in situations that needed greater service and these situations triggered my emotions of pity, sadness, judgment and anger towards God.

In order to get out of my sadness I began considering the thought that God is my Parent, from the place of believing God to be my parent I started begging and pleading to heal the suffering of my fellow beings and myself many times, I found that I lost my happiness and lived in greater fear and dependence on the being that I called as God.

As I continued this belief in my mind, at one point this annoyed me greatly as I witness life taking its toll on everything I held dear. I disowned the belief in the entity that I called as God and went into deep contemplation. I came to the conclusion that life goes on creating its ups and downs whether I accept it or not. Hence, I decided to accept life as it is, which I thought is the best possible way to keep my thoughts from wanting things to be different than what life brings my way, keeping myself away from arguing with life brought me the gift of peace. As I became more cautious to keep myself away from confusion and sadness from my judgments about life, I slowed down my pace of doing things and I started becoming a witness of life.

Witnessing life in all its colors amazed me immensely. As I took time to become a grand witness I saw myself blending with life and I became ONE with everything, every situation, every person! I could feel and know many things even before I witnessed them. From this place I understood and admired the Creator of All That IS, I felt myself One with the Creator, one in partnership with the Creator, I felt myself as a Co-Creator with the Creator of All That IS.

I was awed by creation, I understood that when I choose to hold the consciousness of peace within me, the situations around me blended in with peace. I understood that when I choose to be in the place of non-judgment by being the witness of life and holding the consciousness of peace within, living life in the physical seems to be effortless. Hence I understood that consciousness is the one that is responsible for any kind of creation. This is the deeper mystery, deeper truth that I experienced in this journey of life.

At present I am going through a very tough situation but I consciously choose to accept what IS, and hold peace within. This has helped me bring in grander solutions for the problems at hand which I could never have done if I was judging the situation. Also I am able to see wonderful gifts even in this tough situation, and this makes me hold the consciousness of appreciation, this makes me live in peace and happiness beyond my wildest dreams.

Living in oneness with life and choosing appreciation and gratitude has brought so much joy to my heart, this joy gives me freedom to hold grander visions , release from the creations of the past and create grander worlds for myself and this Planet, and the more I hold these visions the more they manifest effortlessly.

And answering your last question, YES, if you choose to live from the place of awareness, which is mindfulness with non-judgment, you will definitely move towards understanding the mystery of life, you will live as a peace keeper, and when you are in this place your consciousness will touch every person in your space and bring them peace and ease.

So the greatest gift we can give ourselves and this Planet is our self-realization to live as our divine selves on this Planet.

Trust that I have answered your question.
Premlatha Rajkumar

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