Wednesday, July 10, 2013



As humans we seek for happiness, and in our seeking we get lost in the games of life. Every situation whether the mind labels it as good or bad brings us the gift of wisdom. We can gather this gift only when we are awake and alert. Due to the busyness of life we forget to be awake. 
At this point in time many are asking for a way out of the trials and challenges that they or their loved ones are facing. From my spiritual journeys these are the two main keys that work amazingly for me.

The first and foremost thing in any situation or trouble involving finance, relationship, health... etc. is to realize that we are not only our physical bodies but also a greater part of us is our consciousness. Whatever we hold in our consciousness, the Universe will match it abundantly. We are the beloved children of the Universe and the Universe understands only the language of the consciousness, not the spoken language. Hence it is very important to notice what we are holding in our consciousness.

Whenever there is a problem we focus more and more on the problem and the mind chatter goes on and on about the problem, we give our life force energy through our attention to the problem, we feed it and make it come alive, and the problem becomes bigger and more bigger, till our entire consciousness is on the problem only. The moment we notice this, it is very important to drop all thoughts about the problem, because these thoughts of thinking again and again about the problem is not going to help us or anyone else. We need to stop talking about it to others and also to ourselves in our mind.

The mind is full of fear so it will bring these story thoughts again and again, I found that at this time the best way to get rid of these thoughts is to take a full deep breath, place your hand on your heart, or recite a small mantra like "Om Shanthi" or "I trust my Higher Self/God" .... these are tools that would help erase these fearful story thoughts.

The next important step is to move out of the box of the story of what happened and imagine/visualize/create in the mind's eye everything that can bring in harmony, balance, and peace. Just imagine in your mind's eye your loved ones or yourself who is going through the challenge... smiling, laughing, being at peace, tell them/yourself in your mind's eye "you can do it", "you are getting better and better".... Be creative use all your imagination and pour your feelings into this picture of peace and harmony as many times during the day as you can.

These are the two most important energy work you can do easily, these are the greatest gifts you can give yourself and your loved ones. For whatever you choose to hold in your consciousness will be manifested big time, you will witness magic and miracles.
Let us choose to be the miracle makers of life!
Premlatha Rajkumar

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