Saturday, June 29, 2013



My Sweet Friends,
Yesterday I shared a note on 'Trusting your feelings' . Some of you  have asked me to explain the emotions of anger, sadness, anxiety, and frustration and how can that be related to trusting ones feelings. This is the answer for this question.
 Feelings and emotions are two different things, Emotions are reactionary they are born out of the mind story of judgments, Feelings are never reactionary and they are born in response to the situation around us, they are the gentle nudges that we often ignore. We are so habituated and attached to social consciousness and mind stories that we have never learnt to trust in ourselves. When we start to love ourselves completely we would be kind to ourselves, we would stop terrorizing ourselves by reacting to every story thought of the mind, then we would become the patient observers of life and then we would be more aware of the feelings that arise from within. Feelings are always from the heart, feelings are your truth, when you are married to your truth, when you do exactly what your heart tells you, then your relationship with yourself is so great that everything around you falls into place automatically, you need not do anything about it. But since humanity has habituated itself to unconsciously react to judgmental thoughts of the mind, we lost our integrity to be true to ourselves. Our feelings would say one thing but because of social consciousness or the mind story we choose to do the opposite, and this breaks our relationship with ourselves, we become miserable on the inside and we project it on to every relationship on the outside.
 Anger, sadness, anxiety, and frustration are emotions and they are outcomes of this sadness on the inside, the sadness of not listening to the gentle voice inside and treating oneself unkindly by attaching to social consciousness and judgments. Being consciously awake is a journey and when one is angry or frustrated at anytime, one needs to stop, get to a place where one is alone, start noticing the breath and start noticing the anger thoughts that pass through the mind continue to be the witness of the breath and notice... just be in that space, and there will be a transformation.
Namaste my dear Friends!
Premlatha Rajkumar  

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