Sunday, November 24, 2013



Have  you ever looked at your hands and appreciated them? I see my hands as being unconditional love, they move and do so much for me, without my hands my experience in this physical planet would be very much limited. My hands do not have any desire of their own but by their unconditional love they are there ready whenever I want them for me or for others!  What an amazing love this is! My hands, feet, and my entire physical body remind me to be unconditional love.
In this physical planet we are the hands, feet, mouth... of God.  That which is God/Creator being, is experiencing itself through us.  This moment in time as a physical being is truly a grand experience!
Extending our hands, feet, and mouth as a blessing for others is a grand experience. We came into this Physical body as unconditional love. Unconditional love is the truth of who we are. Unconditional love is not emotional love focused on someone or something from the mind, it has no likes or dislikes, it is not about extending love to someone in particular, but it is about being love. Being in the place of readily giving kindness, compassion, appreciation, acceptance, and understanding to yourself and everyone around you because you know that you are the well spring of unconditional love. Unconditional love has no need or dependency on anyone or anything, it is powerful, magical and sufficient unto itself, it flows as a beautiful sharing from the heart.  It is the tantra or mystical experience that transforms the whole world into lovers!
Living as unconditional love is a choice that comes from connecting with the inner being and experiencing oneself as the inner being/God within. And experiencing oneself as the inner being can be done only from totally living in the present moment. If the present moment is interrupted by allowing the mind to wander to worlds of the past or the future, we miss the present moment and also the experience of unconditional love.
Let us choose to experience and live our lives as unconditional love every moment!
Premlatha Rajkumar   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Poppy for your inspirational reminders and guidance of what life is really about!