Thursday, November 14, 2013



A sweet friend asked me a question today: Why are some people poor and some people rich?

We are the creators of our reality, absolutely, all of it, 100% of the time. 

Let me tell you about being poor or rich, when someone is poor, all their belief system tells them that they are not worthy and this is how they will live, unless someone wakes them up from their belief system and tell them that they are worthy and can choose to live a wonderful life. If they choose to wake up, they will change their life, they will create it accordingly.

A rich man is rich because he believes that he will always be rich, his thoughts are all about making money. But this does not say that he is living his life in richness. His mind may be on money, he can create a lot of money for himself, but he may not be healthy, he may have lousy relationships, he may have no joy, he is actually living a poor life.

Abundance has nothing to do with wealth or money. Abundance includes good health, good relationship, laughter, joy, wonderment, and every aspect of well being. Every thing in this Planet has been created for you, every person, every situation, every place is there for you to know yourself. There is never any possibility of failure. You can be as creative, good, talented, adventurous as you like and give your energy fully and completely every moment, and come into the realization that what you have is enough and more than enough.

So a person is truly rich if they can choose to live in gratitude and choose to be happy and choose to experience life fully in the moment, whatever the conditions around them may be.

This is living every moment consciously in awareness doing and enjoying whatever you want to do fully and completely, and most importantly being kind and loving towards yourself. Kind and loving means never encouraging unkind thoughts about yourself or others in your mind, choosing to gift yourself with happy thoughts of health, beauty, well being, gratitude, and joy. Then you are the richest person in the Planet you are living in abundance!
Premlatha Rajkumar

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