Friday, May 17, 2013



Soul/ atma/consciousness is who we are, we are an eternal spark of the Creator, one that is never born and one that never dies.  We are travelers through space and time, and for this moment in time we reside in these human bodies and experience the world through these bodies. But we are not these bodies, these bodies are our vehicles, like the cars we drive, they are of different colors and shapes.  If we get hypnotized by this world of colors and forms we limit ourselves and we lose the meaning of who we are.  That which resides in every form whether it be a tree, a rock, a cloud, or man is consciousness, consciousness is what contains all forms within itself.  When we attach to form we limit ourselves but when we go beyond form to realize the formless, the consciousness that creates and contains all things we realize ourselves as infinite beings of unlimited expansion. When we live aligned with consciousness we live in the Present moment, the now moment where we realize our Buddha-Self/ our Christ- Self/ our Krishna-Self/ our Higher Self, all creation and transformation takes place in this Present Moment, the moment of power and grace.

I am reminded of Eckhart Tolle's definition of the word Buddha in his book "A New Earth". In Eckhart Tolle's words, " Some years ago when visiting China, I came upon a stupa on a mountaintop near Guilin. It had writing embossed in gold on it, and I asked my Chinese host what it meant. "It means 'Buddha,' " he said. "Why are there two characters rather than one?"  I asked.  "One," he explained means 'man'.  The other means 'no'.  And the two together means 'Buddha.'"  I stood there in awe.  The Character for Buddha already contained the whole teaching of the Buddha, and for those who have eyes to see, the secret of life. Here are the two dimensions that make up reality, thingness and no-thingness,  form and the denial of form, which is the recognition that form is not who you are.

One of my teachers taught me this beautiful mantra for the aligning with the soul. I love this mantra and I repeat it many times during the day and feel refreshing, rejuvenating energy fill my being.  I wish to share it at this time with you my friends.  It is :
"I am soul
I am the light divine
I am love
I am will
I am perfect design"

Atma Namaste to you my dear soul friends! _/\_

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