Friday, May 16, 2014


(A question and answer session to share)

Q: A Sweet friend recently asked me about why other people's lives are so successful while things were not going so well for him.

A: I feel this is a question many many of us are asking at this time and hence I wanted to share this answer.
When things are not going as well as we want them to we often tend to look at other people's successful lives and envy the ease of their progress. We do not realize that they too have gone through their ups and downs, in fact none of us are immune to the disorderliness of things, every person experiences disorder at different times in their lives.  The real difference between us who are going through discord  at this time and those whom we envy for their success is just timing.  Our minds tend to see only what is in front of us, the mind cannot see the bigger picture. We can only perceive a minuscule part of the person's life, but we cannot see the entire 360 degrees of his/her life experiences throughout time and space. It is not right for us to come to a conclusion that other people always have successful lives, when we have no idea about their past or their future life experiences.
It is important to remember that everything in life has its timings/seasons. After every sunset there is sure to be a sunrise, after every winter there is sure to be a spring, after every phase of sorrow there is sure to be joy and excitement.  It is wise to be very conscious of the flow of life, to be in the place of trust and patience and to accept things as they are.  For nothing is permanent, when we take courage to face our fears, a kind of sanity arises within us and helps us move forward with balance. Every moment is a grand success when we are able to see the gift every moment brings, for every down moment creates a seeking and reveals wisdom, and every up moment creates gratitude and balance.  Every moment is precious if we choose to face it without judgment, and every moment we are present we harvest immense wisdom for ourselves and for this Planet.
May we choose to be alert and awake to every situation that life benevolently brings our way!
Premlatha Rajkumar

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