Saturday, July 25, 2015


Most of the problems we face today are due to stress, stress is created because we do not see ourselves as worthy.  Our religions, society, and the people around us have drummed into us that we are not worthy and that we are not good enough.
So it is hard to see ourselves as worthy of the Creator's love, worthy to live a wonderful life, or even worthy of happiness and well being.

Since we have the feeling of unworthiness we do not willingly accept the gifts of life, we are not able to receive compliments, we are afraid to be happy or show our happiness, we do not develop the eyes to see the beauty around us,  we do not even allow God to love us, for we constantly think that we are unworthy to receive.

The feelings of unworthiness and lack of self-esteem are all arrogance against creation.  It is like pointing a finger at the Creator and saying that the Creator did not do the job perfectly. The Creator would never create something unworthy in the first place.

Seeking approval, seeking appreciation, comparing oneself, and competing with things on the outside arise from feelings of unworthiness and lack of self love.
It is not worth trying to please people, people can never appreciate what we like or do. The only person who can love and appreciate us the way we like to be appreciated is  we ourselves.

Guilt, shame, disappointment, and depression come through comparison and competition stories of the mind. This keeps us down because this is not who we are. Every time we feel down, it is a clear indication for us to align back with our joy.  

It is time we awaken to the truth that the feelings of unworthiness are learned behavior from the society around us, it is a belief system suggested in the disguise as humility.

True humility is loving the self as the temple where the Creator resides, aligning with the source of joy from our inner being, it is living the attitude of appreciation of every aspect of life, it is living from the place of non-judgment, compassion, and oneness with all beings, it is accepting and allowing every aspect of life with appreciation.  This is truth of who we are.

We are beloved children of the Universe and we are so greatly loved more than we can ever imagine. We are forever worthy to live a wonderful life.

Let us choose to allow the love and light of the Creator to fill our lives, let us choose to open our arms and receive the wonderment and joy that life brings our way every moment.

Premlatha Rajkumar​

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