Saturday, March 19, 2016

Blessed are you....

Blessed are you when you choose to change your story. You are born into a community, a culture, a tradition, a society who imprint your mind with a story that has been told and retold from ancient times.
Every story is personal to the person who experienced it eons ago. Their story cannot become the story of you who live in this new time, let go the old stories and tell yourself a new story to empower your life.
Every healing, every turn in life for betterment is always accompanied by a change in the story we tell ourselves.
Let go belief systems and empower yourself with the knowledge that nothing is impossible, the meaning for everything is the meaning you give it. And the most beautiful truth is that the Universe conspires with your feelings to help manifest your intention.
Ordinary people become extraordinary when they choose to change their story, and receive the gifts that life is ever-willing to offer.

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