Friday, June 17, 2016

Blessed are you ....

Blessed are we when we can share our courage, our strength, and our positive attitude with everyone. It is truly wonderful when we can share our appreciation for life, it is wonderful when we can be happy for each others' blessings, and if we can help each other to see the gifts that we all are blessed with. It is sad to note that complaining and having a 'poor me' story has been ingrained in our society. We have come to believe that the only way to communicate with each other is through our sad stories, making them bigger than life. Self expression is good and healing, but not at the expense of manipulating the person who is sweet enough to listen. The purpose of self expression is to move above the story and get to see the bigger picture, the listener creates a space for this. It is time we take responsibility to face our fear, learn to see the gift in every situation so that we create solutions. Let us choose to make our communication a grand way of uplifting each other, let us bless one another every chance we get.

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