Sunday, July 10, 2016

A thought to share....

This planet is a beautiful home for all beings. We humans are one family. We live here in these physical bodies to care for each other and to share with each other. Nothing physical belongs to us, everything physical is borrowed, our body, our breath, our thoughts, the physical things we use everyday... all are borrowed from the earth, nothing ever belongs to us. We are great beings who live in these physical bodies for a short while, our stay here on this planet is to experience humanity. We all are deeply interconnected, there is no separation, hence love is the only option. Competition, comparison, hoarding things, separating ourselves with false ideas of religion, race, nationality, education, money, power, warring against each other for such meaningless things will create more and more chaos and suffering. The one true miracle is removing all false ideas and illusions of separation and anchoring oneness. We truly live in each other and so when we open our hearts to care for each other we bring abundance into our lives and into this Planet. May we awaken to the Divine truth of our oneness!

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