Monday, September 25, 2017


All of nature is in total awareness.
Research shows that when a tree is dying, it will call unto the insects that can feast on it and help it to die.
The Russian Spiritual teacher, Anastasia, says that if you put the tomato seeds in your mouth and mix them with your saliva and then plant them in the soil, the seeds would have read your entire body system. And when they are growing into tomato plants if you give them water that was used to wash your hands, feet, etc. the plant would get more knowledge about the nutrients that are lacking in your body, and so when it brings forth the fruit, the tomato will have all the things you need for the health of your body.
In spiritual circles it is open knowledge that the animals which come to your space help to bring emotional balance to your life.
Ancient people who live in deep deserts and forests, can travel to new places many kilometers without a map and reach the right place, within the right time. They see how high certain birds build their nests and can tell how much rainfall will be available that year. They also knew the language of the clouds and the air and thrived with awareness.
In this modern world we live in so much fear because we forgot the art of conscious connection with nature. We forgot to connect with our own inner being, which is the most powerful place where we attain the wisdom of 'Oneness' with nature.
Living in conscious awareness, life is not fueled with fear but fueled with a deep connection and knowing with all beings, Life blossoms like a flower with goodness for all, and we thrive in the joy of living.
Let us come back to the wisdom of our inner being, let us choose conscious connecting with all beings, let us thrive in the joy of living conscious life.
May humanity awaken to its Divinity!
May this Planet be blessed!
Premlatha Rajkumar
©PRajkumar 2017

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